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Bush owned by Irish reporter

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if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
"wait! let me tell you some more about Americans! We like puppies! Yes! Small, furry, cute puppies! And, and.. We like ice cream! Tasty, sweet ice cream! The kind of ice cream you like to eat while watching baseball, or cricket...or whatever you guys do for fun over here!"

yes the leader of the "free" world....
Blackace said:
"wait! let me tell you some more about Americans! We like puppies! Yes! Small, furry, cute puppies! And, and.. We like ice cream! Tasty, sweet ice cream! The kind of ice cream you like to eat while watching baseball, or cricket...or whatever you guys do for fun over here!"

yes the leader of the "free" world....

He really said that?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Idle Will Kill said:
He really said that?

No sorry.... but close.... the worst thing is you thought he could have said that!
I don't see what the big deal was other than she cut him off a few times and he got pissed about that. She didn't really grill him too hard.






I agree that Bush is an idiot and that the American media lobs "softballs" at him, but I generally dislike the tone of the article. Questioning the merit and effects of the war is entirely reasonable, but using "four dead people here" and "one decapitated prisoner there" as the primary examples of why things are FUBAR with the whole situation doesn't make much sense to me. It's war (admittedly a war that we shouldn't be in) for fuck's sake, people are expected to die.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Socreges said:
No, no! Ignore! He has a BOOK coming out!

It was a she :p Carol Coleman is a she.

Funny thing is, she's a relative rookie in RTE's ranks, and wasn't even that good in this interview (imo). They should have sent one of the more senior reporters..they SERIOUSLY would have made him cry, probably.
gofreak said:
It was a she :p Carol Coleman is a she.

Funny thing is, she's a relative rookie in RTE's ranks, and wasn't even that good in this interview (imo). They should have sent one of the more senior reporters..they SERIOUSLY would have made him cry, probably.

I think the White House allowed her for that reason.


Socreges said:
They let a woman interview the President? Oh, oh.. the... very idea... oh, how terrible.

If it was Clinton, I'm sure he would've charmed her so bad it would've been funny...


LakeEarth said:
If it was Clinton, I'm sure he would've charmed her so bad it would've been funny...



Strange contradiction in the interview :

Bush first states that people who join terrorist groups are likely to be people who've lost all hope and just want to step up to desperately achieve freedom for their families and fellow countrymen. Later on, when talking about the terrorist attacking inside Iraq, opposing the invading forces and the interim government, he says (paraphrased) : "This just shows how far THE ENEMY (my emphasis) will go to oppose the advancement of freedom !"

Terrorists (aka freedom fighters ?) opposing freedom ? I'm no politician, and no intellectual, but even I can clearly tell that Bush himself hasn't really thought things through at all when dealing with "terrorists". And being seriously questioned by a foreign journalist (who wasn't spoon-fed which questions were allowed or not), it becomes obvious that his concept of peace and freedom (also the qualities he uses to define God btw) just doesn't make much sense at all.. It's world politics and I'll never understand it, but how can anyone claim that Bush knows what he's doing after seeing an interview like this ?


This "person" is trully stupid. For god's sake he owns himself in this interview. I lost a couple of hundrend brain cells watching that interview (they suicided).



The female reporter argues that the world is a more dangerous place because she saw 4 dead soldiers on tv the other day. And you actually think she won this debate?

The President owned her up and down the street. Let's see 4 dead soldiers on tv versus ordinary people jumping out of a hundred story window to plummet and have their heads crack open on the street because fire was burning off their flesh and smoke was choking them to death. Which is a more compelling image in the minds of Americans? We got to watch 3,000 innocent civilians die a brutal death on 911. That's what I'd call a dangerous world and that was a world that nobody could blame on President Bush's policies.

American voters believe America is a safer place according to the June NYTimes/CBS poll...


(Registered Voters)

Safer from terrorism 53%
Less safe 28%
No effect 15%

I don't know what this Irish reporter is smoking, but it's pretty obvious that 3,000 civilians dying in a single day sounds like a lot more dangerous world than 4 soldiers dying in a single day while at war.

It was a pretty tough interview, but the President had all the right answers ready for her. Excellent interview. The questions posed to the President should be tough. It gave him an opportunity to make excellent points. Maybe some common sense will eventually start to get through to the heads of most Europeans.


Junior Member
I watched the video (didn't read the article), and I think Bush handled himself pretty well considering the circumstances he had to spin.

