Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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I accept Paypal and Google Wallet.


WTB Resident Evil 5 for Steam

Testing waters, anyone interested in a 144hz monitor? I have a BenQ XL2411Z. Asking for $225 shipped. Only issue is that you will have to get a VESA mount for it because I don't have the original one. I have it wall mounted at the moment but I need my wall mount. 144hz, 1ms response time and 100x100mm VESA compatibility.


Selling a mix of PC Games. Accepting Paypal FF. On vacation at the moment so responses may be a little slower than usual but I will keep checking as often as I can.

Game Price Platform

Game Of Thrones $5 TellTale
Puzzle Agent $1 TellTale
Puzzle Agent $1 Steam
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon $2 Uplay
Psychonauts $1 Steam
Infinifactory $4 Steam
Fran Bow $3 Steam
Noct $1 Steam
Project Cars Limited Edition UPGRADE $2 Steam
Nova-111 $2 Steam
Avalance 2: Super Avalanche $2 Steam
SouthPark Stick of Truth $4 Steam
WarMachine Tactics Plus DLC $4 Steam
TransOcean: The Shipping Company $2 Steam
Dead Core $1 Steam
Bejeweled 3 $1 Steam
Dragon Age Origins $2 Steam
Grid $1 Steam
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers $1 Steam
Super Hexagon $1 Steam
Sid Meier's Pirates $1 Steam
The Showdown Effect $1 Steam
McPixel $1 Steam
Duet $2 Steam
Sentinels of the multiverse $2 Steam
GRAV $4 Steam
Switchcars $2 Steam
Forced $2 Steam
Nightsky $1 Steam
Gods Will Be Watching $1 Steam
Not A Hero $1 Steam
Ronin $1 Steam
Planetary Annihilation TITANS $4 Steam
1993 Space Machine $1 Steam
JumpJet Rex $1 Steam
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty $4 Steam
The Magic Circle $3 Steam
Renowned Explorers: International Society $3 Steam
Stikbold $3 Steam
This War Of Mine $4 Steam
I am bread $4 Steam
HurtWorld $4 Steam
SpaceCom $1 Steam
10000000 $1 Steam
TIS-100 $2 Steam
The Red Solstice $3 Steam
Avernum 2 $3 Steam
Cthulhu Realms $2 Steam
WTS from Humble Monthy Bundle:

Avernum 2 - $2.75
The Red Solstice - $2.25

Paypal or amazon. Discounts if multiples.
I also want CRAWL if someone has a key.
WTB: Overwatch Origins PC for ~$30

Plus Seller.

Steam keys, some Origin, some uPlay.

Discounts given if you buy multiple keys.

PayPal only (buyer pays fees).

Tier 1: $1 or less each
Affordable Space Adventures Wii U
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Burnout Paradise Ultimate (Origin)
Crysis 2 Maximum (Origin)
Dead Space
Dragon Age Origins
Eets Munchies
Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate
Ghost Recon
Giana Sisters Twisted
Greed Corp
Guacamelee Gold
Hitman 2 Silent
Hitman Codename 47
Incredible Van Helsing Complete
Life is Strange Episode 1
Mark of the Ninja
Medal of Honor (Origin)
Mighty Switch Force 3DS
Mini Ninjas
Quantum Conundrum
Rainbow Six
Rainbow Six 3 Gold
Rainbow Six Siege Multiplayer Beta
Rayman Origins
RE Revelations 2 Episode 1
Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC x2
Retro City Rampage DX
RPG Maker Adventurer's Journey DLC
RPG Maker Royal Tileset
RPG Maker Tyler Warren's First 50
RPG Maker VX Ace
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Wii U
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Star Wars Dark Forces
Star Wars Rebellion
Supreme Commander 2
Sweet Lily Dreams
The Swapper
Thief Gold
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride 1910 DLC
Titan Quest
Tomb Raider I
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Trine 2 Complete
Woah Dave! 3DS
X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Balance of Power

Tier 2: $2 or less each
A Virus named TOM
Beatbuddy Tale of the Guardians
Citizens of Earth Wii U
Command & Conquer 3 Red Alert 3 Uprising
Darksiders II
FEZ x2
Freedom Planet Wii U
Gunman Clive 3DS
Lara Croft Guardian of Light
Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel
Monaco What's Yours Is Mine
Moon Chronicles Episode 1 3DS
Nano Assault EX - Nintendo 3DS
OlliOlli 3DS
OlliOlli Wii U
Overlord, Overlord: Raising Hell, Rise of the Argonauts, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Retro City Rampage: Nintendo 3DS Theme
Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third
Rocketbirds Hardboiled
Runbow Wii U
Sportsball Wii U
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Dark Forces II
Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Star Wars Republic Commando
Star Wars Starfighter
Starseed Pilgrim
Swords & Soldiers II Wii U
The Fall Wii U
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War

