Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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Ghostbusters $45 shipped
Imperial Assault $55 shipped
Pokken Tournament with card (card is sealed) $40 shipped


Zero Time Dilemma 3ds (sealed) - $35 shipped

prices are for shipping in US


wtb TIS from humble montly, $2

it's $3.50 on sale meaning my friend can get me it for $2.62, figured I might as well ask in here to see if I can get a better deal~

edit: thanks gaf



Long live the queen ($4)

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale($4)

Paypal Only! Trying to buy the Sonic Humble bundle before it ends!
Steam Keys (From Humble Monthly; around 50% off based on current Steam Sale):
Planetary Annihilation TITANS $5
Wasted $4
Grey Goo: Definitive Edition $5
Hurtworld $5
Satellite Reign $4
The Red Solstice $4
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls $4
Cthulhu Realms $2
Wasted $4

Paypal F/F preferred or, if possible, trade for anything on my wishlist

E3 Packs ($1-2 each):
Armoured Warfare
Blade & Soul
EVEOnline (4 Ship Skins)
Neverwinter Adventurer (Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title)
GUNS UP! (Starter Pack + TV Head)
War Thunder (M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals)
Pathfinder Adventures (40 Chests)
SMITE (Bellona and Furiona Bellona Exclusive Skin, Kukulkan and Typhoon Kukulkan skin)
Warframe [PC] (Booster Pack)

PM if interested...


Large lot of UV codes, all US but Defiance Season 3 which is UK.

5$ per season code, 2$ for the movie - talk to me about discounts if you take multiple codes!

[Paypal F&F or 4%]


Here's an overview:

Entourage - The Movie
Defiance S3 UK
Falling Skies S4
Girls S3
The Last Ship S1
Shameless S4
Orange is the New Black S2
Masters of Sex S2
The Vampire Diaries S5
The Vampire Diaries S6
The Originals S1
The Originals S2
Supernatural S10
Hannibal S3
Getting On S1
The Big Bang Theory S8
The Following S3
Manhattan S1
Defiance S2
Veep S3
Helix S2
Grimm S3
Justified S5
Justified S6
Looking S1
The Leftovers S1
Turn S1
Halt and Catch Fire S1
Banshee S2
Nurse Jackie S6
Outlander S1 Volume 1
House of Cards S3
The Newsroom S3
Boardwalk Empire S5
The Walking Dead S5
Olive Kitteridge (Miniseries)


Game of Thrones S4
The Knick S1
Person of Interest S4
Flash S1
Black Sails S1
Black Sails S2
Arrow S2
Arrow S3
The Blacklist S1
Silicon Valley S1
Gotham S1



Kentucky Route Zero
Satellite Reign
The Forest
Sunless Sea
Door Kickers
Read Only Memories
Broken Age
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director's Cut
DmC: Devil May Cry
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Frozen Synapse
The Last Federation
Steam Marines
The Stanley Parable
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Generations
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Aliens vs Predator

Looking for:
WTB Steam Keys

I was hoping to get Steam keys for one or all of the following:

Alien: Isolation
The Talos Principle
Cities Skylines

I know these are in a good sale, but I don't know if any have been in bundles or anything, so I figured I would see if I could get them from someone here for $7-8. I would like to use a PayPal gift for payment, though I am open to other potential options if it would help.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.


Willing To Sell

Steam - $50.00 Gift Card (4 Available)

$40.00 Each

I accept Amazon Gift card, send me a PM if you are interested, thanks.

Friendly reminder to please read the rules in the OP. In the future, don't make another listing so quickly. Wait 150 posts and edit your existing post with the new items.
WTS Zero Time Dilemma: Limited Watch Bonus Edition 3DS Amazon Order $50
WTS $100 Steam Wallet $88
WTS Summon Night 5 Digital Code $15
WTS Vendillion Clique (Morningtide) $30 each (have 4)

Prices include shipping. Paypal F&F or buyer pays fees.

Ocarina of Time - 25
Wavebird w/receiver (platinum) - 25

Wii/Wii U
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Steelbook Edition, Gamestop sticker on back of outer sleeve) - 37
Zack and Wiki (Sealed) - 12
Snoopy's Grand Adventure - 10

Katamari Damacy and Suikoden 3 (sticker on paper cover) - 10 for both


All prices are in US$ and include shipping.

Paypal only please. F&F or pay fees. I'm willing to accept offers on all items, just PM me.

Dell XPS 13 9343-2727SLV Core i5 128GB Signature Edition Laptop (Non-touch), like new - $500
I basically only used this for school, but I've recently bought a laptop with beefier specs to double as a gaming laptop. It barely has any signs of usage. Comes with all accessories.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Collector's Edtion PC, very good - $60
The skinny is, it's missing the CE codes and the activation for the game. Also, as shown in the picture below, the collector's box came scuffed from the SE store. Otherwise, everything else inside is pristine, including the dragon figure, art book, game disc, and soundtrack (unopened).