I think the interviewer missed out alot of important things she could say in responce to his answers, like bringing up the reports that says terrorism has actually factually got worse, and independant studies that have shown it's helped Al Qaeda recruit much more, etc..

Ill Saint

The interviewer asked some touchy questions (by US standards anyway), but I don't think she particularly "owned" Bush at all. It's pretty hard to own a guy who stubbornly spews the same old rhetoric and propaganda regardless of what you ask him.

It's utterly mindnumbing stuff, and it would be comical if it weren't so damn worrying.


Junior Member
I don't know, maybe the fact I live in the UK, and I'm used to such questioning as pretty damn average, this really doesn't seem very spectacular to me.

People as coherant, and as charming as Bill Clinton was fried to Hell just the other day on the BBC, as well as Tony Blair who seems to get such a grilling everyday. I remember before the Iraq War, ITV put him in a studio with like 11 hugely anti-war members of the public, who had their brothers/sisters die on 9/11 and have sons deployed in Iraq, who who all basically SHOUTING questions at him, in fury, and then at the end they all slow hand-clapped him.
Bushie doesn't need anyone to own him

He comes pre-owned when he cannot speak with intelligence, and refuses to pronounce words correctly.


It seems to me that the U.S is the only Western democracy where the leader is 'softballed' at all in interviews. I mean in Canada the federal politicians basically get mobbed by reporters as soon as they leave the House of Commons, it's called a 'scrum' and I think it's kinda unique actually.


This happens pretty much daily and you better believe that the Prime Minister does not get off lightly in these things.

Hah Good old Chretien got into shouting and shoving matches with reporters regularly.


Ah, they don't make them like him anymore.


Ugh, President Bush is a horrible speaker, but at least he has the right intentions and overall idea. I wish he'd mention more that their objective isn't to stop terrorism with assassination and fighting, but with the temptations of freedom and control that come with a western styled government.


Scary Euro Man
Throw me in with the this-is-not-ownage crowd. Looks like a pretty standard interview for this neck of the woods, if not a little on the mild side, and I suppose a lot of people are basing their owned/not-owned decisions on whether they agree with the party line that Bush trotted out in the interview. If you want genuine ownage, try listening to the Today show on Radio 4 on a regular basis - you still get some actually tough interviews there.

hooo said:
I wish he'd mention more that their objective isn't to stop terrorism with assassination and fighting, but with the temptations of freedom and control that come with a western styled government.

His speech-writers want him to, but so far he hasn't been able to stop laughing while saying it.


Azih said:
Hah Good old Chretien got into shouting and shoving matches with reporters regularly.


Ah, they don't make them like him anymore.
*wipes away tear* Ah, yes. That picture always gets to me.


Azih said:
It seems to me that the U.S is the only Western democracy where the leader is 'softballed' at all in interviews. I mean in Canada the federal politicians basically get mobbed by reporters as soon as they leave the House of Commons, it's called a 'scrum' and I think it's kinda unique actually.

That's because the government controls press access to the president very strictly here. It didn't used to be like this, but the current regime has really clamped down. If a reporter does anything to offend the president, he is never allowed near the president again. If he's really offensive to the president, the White House dogs are called out to say what a terrible human being the reporter is.

Of course, since the media here is mostly controlled by large corporations, and since these large corporations have benefited greatly from the current regime, the corporations themselves are pretty good at keeping their reporters "in check."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm going to have to show this to everyone at work on Monday, I employed at the Democratic National Committee based here in Austin, TX so this video will get tons of cheers, that Carole Coleman really knew how to get under his skin. Even if your a Bush supporter, you at least have to give it to her for being a good journalist.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Volt said:
And being seriously questioned by a foreign journalist (who wasn't spoon-fed which questions were allowed or not)

The Whitehouse did have the questions in advance. Not sure if they told her not to use any of them, but the fact that this was supposed to be a prepared Bush makes it even worse.

Oh, and I completely agree that Jeremy Paxman would shred him to pieces!


Unconfirmed Member
Che said:
This "person" is trully stupid. For god's sake he owns himself in this interview. I lost a couple of hundrend brain cells watching that interview (they suicided).
I suppose they were the brain cells that told you that "suicide" is not a verb.


Scary Euro Man
For the record, it is a verb in some languages - it's quite common for native French speakers to assume it is in English as well, for example.


iapetus said:
His speech-writers want him to, but so far he hasn't been able to stop laughing while saying it.

How can you not think a place of freedom in the arab world would moderate their culture? It won't be overnight, but it is a long term solution unlike killing.
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