Which is why I said except for steam. Meaning in person purchases. Sorry for not being so clear.
To be clear I think that taxing non-polluting utilities is stupid. However, if California charges a tax on cable (and the article didn't make it clear whether they do or not), it's kind of unfair to not charge Netflix the same tax.
Who the fuck are these people always wanting to pay more for shit in my state?
Which is why I said except for steam. Meaning in person purchases. Sorry for not being so clear.
Even if your use of the internet is already taxed? Would that not be double taxation?? Not to mention that 9.4% is much higher than the sales tax in CA.Slippery Slope is best known as a fallacy for a reason. If you buy something or pay for services in a state with a sales tax, you should have to pay the tax, regardless of whether the good or service is digital or physical.
Is it currently subject of any sort of sales tax? (Which are usually fairly low in the US)
This kind of thinking is why Calexit would create a failed nation. They'd figure out a way to make everyone's effective tax rate over 100%.
Even if your use of the internet is already taxed? Would that not be double taxation??
Hey let's tax the poor! Brilliant idea!
I can't afford much these days, but I can afford Netflix. I suspect that is true of most people struggling. Make up that tax revenue from people who can afford to pay more.
Slippery Slope is best known as a fallacy for a reason. If you buy something or pay for services in a state with a sales tax, you should have to pay the tax, regardless of whether the good or service is digital or physical.
Taxing Netflix is hardly what I'd call a tax on the poor. If you are poor you probably don't have the extra money for high speed internet and a netflix sub.
1) Buy prepaid visa card
2) Put in fake out of state billing address
3) Use Netflix in California
4) Yes, this is tax fraud, like underreporting tipped income.
5) Dodge tax.
You pay a tax to get internet access just as you pay a tax to get water from your local utility. Then you pay another tax when you buy a water filter or hire a plumber, just as you should pay another tax when you buy a good or service on the internet. Why should your internet purchases be exempt from the sales tax when your physical purchases are not? I don't want to pay taxes is not an argument.
But bandwidth is bandwidth. You already pay a tax for accessing that service.
Not to mention, excise taxes like this are regressive taxes that disproportionately affect the poor.
If you're in favor of net neutrality and you're in favor of a progressive tax system, you can't support excise taxes like this.
Right, but Netflix wouldn't be taxed as a good or service. It would be taxed as a utility at a much higher rate. Hence, the double tax.
Yeah I think this is better resolved through an extension of the sales tax which should apply to online purchases/services.
Excise taxes and sales taxes disproportionately affect the poor over the wealthy. They're regressive taxes where higher income earners pay a lower proportion of their income to the tax than lower income earners do. Whether there are more wealthy people because the filthy poors "shouldn't spend their money on Netflix" or something, is irrelevant to the fact that these are regressive taxes.
I can't speak to California, but in many jurisdictions cable taxes were implemented to recoup the cost of giving massive systematic tax breaks or cash handouts for cable companies to build infrastructure (in some cases, money that that the companies didn't use for the intended purposes...) -- I am fine with taxing the cable oligopoly into oblivion or nationalizing telecommunications infrastructure or otherwise engaging in targeted pro-consumer or pro-society investment, but not fine with just randomly flat-taxing popular things to fill the coffers.
So, this is how Republicans are born.
So, this is how Republicans are born.
ding ding ding
Amazing all these replies looking to get out of paying their fair share...
I agree it is a regressive tax, no argument there at all. Something like Netflix is an extreme luxury, it's not even remotely a necessity. Based on the demographics, its middle/upper class young people who use Netflix the most. Low income people are the smallest demographic for Netflix users.
Soooo for people like me who pay for cable and also have a Netflix sub we just get fucked from both ends?
9.4% tax when sales tax in CA is 7.5%. What's fair about that?
Do you have a source for this or is it a theory (?), because according to this 2015 research study -- Low income users are Netflix largest demographic. A profile of recent Netflix subscribers reveals that 42% of Netflix users earn less than $50k/year house hold income, 35% $50-$100k/year, and 23% $100k+/year.
$50,000/year is below the median household income in the United States, so, statistically, no, low income people are not the smallest demographic for Netflix users.
The idea that Netflix is just a luxury for the rich is wrong, considering that Netflix is much cheaper than cable, and over 80% of American households still have cable, so it's not like cable or Netflix are luxuries only reserved for the rich. Having cable or streaming Netflix does not indicate that you're rich.
Didn't Chicago do something like this?
So, this is how Republicans are born.
Yo we got all this weed money coming in leave Netflix alone you political dbags with your shitty policies and what not.
Both of these.Tax the pipe itself, not what goes through it.
Well yeah, you're paying for cable so you're getting boinked in all three ends by default.
9.4% tax when sales tax in CA is 7.5%. What's fair about that?
eh...I don't think people should be advocating tax fraud with how much the Government spies on people.