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California cities consider adding a "Netflix Tax" to digital entertainment

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Dozens of California cities looking to shore up revenues are flirting with a new idea — tax your “Gilmore Girls” binge.

Pasadena was among the first to say publicly this fall that it wanted to tax video streaming services like Netflix, a step that could make up for lost tax revenue from growing numbers of cord-cutters.

At 9.4 percent, the so-called Netflix tax would treat streaming services as a traditional utility, the city said. If you use multiple services — for example, Hulu, Amazon Video and HBO — it would be added to each bill.

The move in Pasadena, with a population of about 140,000, has drawn consternation from technology companies and consumers who worry that it could be copied across the state.

“Websites and apps are not utilities and it defies logic to tax them like electricity, water or gas,” said Noah Theran, spokesman for the Internet Association, a trade group.

No California city has yet to begin collecting the tax. But roughly 40 cities, among them Glendale, Santa Barbara, Stockton and Sacramento, have gotten guidance from municipal consultants on how they might.


One question officials would need to resolve is where to stop, analysts say. If streaming video is taxable, then what about music, podcasts or video games?

“It opens a big Pandora’s box,” said Paul Verna, an analyst at eMarketer, a technology research company.


Tyron Hampton, a council member who has opposed the tax, said that with the city’s underfunded pensions, officials were right to be looking for novel ways to raise money.

But the web should be off limits, he said: “The basic tenet of the internet is that the internet is supposed to be free.”



Perhaps we could dump Netflix into Boston harbor


listen to the mad man
1) Buy prepaid visa card
2) Put in fake out of state billing address
3) Use Netflix in California
4) Yes, this is tax fraud, like underreporting tipped income.
5) Dodge tax.


Pretty surprised they weren't already taxed.

video games

Uhhhh any video games that any of us has ever bought except via steam has been automatically taxed.

Its called sales tax, "technology research company" people.
"They would be treating streaming services as a traditional utility."

This isn't 100% clear: Do they have a similar tax on cable? If they do, this seems perfectly reasonable.


Yes, digital items/online purchases should be subject to Sales Tax, or at some you need to scrap the concept of sales tax and replace it with some other form of tax


“Websites and apps are not utilities and it defies logic to tax them like electricity, water or gas,” said Noah Theran, spokesman for the Internet Association, a trade group.

That's 100% right. Don't tax the way the Internet is used, that's anti-neutrality.
Wouldn't the better solution be to increase internet/mobile services taxes?

I think you could make a strong argument that internet is a necessity whereas Netflix is a luxury.

I'm not sure why utilities in general are getting taxed though, unless it's something like electricity which pollutes the environment.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I can't afford much these days, but I can afford Netflix. I suspect that is true of most people struggling. Make up that tax revenue from people who can afford to pay more.


"They would be treating streaming services as a traditional utility."

This isn't 100% clear: Do they have a similar tax on cable? If they do, this seems perfectly reasonable.

But should they be taxing cable or streaming services? Something like this disproportionately affects poor people anyway. I think it's a stupid, arbitrary thing to tax. Why disincentivize non-harmful and potentially educational entertainment anyway?

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Wow. Interesting times we live in.

As was already said, horrible precedent if it goes through. Why stop at video streaming, if you can tax ANY streaming service?

Fight this, Californians.


Ok where does the buck end though? Tax Facebook, Youtube, Neogaf, PSN? All Luxuries by that definition.

If you can't separate streaming services, that have the exact same content and subscription models as cable which already are taxed, from browsing websites...then I don't know how to help you.

If you don't want sales tax, vote for increases to the upper levels of income taxes.
Ok where does the buck end though? Tax Facebook, Youtube, Neogaf? All Luxuries by that definition.

I mean you don't pay for any of those to begin with. And taxing something like the New York Times would be awful since Newspapers are very much in the public good (and struggling).

To be clear I think that taxing non-polluting utilities is stupid. However, if California charges a tax on cable (and the article didn't make it clear whether they do or not), it's kind of unfair to not charge Netflix the same tax.
Never a stronger argument for net neutrality than when municipalities think that each individual service should be subject to taxation as a public utility.