Tier 3: $4 or less each
BIT.TRIP Runner 2 Wii U
Darksiders II Wii U
Kane & Lynch Collection
Mirror's Edge
Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure - Nintendo 3DS
Sleeping Dogs Definitive
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Stealth Inc 2 Wii U
SteamWorld Dig Wii U
Super Street Fighter IV 3DS


WTS: Xbox One Elite Controller -- $100 + shipping (Paypal only, ships in USA)

Includes controller, case and accessories (dpads, analog sticks, paddles, cable). All in excellent condition. No scratches, marks or issues with the controller. All buttons working well. No cardboard box included b/c this comes from an Elite Console bundle.

Please PM if interested. Thanks.

Dude. Dat pic.

6. Rules for Pictures
  • There is now a 5 Embedded Picture limit for all B/S/T listings. Additional pictures may be included as links within the listing.
  • There is a now a size limit of 640x640 for all pictures. If you feel a larger picture is warranted for your item, then simply provide a link to the larger picture.
  • If you're using IMGUR for your image hosting, there's actually a very simple way to meet the new rule: Simply add a lower case L to the end of your image link. So, becomes This will will automatically resize your image to below 640 pixels. Thanks GetDigitized for the tip!
  • You must surround embedded pictures with either the "Code" or “Quote” options in the Advanced Editing Options. For the “Code” option, here's step #1 and here's step #2.
Accepting Paypal for payment.Prices are before shipping costs. Everything is of different sizes and need to go to different places. I am willing to ship globally as long as you as the buyer are willing to pay a lot for shipping. You can ask for any pictures of any items, I encourage you to do so (especially my posters)! I will try to reply in a timely manner. Apologies in advance if someone messages me after someone already asked me for an item and haven't update this post!

Original 3DS $70
Comes with the 3DS and the original packaging except a charging cable. Throwing in a 16GB SD card as well for storage. I have been using this since launch so it isn't in perfect condition but I take extremely good care of my consoles/handhelds. If you want Persona Q with this as well, total will be $80.

Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth with 20 Tarot Cards $20
New. I only opened the game to get the Club Nintendo card out before it expired

Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3 $10
Brand New, still sealed in shrink wrap

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain CE (US) $50
Everything but the game and the DLC code pretty much. Hand in great condition, just used it for display purposes.

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Premium Edition from JP $335
Comes with everything. Had to import it from Japan. I pretty much bought it from Japan for the hand and I don't really have the room for it anymore. The packaging that contains the game, art book, etc is still sealed in plastic. Hand is in great condition, and was just used for display purposes. No DLC codes were used or anything else.

Fallout 4 Pip -Boy Edition PS4 $100
Like New, comes with everything initially included. Game was only played for 20 hours so its in great condition.

Overwatch Origins Edition Digital Goodies $5
NOTE: This for users on PC only. This code contains Baby Winston Pet for WOW, Hearthstone cardback, Tracer Hero in HOTS, in game portraits for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 Mercy Wings. This code IS NOT for PS4/X1 users to get Origins Editions stuff. That stuff is disc locked on the Origins Edition of the game.

Smash Bros Poster Set $4 each or $10 for all 3
Palutena, Rosalina and Villager posters based on the Smash art. Ends are slightly damaged due to initial transit.

Smash Bros Poster Set 2 $4 each or $10 for all 3
Bowser Jr, Duck Hunt and Shulk posters based on the Smash art. Ends are slightly damaged due to initial transit (PENDING)

Club Nintendo Platinum Poster Set $5 each or $12 for all 3
Kid Icarus, Skyward Sword and Luigi Mansion posters. Ends are slightly damaged due to initial transit

Metal Gear Solid V Posters $7 each or $18 for both
Posters for MGSV Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. Came from Gamestop's Power Rewards program. 3rd poster is a 1980s looking MGSVPP poster to promote the launch of the game in China

Pokemon Through Out the Years Poster $7
Came with Pokemon X&Y pre orders. In perfect condition

Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Poster Set $20 or best offer
From Club Nintendo. One of the posters actually needed a replacement due to a flaw, so the poster set contains the flawed one, the fixed one, and another SS poster

Legend of Zelda Poster Set $4 each or $10 for all 3
From Club Nintendo. Contains Link throughout history since 1987, Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess. For the most part, no noticeable damages from transit.

