ronito said:Today's Sesame Street will be brought to you no one. So stay tuned kids for the "The O'reilly Factor for kids!" , followed by "Why liberals hate freedom and how to report them." after that "Why corporate greed is good for poor people." Remember kids, leader loves you!
Since you mentioned it, I looked up the contents of that show (available here as RealAudio):FINALFANTASYDOG said:I remember right before the election this American Life ( : The Extreme Radio Enjoyment) came out with a "swing set" hour show that basically was an hour long endorsement of good ole John Kerry, They've had countless other political shows like that in the past.
Care to explain how that amounts to an "hour-long endorsement of John Kerry?"This American Life said:A journey through the minds of undecided voters. For months through the Swift Boat ads, the convention speeches, the debates we tracked a few of these voters to find out why they just can't make up their minds. Plus, a story of someone courting undecided voters, and another about people trying to sabotage undecided voters (and everyone else).
Prologue. Host Ira Glass asks how it's possible that some people still don't know what they think of President Bush just a few days before election day.
Act One. My Buddy, Hackett. Ira spends hours talking to James Hackett, known to his friends, and by the end of the story, to Ira, as Gig. He's a doctor in Cincinnati and a lifelong Republican. But he hates President Bush. Pretty much hates everything he's done since taking office. Over several months, he sways from Kerry to Bush and back again, sometimes with Ira's help, before coming to a final decision. One that probably surprises even him. (18 1/2 minutes)
Act Two. Cold-Cock the Vote. Jack Hitt tells tales of voter sabotage so outrageous that we swear will get you yelling at your radio and calling for people's heads. (14 minutes)
Act Three. One Son, One Vote. Matthew Chasteen is eighteen. He's joined the Navy, and he's voting for the first time. He doesn't know what to do. His brother David, an Iraq war veteran, is pushing Kerry, even though he'd been an enthusiastic Bush supporter last time around. His mom, Monica, is probably voting for Bush. She's in the Air Force Reserve and is headed to Iraq next year. Matthew is mostly confused by both their arguments. Producer Sarah Koenig goes to watch the first presidential debate with him, and suddenly Matthew makes his mind up, with a vengeance. (14 minutes)
Act Four. He's Got Legs. This American Life producer Lisa Pollak goes canvassing with her friend Andy in Ohio. He's a first time door-knocker for MoveOn. He knows what to say to Kerry supporters. He knows what to say to Bush supporters. But he's a little hazy about how to handle the undecideds. (9 minutes)
Song: "Decision or Collision," ZZ Top
Willco said:
StoOgE said:2) PBS rocks, so does NPR. PBS produces kids programming that is actually good for kids. Things that stimulate their imaginations, teach them, etc. Nick Jr, Disney Kids, Cartoon Network are nothing but mind numbing shit... sure kids like it, but given an option kids would eat candy all day long too..
The Shadow said:
FINALFANTASYDOG said:At least in U.K. and Japan if you don't watch it, you don't have to pay.
I vehemently disagree. Also, I note the complete lack of "NPR" in your response.ToxicAdam said:I don't think there will be much to worry about.
The CPB is underfire only because it's not a 24 hour bullhorn of conservative viewpoints like FOX and others.
dskillzhtown said:In Houston, we probably have the worst PBS channel in the country. No original programming, all crap produced by some other channel. It is on a college campus, but no student produced content. Basically it really sucks. And then they have the nerve to ask for money every month. If there was anything worth paying for, I would but seriously there is nothing on PBS that you can't get anywhere else. Actually the Sesame Street stuff is about it.
Not that I agree with this move, but PBS really needs to step their game up. Every other channel has had to, why do they feel they are different?