But we'll not get that. Instead, we won't get net neutrality AND municipalities will be taking their cut.
Yes, digital items/online purchases should be subject to Sales Tax, or at some you need to scrap the concept of sales tax and replace it with some other form of tax

Yeah I think this is better resolved through an extension of the sales tax which should apply to online purchases/services.


aka andydumi
Yeah this. It seems weird to try to tax a certain type of data from the internet. If anything is a utility it'd be the internet as whole, which is were the tax increases should go.

This is the right way to do it. Tax the actual utility, the internet, not the use of that utility, be it music, video or news sites. Also apply sales taxes to online things. But not utility taxes.



FYI, Boston Tea Party was about keeping high tarrifs on EITC British tea to protect the less than reputable Colonial merchants dealing in local brew (sometimes stolen). It's was protectionist and pro tarrifs (tax), and really about a lack of representation in British parliament.

Might be thinking of the stamp act, but that was repealed almost a decade earlier.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
In Canada, Shomi and CraveTV (Canadian Netflix equivalent-ish) both have taxes applied to the services. I think it's logical to add the same thinking to Netflix too.


1) Buy prepaid visa card
2) Put in fake out of state billing address
3) Use Netflix in California
4) Yes, this is tax fraud, like underreporting tipped income.
5) Dodge tax.

eh...I don't think people should be advocating tax fraud with how much the Government spies on people.

Big Blue

If you can't separate streaming services, that have the exact same content and subscription models as cable which already taxed, from browsing websites...then I don't know how to help you.

If you don't want sales tax, vote for increases to the upper levels of income taxes.

It's called a slippery slope. Ever hear of it??


I mean you don't pay for any of those to begin with. And taxing something like the New York Times would be awful since Newspapers are very much in the public good (and struggling).

To be clear I think that taxing non-polluting utilities is stupid. However, if California charges a tax on cable (and the article didn't make it clear whether they do or not), it's kind of unfair to not charge Netflix the same tax.

Subscriptions to the NY Times are taxed.

It's called a slippery slope. Ever hear of it??

Indeed. And its the embodiment of a logical fallacy.


41 > 38
This kind of thinking is why Calexit would create a failed nation. They'd figure out a way to make everyone's effective tax rate over 100%.
It's called a slippery slope. Ever hear of it??

Slippery Slope is best known as a fallacy for a reason. If you buy something or pay for services in a state with a sales tax, you should have to pay the tax, regardless of whether the good or service is digital or physical.


Sure why not, there was a shitload of tax revenue lost when people got rid of cable tv, gotta make it up somehow.

Right, or maybe shitty local govts should have never cut sweet deals for local monopolies with shitty cable companies. Perhaps if the companies were actually forced to compete for business less people would cut the cords.

I know not every where is like this but for far too long many companies have had and still have local monopolies on cable television services because this was guaranteed income to municipalities etc.

The whole system is rotten and it needs to be broken down. Woe to the town that tries to go after this tax revenue.


Tyron Hampton, a council member who has opposed the tax, said that with the city’s underfunded pensions, officials were right to be looking for novel ways to raise money.

underfunded pensions? This is part of the problem. I know 2 people that were teachers retired when they hit 50 and get 60,000 a year each. So 120,000 a year for that household as 'retirement' for 30+ years (assuming they live 80+) and then they have to hire new teachers on top of that and offer them pensions as well.

It's a messed up system and instead of doing anything to fix it they want to tax more so they can retire with the same benefits.

Right, or maybe shitty local govts should have never cut sweet deals for local monopolies with shitty cable companies. Perhaps if the companies were actually forced to compete for business less people would cut the cords.

I know not every where is like this but for far too long many companies have had and still have local monopolies on cable television services because this was guaranteed income to municipalities etc.

The whole system is rotten and it needs to be broken down. Woe to the town that tries to go after this tax revenue.

A lot of them also have monopolies because the companies are the ones that buried the cable and for another company to come in they would have to either run their own cable or pay the first company that did it a fee.

1) Buy prepaid visa card
2) Put in fake out of state billing address
3) Use Netflix in California
4) Yes, this is tax fraud, like underreporting tipped income.
5) Dodge tax.

Or if your parents live in a different non taxed city have the service subscribed to them and it's not really 'tax fraud'. Your just using their service that you also pay for them.
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