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Cali & Mass. votes to legalize weed; FL, N. Dakota & Arkansas approve medical weed

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Does tinctures hit significantly quicker than candies? I'm tired of waiting around for my mints to kick in, but would prefer to avoid smoking flowers.

Yes and no. You can feel part of the effects after 1-2 min when you put it under your tongue, but once you swallow it, it basically becomes an edible.

I once put some under my tongue, felt something but not enough so I took even more. An hour later i was high as shit
I voted for it even though I don't blaze. You're welcome, stoners.

Same here. Glad I could be of help, Cali-GAF.

*Edit: Also, I read a projection that our marijuana industry will be more profitable than our wine industry. Time to make that money Cali!


Growing it is surprisingly easy. I don't think people realize how much weed you can get from 6 plants. You're talking pounds and pounds of weed. Weed industry is going to be like the micro brew shit going on today. Just a quick reminder. For first time users go SUPER easy on the edibles. Many of my friends who have been smokers for more than a decade don't do edibles.


I take comfort in thinking Trump will see the revenue/tax benefits of cannabis legalization, and not go after it for moral reasons.



10/10 reply


and we didn't vote for trump

best state!

send us into the ocean to be our own country tbh

Ummm we already legalized it and we also didn't vote for Trump.

We may allow you to join Oregon in our new super awesome country. But let me ask Washington first, they are kind of bitchy.


Growing it is surprisingly easy. I don't think people realize how much weed you can get from 6 plants. You're talking pounds and pounds of weed. Weed industry is going to be like the micro brew shit going on today. Just a quick reminder. For first time users go SUPER easy on the edibles. Many of my friends who have been smokers for more than a decade don't do edibles.

I'm a regular smoker and I don't go near edibles. They're far too potent

Being "too high" is one of the most uncomfortable feelings I've ever experienced


I feel the need to post something positive today since my last 10+ posts on neogaf have all been grievances...

Cali going legal is HUGE for the entire country. The entire west coast is now green! I firmly believe there's no going backwards on this issue now. The worst trump can do is crackdown here and there, but he (and congress) can't change state laws. Popular opinion amongst all americans is to legalize it.

With Massachusetts, North Dakota and Florida winning, weed is now legal in some form on every coast. Wow.


I'm a regular smoker and I don't go near edibles. They're far too potent

Being "too high" is one of the most uncomfortable feelings I've ever experienced


I smoke daily but don't mess with edibles. You never know how strong they are or when they will kick in.
Does anyone expect a Trump DEA to allow this? Medical and recreational Marijuana exists now because Obama ordered the DEA to defer to state law.


The thing about edibles is that it produces a psychedelic effect which is nothing like the high you get from smoking. It's a completely different experience altogether. I'm not sure how many people who eat edibles are aware of that, unless they have prior experience with psychedelics like shrooms or acid.
The thing about edibles is that it produces a psychedelic effect which is nothing like the high you get from smoking. It's a completely different experience altogether. I'm not sure how many people who eat edibles are aware of that, unless they have prior experience with psychedelics like shrooms or acid.

It reaaaaally fucked me up the first time I did it. I thought my friend was messing around about how potent it was and ate way more than I should have, and spent the next couple of hours straight up hallucinating, hearing people say things they didn't say, and getting paranoid. Once it settled in thought it was cool.


It reaaaaally fucked me up the first time I did it. I thought my friend was messing around about how potent it was and ate way more than I should have, and spent the next couple of hours straight up hallucinating, hearing people say things they didn't say, and getting paranoid. Once it settled in thought it was cool.

They seem so harmless, right? I tried to talk my wife out of eating an entire brownie when we were at a party once, but she wouldn't listen to me. She spent the rest of the night freaking out and having a really bad trip.

I mean, you don't just eat edibles without a plan and being fully mentally prepared for a trip through the unknown, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.

Real talk, would the GOP actually try to block legal weed somehow?

Now that I think about it a bit more, they may be able to impose huge financial sanctions on states where it's legal. This could motivate state legislators to repeal state marijuana laws if they're able to do so.

Davey Cakes

The first time I overdid it on an edible it was scary.

It was a firecracker I made from already-vaped product and I didn't parse out the dose-per-cracker correctly.

I was at home but I thought about work. I...forgot my job. Like, I knew what my role was but I forgot all the details and was desperately trying to remember to no avail.

