Okay, my bad, I'll go into more detail.
You have 3 integers, x, y and z.
1. First, you need to figure out how to switch the values of x and y, or y and z, or x and z. You can find this online, or in a textbook or just by sketching it out on a piece of paper. It involves a variable we'll call temp, which is used to store values during the swap.
2. Then look at the wiki page I linked you to. The algorithm for selection sort is really simple and possibly the first one most people learn.
Visually it'll look like this. Let's say x = 10, y = 6, and z = 8, so your 3 integers look like:
First, compare x and y. If x is greater than y, swap them, if not, leave them alone. Since 10 is greater than 6, they should be swapped so now you're left with:
Next, compare x and z. If x is greater than z, swap them, if not, leave them alone. Since 6 is smaller than 8, there's no need to swap so you still have:
Finally, compare y and z. If y is greater than z, swap them, if not, leave them alone. Since 10 is greater than 8, they should be swapped so now you're left with:
All that's left is to print out x, y and z to the console. Notice that in this case, step 2 didn't do anything. However, if the numbers were [10][8][6], step two would be necessary to turn [8][10][6] to [6][10][8].