I saw this milennial pulled over on the side of the road, nice car, forget what it was, but he had a nice looking lady, too. Didn't think much of it. But coming back, an hour later maybe, there's a tow truck there now, and there's an actual man changing the flat tire on that milennial's car. And the lady has this fucking rampant body language that she's very displeased with how things are going, and I think that maybe has something to do with the fact that a worthless fucking slug tow truck driver is the savior in this situation, which of course means that she's on the dick of something lower than a worthless fucking slug. What is the answer to that kind of situation? Where do people go to regather their dignity after they've spent a lifetime convincing themselves and others that they are worth something, and this stupid spate of reality comes and knocks that idea right out their easy speaking mouths? There's no answer to that. There's no remedy other than time and hopefully the memories and reality of that situation recede and people are able to get on with themselves. But the thing I took away from it was that I'm god-damned blessed and favored by something out there to not be a milennial.