Unfortunately I also thought about my ex-girlfriend. That was painful and almost harrowing.

But man, I was conducting SYMPHONIES in my head. If I could actually make music, man, it would've been epic

Other times when I had the dosing right I was in pure euphoria. The world around me was perfectly distorted and lovely. And god damn, I never had a better experience getting myself off than when I was on a good edible high. I'm not afraid to say that. I imagine actual sex would be fucking cosmic.

Anyway, edibles are NOT a great entry point as the dosing aspect is tough. People respond differently. You can generally start really low on the dose but if you don't take enough and you wait the full 45 minutes to an hour and a half for effects to kick in, you'll be disappointed. Better than taking too much and getting that feeling that you're on a rollercoaster, naked in the dead of winter though.

I recommend as much control as possible at first. Smoking is fine but maybe a bit abrasive. I think people who are just trying marijuana out for the first time should get an easy portable vaporizer or join one of their weed-vaping friends with a tabletop machine. Vaping is easily the "smoothest" method as the effects wash over you gradually over the course of 10-15 minutes as opposed to the punch in the face of smoking and the potential "falling off a cliff" aspect of edibles.

In short, those who are waiting for legalization to try weed for the first time, do some research, get some advice, find the right strain, plan for a safe environment for consumption, and go for a method of intake that gives you a good amount of control.
Dead heat in Maine right now and still counting. Yes voters are claiming victory, but against are waiting until the final vote. Looks like it's gonna be a long recount process no matter which way it goes.
Anyone else high af right now? Bout to eat a sandwich and coconut Thai chicken curry soup. And watch season 4 face off episode of breaking bad. Walter white was a huge pos lol


Why not eat it instead then?

Bad idea, because...

Eating = psychedelic experience

Smoking/vaping = getting high

I can't emphasize that enough. ^^^^^^^^^

Anyone experiencing marijuana for the first time should smoke or vape, unless you're actively looking for a psychedelic experience. Eating is a powerful experience that most people simply aren't properly mentally prepared for.
I'm still wondering how Maine is gonna handle this. LePage and the rest of those assholes need to go sit their asses in a corner somewhere and not fuck this up.


Some of you guys are going too far on the anti eating side.

Small amounts of THC through ingestion will not make you trip and give you a casual high. Of course the results will vary by person. A beginner taking a 5mg Indica strain cookie/gummy bear/whatever will relax and probably enjoy themselves quite a bit. As a somewhat normal user I take around 20 MG edibles and am stoned for a good 6 hours. That's four times the dose.

Also I would really recommend avoiding sativa edibles. That would explain a lot of the anxious side effects.

The bad stories regarding edibles are almost always "my buddy gave me this brownie and it fucked my shit up". Well yeah, you have no idea how potent it is.
I pass on edibles as well.

Buddy of mine made a batch when I first started smoking, used way too much weed and didn't tell anyone. It felt like my tongue was enlarging and it got to the point I just stopped talking for a few hours & felt real stupid. Happened to a few others so bad they wanted to go to the hospital because they thought they were choking to death. Another guy woke up curled in a ball naked on the room of his floor.

We all laugh about it now but it was the opposite feeling I look to achieve from smoking and don't really mess with edibles at all anymore. Few candies/brownies but its just completely different in a bad way. Like I'd rather just be drinking.
Maine recreational weed is coming down the wire too 50/50 right now with 98% reported

Nevada also voted for recreational weed and Montana voted for medicinal.

Arizona voted against recreational weed and it's the only defeat so far.


Super Sleuth
So I guess weed supply in California is still illegal until the shops get up and running in the coming years?

You'd still have to go through a dealer to get your hands on some.


So I guess weed supply in California is still illegal until the shops get up and running in the coming years?

You'd still have to go through a dealer to get your hands on some.

There's talk about issuing temporary selling licenses to already established medical shops. The state has about one year to fully establish and regulate the new legal system.


Notable amendment 2 florida dates:

Florida dept Health has until july 2017 to pass regulations.

October 2017 state must start registering growers and dispensaries and id cards.

Any other details on the conditions you need to get it? Wondering if you have to have a provable ailment like cancer or ALS or can you be prescribed with something harder to detect. I read the amendment, but those conditions are pretty specific and diagnosable.


Any other details on the conditions you need to get it? Wondering if you have to have a provable ailment like cancer or ALS or can you be prescribed with something harder to detect. I read the amendment, but those conditions are pretty specific and diagnosable.