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector's Edition PS3, very good - $100
Everything is included and lightly used. The box feels a little used (rough), but there's no real damage or scuffs on anything.

Wolf Link Amiibo, New - $15

Physical Games
Like New
Until Dawn, PS4 - $10
Halo Master Chief Collection, X1 - $10
Dragon Age Inquisition, PS4 - $10
Sunset Overdrive, X1 - $7
Tales of the Abyss, 3DS - $14
Tales of Xillia LE, PS3 - $18 (light crease on the box)
Tales of Graces f, PS3 - $18
Tales of Vesperia, 360 - $15

Good - majority used and from GameStop, so they may have stickers. I'll do B2G1 free on these. 2 game minimum for shipping. Whole lot for $15
Lost Odyssey, 360 - $10
Ninja Gaiden II, 360 - $2
Gears of War 3, 360 - $3
Halo Reach, 360 - $3
Halo 4, 360 - $3
Halo ODST, 360 - $3

Game Keys

Populous - $1
Mirror's Edge - $2
Medal of Honor - $2
Dead Space - $2
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition - $2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising - $2
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box - $2
Battlefield 3 - $2

Neighbours from Hell Compilation - $1
Magicka + 2 DLC - $1
Starseed Pilgrim - $1
Fez - $2
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians - $1
PixelJunk Eden - $2
Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack - $2
Crusader Kings II + African + Norse + Russian Unit Packs - $3
Race the Sun - $1
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - $2
The Bridge - $1
Viking: Battle for Asgard - $2
Company of Heroes 2
Star Wars Starfighter - $2
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - $2
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - $2
Supreme Commander 2 - $1
Startopia - $1
Freedom Planet - $1
Coin Crypt - $1
Retro City Rampage - $1
Duet - $1
SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access + Joiner Micro Deck - $1
Mountain - $1
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket Bundle - $1
Classic RPG compilation packs. Offers are welcome.

Monkey Island, Grim Fandango & Psychonauts £25


Ultimate Fantasy Pack - Very Good - £20


Dungeons & Dragons Masterpiece Collection - Very Good - £30


Dungeons & Dragons Goldbox Collector's Edition - Good - £44.99


Dreamfall Limited Edition - Very Good - 14.99


Learn Japanese Pack £15 - New


Thanks for viewing.


4th of July Sale! Cheap $100, just want these to go to a good home that will actually use it instead of collecting dust!


1) "Last Gen" 3DS XL with: $100
- 2 Games: Pokemon Omega Ruby and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Accessories: USB Charging Cable + Car Outlet Adapter + 2 Stylus + 3 Game Cases + Screen Cleaning Cloth + Earphones + Travel Case (all of above fits in case)
- Have seen very little use, only two games. Want to sell because its just gathering dust. No scratches at all, just dust particles in picture.

2) 64 GB 3rd Generation iPAD, MINT condition. $100
(no box)


Digital Copy of Assassin's Creed Liberation (PS3 or 360 is fine)
Sunset Overdrive Digital Download
Forza Horizon 2 Digital
Forza 5 Digital
Halo 5 Digital Copy



Got a message from a guy a couple nights ago but he never followed up, so I'ma post it again: Hurtworld on Steam from the Humble Bundle for $4. F&F on paypal, please.
US Seller, accepting Paypal F&F or you pay the fees. Shipping to the continental 48, and all prices include shipping. If you are interested or have any questions please PM me.


Gold Mario Amiibo, still in package but the box is somewhat bent. $30

Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works $60
Grantland Quarterly Volumes 1&2 $85
Books are in great condition, flipped through a couple times and that's it.

Lot of assorted North American Yo-Kai Watch Medals. Series 1, includes legendary Shogunyan medal $30

Digital Devil Saga Integral (Soundtrack) $65
Super Meat Boy "Nice to Meat You", signed by Danny B $25 Sold
Gitaroo Man Soundtrack (sealed) $30
Rhythm Heaven Fever Vocal Collection $20
Aside from the Gitaroo Man soundtrack, all CDs are in very good condition

Gyakuten Saiban playing cards, sealed. $30
Club Nintendo NA playing cards. Platinum Reward, Animal Crossing, Mario Party decks. $15 each, $35 for all 3

Snowball USB mic with Pop Filter $55
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Watch, like new $30
MGS Peace Walker PSP case with MSF screen protector $15
Pokemon Black and White Art Folio (Opened but in good condition) $8

Novation Launchpad, 2012 model (just the Launchpad no software included) $50

Cards Against Humanity lot, including Expansions 1 and 2, the Christmas pack and the three Kwanzaa packs. Sealed. $40

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei volumes 1-3 (English) $20

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei Official Fan/Guide Books (Original and Zoku) $30

