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Bush plans to attack Iran in June...

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Burger said:
Not doing anything about what ?? What exactly is Iran doing to my country to make us want to go and bomb it ?? (Provided we had bombs in the first place).

If Iran came out and said "Right, we are going to build some huge bombs so we can blow away those cocks in New Zealand", mabey, just mabey we would do something about THAT. But they haven't said any such thing, and they haven't said any such thing to the U.S. either.

It's funny to see a country like North Korea baring it's ass to the US and saying "Fuck you we have nuclear weapons, we love them and we love making them" yet you are not planning on invading them anytime soon are you ?

In the mean time, we will continue to send medics to the counties you invade to sew the arms back onto the bodies of the innocent civilians you blow up.

Why do you guys have sex with sheep in NZ? Generalizations are fun and I don't have to time to not offend anyone.
well if we attack iran i will hate Bush for the rest of my life, we would be fighting 3 wars at once, plus we are going to loose the one in iraq so there will most definitely be a draft

America & Allies>All

This is not racial in anyway


Cyan said:
I voted for Kerry. I at least tried to effect positive change. What have you done besides whine?

What do you expect me to do ? I cannot vote in your elections.

What have I done ? Nothing, thats what. I live in a peaceful corner of the world that has no interest in U.S foreign policy towards the middle east, except in our relation to the United Nations.

What I can do is comment on what your country is doing. My comment is that "Your country should not do what it's thinking about doing."

Do you not agree ?


Hopefully. And hopefully Iran is crazy enough to retaliate with nukes. Bye bye USA, bye bye Iran. It's a win win situation for the rest of the world! :p


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
jett said:
Hopefully. And hopefully Iran is crazy enough to retaliate with nukes. Bye bye USA, bye bye Iran. It's a win win situation for the rest of the world! :p

Yeah we hope you die in a flaming hell storm as well...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
BooM235689 said:
well if we attack iran i will hate Bush for the rest of my life,

So if he doesn't attack Iran, will you hate him for only part of your life? if so how long?


Cyan said:
If you had put it that way, I would have agreed with you. Attacking Iran is sheer idiocy. However, I have nothing to do with said attacks, and I refuse to be lumped in with the Bible-thumpers who elected Bush.
Until nuclear winter sets in. Yeah, we love you too.

And then Australia, Brazil and New Zealand will the new superpowers!


Count of Concision
lockii said:
And then Australia, Brazil and New Zealand will the new superpowers!

Hah, they should have this on the SAT as one of those "which does not fit?" questions. :D

(i.e., isn't Brazil in terrible shape economically?)


This is just a retarded statement - whomever made it. This isn't Lord of the Rings where we can get some ghost soldiers to come and fight the battle for us. IF there is going to be an attack against Iran, we'd arrive only to find craters where the reactors were because Israel would have beaten us to the punch for certain.
I wonder about the backfire at some point. America are the bad guys of the new century. I guess it can be hard to see when you fight "terrorism".


Cyan said:
However, I have nothing to do with said attacks, and I refuse to be lumped in with the Bible-thumpers who elected Bush.

So now it's nothing but Bible-thumpers that elected Bush? And you're giving Burger shit for generalizing?


SteveMeister said:
I don't buy it. The last thing Bush wanted was a government dominated by Iran-backed Shi'ites, but election results show that's what Iraq is getting...

Firest0rm said:
The reality of the situation though is that Shi'ites did get majority because many parties didnt get enough votes to secure seats. Therefore the remaining seats were redistributed to parties that had more votes. Instead of 132 seats out of 275 (48%), they were bumped up to 140 seats (52%), so they got majority. However this majority does not give them complete control of the government because they needed 2/3rds of the seats which even with the 56% that he claims would not have been acheived.

Yep. The guys who drafted the Iraqi transitional constitution already knew this was going to happen, and planned for it. This is why the transitional constitution requires 2/3s majority in the National Assembly to elect the president and the two deputy presidents of the Presidency Council.


Article 36.

(A) The National Assembly shall elect a President of the State and two Deputies. They shall form the Presidency Council, the function of which will be to represent the sovereignty of Iraq and oversee the higher affairs of the country. The election of the Presidency Council shall take place on the basis of a single list and by a two-thirds majority of the members’ votes. The National Assembly has the power to remove any member of the Presidency Council of the State for incompetence or lack of integrity by a three-fourths majority of its members’ votes. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency Council, the National Assembly shall, by a vote of two-thirds of its members, elect a replacement to fill the vacancy.