Id like to know this as well.


So I guess weed supply in California is still illegal until the shops get up and running in the coming years?

You'd still have to go through a dealer to get your hands on some.

Pretty much every smoker I know already has a medical card. I literally don't know anyone who legit sells weed anymore unless it's his own crop and it's just to friends. Much easier to go to a dispensary where everything has already been tested and you know the strain, cannabinoid and THC content.


Only one person here in Arkansas has been talking about medical weed being approved. Everyone else I've seen are either in shock over the election or saying "lolz, Trump bitch" and posting stupid ass memes.
Growing it is surprisingly easy. I don't think people realize how much weed you can get from 6 plants. You're talking pounds and pounds of weed. Weed industry is going to be like the micro brew shit going on today. Just a quick reminder. For first time users go SUPER easy on the edibles. Many of my friends who have been smokers for more than a decade don't do edibles.

I'm a regular smoker and I don't go near edibles. They're far too potent

Being "too high" is one of the most uncomfortable feelings I've ever experienced


I smoke daily but don't mess with edibles. You never know how strong they are or when they will kick in.

It reaaaaally fucked me up the first time I did it. I thought my friend was messing around about how potent it was and ate way more than I should have, and spent the next couple of hours straight up hallucinating, hearing people say things they didn't say, and getting paranoid. Once it settled in thought it was cool.
I love that almost every single person I've talked to that smokes pot has a "be weary of first time edibles" story. It's almost like ignoring them and getting way too fucked up is a rite of passage.

Does anyone expect a Trump DEA to allow this? Medical and recreational Marijuana exists now because Obama ordered the DEA to defer to state law.
This has been addressed on every page of the thread. Trump is super pro medicinal marijuana and thinks that states should decide for themselves on what to do with recreational use.

Bad idea, because...

Eating = psychedelic experience

Smoking/vaping = getting high

I can't emphasize that enough. ^^^^^^^^^

Anyone experiencing marijuana for the first time should smoke or vape, unless you're actively looking for a psychedelic experience. Eating is a powerful experience that most people simply aren't properly mentally prepared for.
Dude where are you located and what the hell are you eating? The only time I've ever had anything remotely close to a "psychedelic" experience from weed is when I ate a homemade cookie a friend got from a coworker that got me so high I felt like I was literally melting in to my couch and she said she was acutely aware of all her internal organs and was afraid if she moved they would spill out of her. I'm suspicious it was laced with something other than weed to this day because I have never had any kind of "psychedelic" experience from edibles, so I'm very curious what you're eating that has you getting so much more lit than smoking/vaping does that you'd call it "psychedelic". When I hear that word I think of seeing crazy colors and things that aren't there, shit you get from shrooms or LSD. (for the record I've only ever used pot, to my knowledge, unless there was something else in that cookie).

Any other details on the conditions you need to get it? Wondering if you have to have a provable ailment like cancer or ALS or can you be prescribed with something harder to detect. I read the amendment, but those conditions are pretty specific and diagnosable.
Getting a medical card is the easiest thing in the world, at least here in Cali. The list of reasons for needing one ranges from recovering cancer patients to anxiety and insomnia to menstrual cramps. Whenever I go renew my card it's always a trip because you can tell, waiting in the lobby, who's there that actually needs one and who's there just making shit up.


Getting a medical card is the easiest thing in the world, at least here in Cali. The list of reasons for needing one ranges from recovering cancer patients to anxiety and insomnia to menstrual cramps. Whenever I go renew my card it's always a trip because you can tell, waiting in the lobby, who's there that actually needs one and who's there just making shit up.

I know Cali was easy. In FL the amendment listed specific medical issues and I feel like the state is going to construe this as narrowly as possible. That's why I was wondering if anyone had any more specific information about it. Maybe it's still too early to know.
I know Cali was easy. In FL the amendment listed specific medical issues and I feel like the state is going to construe this as narrowly as possible. That's why I was wondering if anyone had any more specific information about it. Maybe it's still too early to know.

Oooh I see I see. Fingers crossed for you that it's as easy as it is here!!


How difficult is it to do a little growing?

From what I've seen not much, some startup money for the intial materials, studying up on the actual process, and finally patience.

I think the most difficult part is actually having a space to grow them in that won't piss off people living with you or neighbors. Those plants can get pretty damn fragrant.
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