Amiibos (all are out of packaging):
Samus $10
Fox $6
Jigglypuff $6
Pikachu $5
Mega Man $10 (Sold!)

Movies/TV Shows:
How I Met Your Mother Seasons 1-7 (DVD NEW) $9 each

Big Bang Theory Seasons 1-3 (DVD) $5 each

Adventure Time Season 1 (DVD) $5

30 Rock Season 1 (DVD) $5

The Kite Runner (Bluray NEW) $7
Discounts on postage if you buy more than one item :D.
All prices excluding postage unless stated otherwise.


Final Fantasy Type 0 Collectors edition - PS4 -New/Sealed


Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn - PC Code-UK/EU[/U][/B]-Includes 30 day trial/stacks if you don't have a pc license - NOT a steam code - £5

Final Fantasy XIV:ARR Collectors Edition - PC - New -£60
Collectors Editions Content here

PS3 Collectors edition Disk+Codes(Sealed) - £5 excluding postage.Should also include the fat chocobo mount. Includes 30 day subscription. 14 day trial available via Playstation store or FFXIV website for pc.
Kingdom Hears 2.5 HD Remix Collectors Edition - NEW/SEALED - £150:

KH2 ROXAS - Figure - £125

1st Pic 2nd Pic

KH 3D - DDD - Riku- £125:

1st Pic 2nd pic

Impmon -> Beelzemon Digivolving figure - £60 Including postage for sale(not my pics):
[img][/img]  [URL=""]2nd pic[/URL]       [URL=""]3rd pic[/URL]      [URL=""]4th pic[/URL]

Cyberdramon - £10

Code Geass - Lancelot Albion - Clear Ver. - Refurbished+cleaned by Mandarake. - £65


Tearaway (German cover/case, english text+voiceovers) -
PS4 £5 if bought with something else

Steins Gate - Limited Edition Vita - £25 excluding postage

Metal Gear Solid V - GAME UK - Snake + Quiet Blood Preorder Poster - £20
- Excluding postage


Super Saiyan Trunks - with background/stand - £10 including postage:

Bloodborne - Platinum Hunter Theme - UK PSN(once applied to an uk account will work across the ps4,on US accounts etc) - £15

Everything is from an EXTREMELY clean,pet-free & smoke free home.

From an EXTREMELY clean,pet-free & smoke free home

Amazon UK OR US gift cards
Digimon World 1 - In great condition
Digimon,Kingdom Hearts or Code Geass Merch from Japan.
For:Trade or part exchange for something above or paypal depending on item.


Dude. Dat pic.

Flickr is giving me errors when I try to resize it and save, and now it won't even let me upload an image. Tried several times. I'll try to fix it later. Didn't realize it was showing so big. Thanks for the heads-up.

EDIT: fixed using Imgur. Man, Flickr has become terrible.


Flickr is giving me errors when I try to resize it and save, and now it won't even let me upload an image. Tried several times. I'll try to fix it later. Didn't realize it was showing so big. Thanks for the heads-up.

EDIT: fixed using Imgur. Man, Flickr has become terrible.

Also it's best to put the image in a quote tag. That way, even if it is huge, the quote tag will keep it small until someone clicks on it.


I am wanting to sell my MSI R9 390 Gaming 8gb video card with backplate. It has been in my htpc for 6 months and barely used for gaming. It's very clean because the fans never turned on honestly. I have never sold here before but I have almost 500 100% positive feedbacks on eBay username crankless. Asking $260 shipped obo. Through PayPal. Hope this works well I'm on my mobile phone.


Xbox One Console + Game Lot - 500GB console bought Dec 2014. Halo 5 Master Chief controller (or regular black one, your choice, but, I'm going to keep one for my PC). Power brick and HDMI cable. Original box. Games - Sunset Overdrive, Gears Remastered (sealed), Blops 3, Rare Replay.

$200 shipped. Paypal - suggest you cover fee.



For Sale:

Played (almost new condition but opened. Possible some scuffs on cases but fully intact otherwise

Super Smash Bros 3DS
Zelda A Link Between Worlds

New (Sealed)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (3DS)
God of War Saga (PS3)
Final Fantasy x / x-2 HD Remastered (PS4)
Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

PM me an offer.