The 2/3rds majority requirement virtually guarantees the president and the deputies will have to be moderates that compromise and appeal to (at the very least) the Shiites and the Kurds.

Similarly the final constitution will be voted on by a general referendum later this year, and requires both an outright majority and fewer than 3 regions with a 2/3rds majority voting no to pass.

Article 61.

(A) The National Assembly shall write the draft of the permanent constitution by no later than 15 August 2005.

(B) The draft permanent constitution shall be presented to the Iraqi people for approval in a general referendum to be held no later than 15 October 2005. In the period leading up to the referendum, the draft constitution shall be published and widely distributed to encourage a public debate about it among the people.

(C) The general referendum will be successful and the draft constitution ratified if a majority of the voters in Iraq approve and if two-thirds of the voters in three or more governorates do not reject it.

This condition also virtually guarantees that the authors of the final constitution will have to satisfy the Sunnis as well as the Kurds.

Whoever wrote the Iraqi Transitional Constitution did a very good job overall.


Quick question for everyone. If there is a draft and you are selected, will you go? Or will you opt to be a conscientious objector in which they find something else for you to do (ie pick up trash and visit old people) for your term of service?

Edit: Forgot my answer. I think I'd actually go. Mainly because I'd feel as though I would be essentially doing "good" as it were. As much as I'm opposed to war (it's terrible) I would feel like the ends justify the means. I am am a huge libertarian and as MLK once wrote, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Sure there are a lot of injustices commited by and large here at home and the rest of the world by the government I'm opting to fight for, but I could later use their training to fight against them in the future. I can aide this evil in defeating another evil and later turn on the evil I helped.

When is there going to be a war in North Korea... there's a regime I'd fight with all my heart and soul.


Hates quality gaming
Drozmight said:
Quick question for everyone. If there is a draft and you are selected, will you go?
Christ No.

I didn't sit through 20 years of schooling and earn a degree so that I could be shipped a thousand miles away and die.


Hates quality gaming
Well, they'd have to make me an invulnerable officer to consider it. Iraqi carbombs rip through the flesh of infantry and officers alike, right?

Otherwise, it's off to see my old high school band instructor for an interview to build my CO case as to why I'll guaranteeably fuck everything up if I'm in a field of battle.


Yeah... that's true. Here's one of my favorite Socrates quote's though:

"Someone will say: And are you not ashamed, Socrates, of a course of life which is likely to bring you to an untimely end? To him I may fairly answer: There you are mistaken: a man who is good for anything ought not to calculate the chance of living or dying; he ought only to consider whether in doing anything he is doing right or wrong - acting the part of a good man or of a bad...."

That would be the basis of my own decision for the most part. We'd both be doing good either way, but I think the greater good would be to go.


Drozmight said:
Yeah... that's true. Here's one of my favorite Socrates quote's though:

"Someone will say: And are you not ashamed, Socrates, of a course of life which is likely to bring you to an untimely end? To him I may fairly answer: There you are mistaken: a man who is good for anything ought not to calculate the chance of living or dying; he ought only to consider whether in doing anything he is doing right or wrong - acting the part of a good man or of a bad...."

That would be the basis of my own decision for the most part. We'd both be doing good either way, but I think the greater good would be to go.

Socrates was saying that the only thing that matters is if what you're doing is good or bad. So that Socrates quote is irrelevant. And this because in my humble opinion getting killed to serve to oil corporations and weapons dealers is neither good or bad. It's stupid.


Was it the lead pipes?

Now what are you going to do with some lead pipes? The mother fockers got some yellow cake!



I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Azih said:
I'm pretty sure what Ritter is alluding to is a bombing campaign, not an invasion. Bombing campaigns seem to be a real easy sell to Americans.
I hate bombing campaigns. The fucking Americans did it in iraq to help people, yet look what happened to Iraq. They went and fucking bombed so many times for so many years and not once did they ever hurt saddam, instead, they just killed thousands of Iraqi people, including children and not once did they come close to saddam. My grandparents suffered for many years during those air raids, thousands of their friends died. hardly any Hussain family were killed though.


Queen of Denmark
I still don't see what the rationale for an Iran invasion would be. Even if they have nuclear capacities and the U.S. can prove (with real intelligence, this time) that they aim to use them deviously instead of for peaceful purposes, isn't the next step U.N. sanctions and inspections, rather than all-out war? Remember, that worked (coupled with a few other measures) quite effectively for Iraq, contrary to pre-war intelligence.


