Fatal Futanari

PM me if you need any info, pictures, want to buy, or want to haggle.
SHIPPING IS INCLUDED (cheapest way). Currently only shipping to the Continental US. If else where, ask first.
Prices are not firm!
- Darker Than Black: Season 2 [Blu-ray/DVD] - $25
- Gungrave Complete Series Limited Edition DVD Set (sealed, with mousepad) - $60
- Heaven's Lost Property Forte: Season 2 DVD (Limited Edition) (some damage) - SOLD
- Kaleido Star: Season 1 (Funimation release) - $15
- Kaleido Star: Season 2 & OVA's (Funimation release) - $15
- Kiddy Grade Complete Series Limited Edition DVD Set - $28
- Leviathan - The Last Defense - Bluray Complete Collection (Eng Subs, Sealed) $25
- Maria Watches Over Us: Season 2 - Printemps DVD Set (Sealed) - $15
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Complete Collection (sealed) - SOLD
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Complete Collection - OFFER
- Revolutionary Girl Utena Complete Limited Edition Collection (Sealed) - OFFER
- At The Gates - Flames of the End (sealed) - $5
TCG Misc
- Character Multipurpose Long Box Collection Z/X -Zillions of enemy X - $7.50
- Character Multipurpose Long Box Collection Z/X -Zillions of enemy X- Chitose Aoba - $7.50
- Character Multipurpose Long Box Collection - Z/X -Zillions of enemy X- Azumi Kagamihara - $7.50 - or take all three for $20 shipped
- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - Takanashi Rikka - 1/7 by Kotobukiya (sealed) - $95
- I Love Lucy: Ultimate Season One [Blu-ray]
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster PS4 case
- PayPal (family/friends payment or you pay fees)
- Cheap Weiss Schwarz cards or booster boxes! (English only)
- Cheap Super Sonico goodies
- The Girls of Freezing artbook
- King Conquer - 1776 CD
- Bible Black merch (DVDs, figures, posters, books, etc)