Maleko Saint
Positive seller feedback for Maleko Saint!
Super quick and easy transaction.
Positive Buyer feedback for Fracas. Very friendly and payment was quick!
Positive seller feedback for Maleko Saint!
Super quick and easy transaction.
Anyone interested in a $50 Steam Wallet code for $40?
Going to take advantage of Best Buy's promotion but really don't want the Steam Wallet card.
Anyone can use the Steam Wallet cards regardless of location, it'll convert to your local currency.
If so PM me.
Positive feedback for seller Mozendo.
Positive seller feedback for rj118.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PC Collector's Edition (Key)
$10 via Paypal.
Slightly off topic, but what envelopes do you guys use for games? Ive only sold a few things online before and I used some cheap yellow ones before, but I got a comment saying they were "cheap" . I was wondering what some good ones would be to buy, as I plan on selling a lot in the near future.
You used plain paper envelopes? Yikes.
I just use bubble mailers. They are anywhere from .25-.50 each at dollar stores. Even staples sells them for a decent price.
I typically use dollar store bubble mailers. Pack of three for a buck, at my local one anyway, and fits any normally-sized game case.
Super positive seller feedback for deadlastPositive feedback for Cactus.
Fast delivery and a pleasure to buy from.
WTS: Forza 5 digital code $20
Paypal only, PM if interested.
Positive buyer feedback for tokyostomp. Quick and painless payment.