This isn't happening. No money. No resources. No soldiers. It's not happening.

And if it does, them man should be impeached.


Party Pooper
SPECIAL DELIVERY - mc frontalot

I tried to go clean from protesting but I'm a recidivist
my government behaving with unlimited wickedness
in the interest of peace is how a liar wages war
then clamors for more.
I wish we had elections every day
wave the ballot in the air like a sign when I say
that democracy delivered by the bomb and the gun
is terror elsewhere in the world I'm from

do you cheer for the once-and-for-all of an enemy
whose hand our man don was on in '83
but who now exemplifies all evil
that's what you get for shaking hands with people
who represent the vast and sinister interests of industry
we protect the free trade world, so don't dare try to stop us
we deliver them bullets and sell them their coffins

and I wish that I could afford the ear of Bush the second
I'd ask is it your favorite philosopher who recommended
invading and exterminating all who defy us,
crying out justice but seeking out triumphs?
wasn't your christ unbeloved of empires?
one nailed his ass to a post; he expired!
a terrorist, as roman evidence showed
put down like a retard on the death row
in texas, I guess "tough luck," right George?
ain't that how every war gets scored?
big gun wins, winner gets a free turn
enemy after enemy burns
are you listening sir? or did your mind drift
to the next country in your axis
to all the cool bombs drops you get to call
delivery fresh from the 4th reich to y'all
Blackace said:
So if he doesn't attack Iran, will you hate him for only part of your life? if so how long?

I actually will hate bush for the rest of my life because he attacked iraq but if he attaks iran i will hate him more for the rest of my life.


Cyan said:
Whereas you guys are about to sit there whining like assholes, and not doing anything.

Better to whine like an asshole than invade like an asshole.
Anyway, my take is that the U.S. is "allowing" some of these leaks in order for people like Hersh and Ritter to print their scoops, which in turn enables the topic of Iran to be raised willingly and at length, which of course allows the U.S. to take the high ground and deny any military build-up while turning around with a "But now that you mention it....". The sensationalism of these accounts, or at least whatever sensionalism is assigned them by the media, makes whatever course of action the U.S. eventually takes less severe by comparison. At the very least, if we assume all these claims are true, the amount of hand-wringing and screeching on both sides of the partisan ballcourt will pretty much numb the general populace into submission anyway.


human5892 said:
I still don't see what the rationale for an Iran invasion would be. Even if they have nuclear capacities and the U.S. can prove (with real intelligence, this time) that they aim to use them deviously instead of for peaceful purposes, isn't the next step U.N. sanctions and inspections, rather than all-out war? Remember, that worked (coupled with a few other measures) quite effectively for Iraq, contrary to pre-war intelligence.

God, i really hope there arent sanctions. Lets cripple their economy to give them a much bigger motive to sell their nuclear arms to the highest bidder!! that sounds like a good idea...

A war with Iran is just stupid on numerous levels, arghh. If this ends up being true, my little respect for Bush that was gained because of those tapes, will go back down to nothing.

Musashi Wins!

I don't see how a war in Iran would be strategically possible right now. Wouldn't there have to be a draft first? I heard recruiting was at an all time low (for obvious reasons). I'm sure it'd be good for you younger folks though, having a war and all. Wash that nancy-pantsy anime right out of your system!

(yea, j/k the whole idea is horrendous in case that's not clear.)



Because it's trying to read his mind. The simplest explanation is that his opinions changed as his observations changed. The article is a whole ball of conspiracy theories rolled up into one.

Was it revenge? Greed? I mean, the writer is grasping at straws. The simple fact IS that Ritter has always been right, and it's not surprising since he's always situated himself in the best position to make unbiased observations. I guess the writer can't accept that.


Musashi Wins! said:
I don't see how a war in Iran would be strategically possible right now. Wouldn't there have to be a draft first? I heard recruiting was at an all time low (for obvious reasons). I'm sure it'd be good for you younger folks though, having a war and all. Wash that nancy-pantsy anime right out of your system!

(yea, j/k the whole idea is horrendous in case that's not clear.)

Attacking Iran != War with Iran. The US has conducted strategic air attacks against MANY countries as a slap on the wrist in the past. Any attack against Iran would be punitive in nature - "you liked building those nuclear plants, good then you can build them again after we blow them up".


Rocket9 said:
So wait...Ben Laden is from Soudan and Irak and Afghanistan AND Iran?

New GAF policy suggestion: If you cannot properly spell the countries in question, you are not permitted to take part in GAF political threads :p
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