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I hope Sony sees this and feel like fucking morons. Horizon outsold by Black Ops fucking 2 :lol
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I hope Sony sees this and feel like fucking morons. Horizon outsold by Black Ops fucking 2 :lol
That is kinda sad huh?
Yes, I'm sure Sony executives are so sad that they'll sleep on their pile of $50 bills instead of the usual $100s.
I'd be more impressed if it didn't release from a very long Q2 drought is all I'm saying.Is this a joke post?
I hope Sony sees this and feel like fucking morons. Horizon outsold by Black Ops fucking 2 :lol
That is kinda sad huh?
What is sad about this? Lol this is Horizons 3rd month on the NPD chart. I doubt this even makes Sony blink an eye seeing as most BW compatible games are not blowing up the charts like this.
I hope Sony sees this and feel like fucking morons. Horizon outsold by Black Ops fucking 2 :lol
CoD's sales are going to die any day now guys .... aanyy dayy..
I mean Sony as a whole company isn't doing that well profitability wise in comparison Microsoft. I mean franly their small fry profitability wise.
Blops 1 and 2 going crazy when made backwards compatible does kind of back up a good number of fans thinking they were the last great games MP wise.
I think if anyone should feel like morons, it's activision.I hope Sony sees this and feel like fucking morons. Horizon outsold by Black Ops fucking 2 :lol
Horizon sold in February is number 12 in April, when BLOPS 2 BC was released April is number 10 in April.
Why are we console warring here?
ITT people don't understand that the PS4 isn't powerful enough to emulate the PS3 Cell, lol.
It's certainly crazy and a testament to BC and the strength of Black Ops 2, but this is just a one off and not a trend. I don't expect Black Ops 2 will continue to chart two or three months later.
Stealth console war thread?
Good question OP, why?why are we discussing this in a separate thread instead of the official NPD?
You may be joking but they already put Black Ops 1+2, COD2, W@W and 3 on BC. MW Remastered existing doesn't mean anything and they put Black Ops 2 on BC after IW+MWR was out. Something happened with Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, Assassins Creed and Borderlands BC and their remasters. There is money still to be had from old games.
No.How's the input lag if any? I'm used to Titanfall 2's tight responsive controls. Does going back to this game feel "off".
So you're telling me that when a company listened to incessant whining by people on social media, they were rewarded? Kind of crazy when you think about the notion 4 a bit.
why are we discussing this in a separate thread instead of the official NPD?
Stealth console war thread?
Because it's surprising news. A five year old game makes the top 10 because of BC? That's pretty damn incredible.
I mean we make a thread on every Spencer tweet for god sakes.
Campaign wise, it's by far the worst CoD I've ever played and almost made me stop playing the series. It's such a goofy and unrealistic game with terrible acting and storytelling. I had to force myself to finish it.
Did anyone actually enjoy the campaign? I'm playing through Ghosts now and expected more of the same but it's leagues better.
Compared to Black Ops 3, the campaign in Black Ops 2 is oscar worthy.
IMO that's what happens when you try to add gimmicky jumpjet bullshit mechanics arbitrarily to FPS games. Activation was just trying to ride Titanfall's coattails and it tanked all three games that used it.
Because it's surprising news. A five year old game makes the top 10 because of BC? That's pretty damn incredible.
I mean we make a thread on every Spencer tweet for god sakes.