It's been awhile since I have sold anything, but I have good feedback and will ship quickly. West coast (US) preferred.

Any takers for this stuff? Need cash kind of quickly.

I also have this if anybody needs a 128 GB M.2 SSD:


sparkle this bitch
Free shipping to US, everywhere else needs to cover it. Paypal only(Cover the fees ^_^)

Twilight Princess - 43$
Tales of Symphonia(Complete) - 12$

Knights of the Old Republic(Disc + Cover Art) - 6$

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 26$

Pokemon Black(New) - 40$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 7$
Dragon Quest V(New) - 50$
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 16$
Kirby Canvas Curve(Complete) - 18$

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 8$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 17$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 9$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 55$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 100$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 45$

PC (All PC Games but Mists for 50$ shipped)

Morrowind GOTY - 4$
Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 25$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 10$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 4$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 8$
Witcher(Complete) - 4$
Icewind Dale Complete - 4$
Morrowind GOTY - 7$
Obivilion GOTY - 7$
NWN(Discs and Manual) - 4$

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 20$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 17$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Devil May Cry 4 LE - 10$

Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 18$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 42$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 60$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Gradius 5(Disc Only) - 19$
Final Fantasy X - 4$
Final Fantasy X-2 - 4$
Devil May Cry 3SE - 4$
Devil May Cry - 4$

Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 8$
Tales of Graces F - 20$
Zone of the Enders Special Edition 30$
Tales of Xillia SE - 80$
Tales of Symphonia SE(New) - 115$

Gameboy Pocket Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 35$

Azumanga Daioh Complete Thin Pack - 35$
Shiki Part 1 BluRay LE - 35$(New)
Shiki Part 2 BluRay LE - 30$
Cowboy Bebop Amazon CE - 125$

TV Shows
Chuck Season 1 & 2, 10$
Spartacus God of the Arena BluRay - 9$
FireFly DVD - 4$
Sox World Series 2005 LE New - 15$

Movies. All BluRay BluRays I have priced for 5$ or under. I'll do 50 shipped for every single one.
Life of Pi - 5$(R)
Avengers - 5$(R)
Arrietty(New) - 20$
Beauty and the Beast(Diamond)(New) - 50$
The Lone Ranger - 5$(R)
CaddyShack(New) - 5$
Supercop(new) - 5$
Man of Steel - 5$
Love Actually - 5$
The Dark Knight Rises - 5$(R)
Django Unchained - 5$(R)
Alien - 5$
Nausicaa(New) - 16$
Up - 20$
Worlds End - 5$(R)
This is the End - 5$(R)
Silver Linings Playbook - 5$(R)
Total Recall(The Good one) New - 5$
Lion King Diamond Edition 3D - 40$
Game of Thrones Season 1 - 16$
Game of Thrones Season 2 - 18$
Anyone here selling a first generation Alienware Alpha?

I'd prefer the i5 model, but am open to hearing what you have as well. Probably not looking to spend more than $400.
InFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) - $12 shipped (within continental US)

Steam keys (from various Humble Bundles)

$1.50 each via paypal (F&F option)
1001 Spikes
You Must Build A Boat
Please Don't Touch Anything
Badland: Game of the Year Humble Deluxe Edition

Feel free to make me a reasonable offer if you're interested in multiple keys.


Want to sell.....

Nexus 6P Graphite 32GB Unlocked Imgur Link

Phone has had a tempered glass screen protector on since I bought it so the screen is in mint condition. Phone is in overall near mint however there are 3 marks at the top of the phone like little white/silver marks. I tried to get pictures of them as much as I could.

Phone comes fully boxed

Looking £260 and will throw in a Spigen Rugger Armour Case.

I have more caes available if you'd like one of those instead but these will cost more

Cases are - Deadpool Slim case, official Nexus case from the Google play store, 2 rhino shield 1 red 1 black.

£10 postage on this one too guys

Razer Nabu Smartwatch Forged Edition

Only worn a few times but prefer Android Wear

Looking £100 + £5 postage :) Imgur Link

PM me with offers/interest :)


Dark Souls 3 Eguide Code


Vudu codes. Looking for Kids movies, plus any others. I am heading on a long road trip and need some videos for the Kids, and Myself.

PM me with your list and prices. thanks.