Humble Bundle Codes

The Red Solstice $3
Cthulhu Realms-Full Version $2
Satellite Reign $4
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls $3
Desktop Dungeons $3
Knights of Pen & Paper $2
Life is Feudal: Your Own $5

$1 Humble Codes
Cortex Command
Starseed Pilgrim
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Total War: Rome II- Caesar in Gaul (DLC)
Swords and Soldiers II (WiiU)
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (3DS)
Retro City Rampage DX (3DS)
Superfight Closed Beta Access
Superfight The Joiner Micro Deck
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Survive in Space
Cobi Treasure Deluxe
Please Don't Touch Anything
Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon

From the E3 Digital Humble Bundle, all codes are $1 each, redeemable through their respective games

WildStar E3 pack
Warframe PC Booster Pack
Smite- Bellona and Furiona Bellona
Paladins- Beta Key and more.
Guns Up! Starter Pack and TV Head


For Sale, Local Pick up in North Jersey Only:

Xbox One Console, 500gb Day One Edition with Day One Controller.

Console is practically brand new. I just done use it anymore. Comes with Fifa 14, Dead Rising 3, and Forza 5.

Looking for $200 cash picked up.




PayPal Friends & Family
$50 Steam Wallet Gift Card

Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Membership

$50 iTunes Gift Card

$20 PSN Gift Card | $50 PSN Gift Card

$25 Xbox Gift Card | $50 Xbox Gift Card

$20 eShop Gift Card

$20 Gift Card



Uncharted 4

Willing to pay $35 for digital, $40 (shipped to US48) for physical. Physical copy must be near mint and cib.


I have a black wii u (32gb) for sale w/ a 64gb memory card. Asking $210 shipped. very good condition, little to no scratches on the screen

I have two video cards and need to sell.

First one is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 FE. This is SEALED in the box and has never been used.

I am asking $470 Shipped for it, im not looking to make any money on it, just want to get my money back


Second card is a MSI GTX 980 TI w/ a EVGA Hybrid Cooler. Card works great and is currently naked in my rig because the EVGA chassis does not fit, but the actual cooler does fit. I have the Chassis for both the MSI and the EVGA along with the original heatsink. (if anyone is looking to purchase the whole rig, pm me for specs and price. (i5 6500, 8gb ram, 120ssd and 500gb HDD)

Asking $420 OBO on this.

If anyone can help me out on this that would be great

I've been posting some deals on Apple products lately and on one of the MacBooks I have posted I've been able to get an even better deal. This is the cheapest way to get a brand-new MacBook.

Apple MacBook Air - 13-inch, 1.6GHz i5, 256GB Retails for $1200 and I can get it right now for $800. Sent right to your house.

PayPal FF

Also, for those looking for a new phone and smartwatch I have this:

If anyone is looking for a deal on a Motorola X Pure Edition(32GB with little to no additional upgrades) and a Moto 360 Sport(I know there aren't many people looking) I can buy it at a discount and have it sent to you. You customize it and everything. Combined they retail for $600 but I can get it for $300. Just hit me up. I have positive feedback on here and you can use PayPal without FF if you want to pay the fees. Otherwise, it's PayPal FF.

Hard to beat a brand-new phone and smartwatch combo for $300.

Moto X Pure Edition

Moto 360 Sport



PC Components:

Asrock Extreme 4 Z77 Motherboard. Note: the GPU clips on the PCIE slots have snapped off (the ones you slide over after inserting the GPU). The slots work just fine though, you just need to secure the GPU to the case, which people do anyway. - $75 OBO

Steam Controller - $32

HyperX Cloud 2 headset. Barely worn (just couldn't get used to a wired one in my setup) - $60

Steam games:

Tomb Raider (Steam Gift) - $5

Playstation 4 stuff:
DOOM - 40. This has a tear on the back of the insert/ plastic so check the imgur album if that's the sort of thing that would bother you
The Technomancer (Code, not retail) - $40 or a trade for the PC version / Steam Wallet
Ratcher & Clank - $28
Bloodborne $ -25

Playstation Vita:

The Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Lionheart Edition - $28

Some Notes:

- I prefer Google Wallet, but will take Paypal if fees are covered.
- Open to offers, need to sell at least a few things in order to pay for rent.
- Some of the items look a little dusty in the pictures, but will be cleaned well before shipping, I had just lent out my compressed air can and am getting it back shortly, I can take more pictures upon request
-Many more images here: Pictures of pretty much everything on the list multiples for notables like the 980 Ti
- Shipping to US only, and most of the bigger items are rough estimates, I might have to adjust slightly if my estimate is way off (but will discuss and shouldn't be a big issue).



Some Humble Monthly bundle keys.

Satellite Reign - $5
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls - $4
The Red Solstice - $3
Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack - $2
Cthulhu Realms - $1

Payment via PayPal ff


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (from the price glitch) - $4
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