Physical Games - Please add $3 per game for shipping in the US.
Bayonetta 1&2 (Wii U, Complete) - $50
Bravely Default (3DS, Complete) - $40
Star Fox 64 3D (3DS, cart only) - $33

Digital Games
Stardew Valley (Steam) - $11
Metroid Fusion (Wii U) - $5

Gift Cards
$25 Apple Store gift cards (2 available) - $22 each
These will NOT work with iTunes. Physical / Online Apple stores only.

Rocket League Steam Key - $5


The Division Xbox one $30 **gone**
Smash Bros. WiiU $40 **gone**
Retro City Rampage 3DS digital code $1

Both games are in great condition

Paypal pm me

No shipping included. US only.
Want Paypal gift/fees paid and/or US PSN credit.
Feel free to message me with any questions or offers. I can be reasonable flexible. Thanks.


PS1 memory card $5

Metal Gear Solid Saga Vol. 2 $4
Shadow Hearts: Covenant(No original case or booklet) $15

Uncharted 1-3 $10 or $5 each
Killzone 2 $4

GameCube memory card $5

Strategy guides
Breath Of Fire 4 strategy guide $10
FFX/X-2 strategy guide(make an offer)
Final Fantasy 13 strategy guide $5
Final Fantasy 7 strategy guide $10
Metal Gear Solid 2 strategy guide $5
Mass Effect 2 strategy guide $5
Kingdom Hearts BBS strategy guide $5

Code Of Princess Collector’s Edition box and soundtrack CD(no game) $5
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 limited edition box with collectible pin(no game) $5
Fallout 3 PS3 Collector's Edition(no game included) $10
Beyond: Two Souls steelbook case(no game or dlc) $5
Dead Space 2 PS3 Collector’s Edition(Everything except game or dlc) $5
Bioshock Infinite PS3 Premium Edition(no game or dlc) $5
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection box and book(no game or case) $5
The Dark Knight Joker Headknocker bobblehead(new) $40
Max Media Dock(DS Lite media player) $5
3DS black universal folio case(new) $5
NDS Game Keeper steel case $5
WWE All Stars Brawl stick (PS3)

This stick is basically new since I never used it, but I painted over the image because I thought it was ugly.
Anywho, feel free to make me an offer.

Blurays - $4 each unless noted
Clockwork Orange
Jackie Brown
Full Metal Jacket
Django Unchained
Planet Terror
Departed/Goodfellas/Aviator Collection $10
Edward Scissorhands
Hellboy 2
This Is The End
Pineapple Express
Funny People
This is 40
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Walk Hard
Talladega Nights
Sleepy Hollow
There Will be Blood
Big Fish
Escape From New York
Sin City: Two-Disc Theatrical & Recut, Extended, and Unrated Versions
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Shawshank Redemption
Terminator 2
The Green Mile/Forrest Gump collection
Sweeney Todd
30 Minutes Or Less
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Austin Powers trilogy
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Rambo First Blood part 2
The Road Warrior
First Blood
Blair Witch Project
Sixth Sense
Dog Day Afternoon
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
District 9
Horrible Bosses
Step Brothers
Big Trouble In Little China
Iron Man 2
Gangs Of New York
Interview With a Vampire
Louie season 1
Louie season 2
Kick Ass
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Simpsons Movie

Arrested Development seasons 1-3 $25
South Park seasons 1-12 $40
Party Down seasons 1 & 2 $15
Eastbound & Down season 1 $4
Futurama volumes 1-6 $25
Futurama Green Yonder $4
Aeon Flux collection $10
Tim & Eric season 1 $4
Daria Complete series $15


Neo Member

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD region-free Steam key - $10 PayPal

DOOM + Demon Multiplayer Pack DLC (pre-order bonus) Steam key - $30 PayPal.
The key is from ASUS promotion. It can be activated in Europe, Middle East and Africa. So, no US for this one.

Rep 1, Rep 2, Rep 3. Also can PM you the links to my rep threads on SourceOP, SteamGifts and /r/SteamGameSwap if you wish.



[Preferred]Vita JP titles
NISA Vita LEs(Atelier Escha/Demon Gaze/etc.)
IF Vita LEs (Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 LE/Black Heart/etc.)
Vita memory cards 32gb/64gb
Amazon Gift Cards


Lots of money. Prefer to buy in bulk.


Fire Emblem Special Edition New Sealed (dings/dents on corners of box)

Want To Trade For:

[Preferred]Vita JP titles
NISA Vita LEs(Atelier Escha/Demon Gaze/etc
IF Vita LEs (Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 LE/Black Heart/etc.

Will also accept:

Amazon GC
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