If I'm thinking about getting dlc for this game, is season pass better or buying things separately?
I'm new to the series and only had the game for a couple of days, so I'm not sure what the release schedule and prices for new content is like.
If you are going to buy the DLC it's an all or nothing deal. If you only get one or two packs you'll only be matched up with people with the exact same configuration as you, meaning you'll get a lot less available games. You also can't remove the DLC once you purchase it, it is baked in now.If I'm thinking about getting dlc for this game, is season pass better or buying things separately?
I'm new to the series and only had the game for a couple of days, so I'm not sure what the release schedule and prices for new content is like.
The DLC grants new MP maps (typically around 3) and one Zombies map. Sometimes they will also throw additional bonuses such as a new weapon or skin or something, but it varies from DLC to DLC.
Found out why the argus is garbage in zombies. It fires a slug even if you're not ADS, which is fucking awful while training.
Sad to silver go, just me and phazon for the new zombies maps then![]()
4, actually. Pretty much always, since the last few games.
If you are going to buy the DLC it's an all or nothing deal. If you only get one or two packs you'll only be matched up with people with the exact same configuration as you, meaning you'll get a lot less available games. You also can't remove the DLC once you purchase it, it is baked in now.
I want to understand this a bit further my cousin is thinking about getting the season pass, does that mean we will only play people that has season pass?
thanks for the info.
Opened up another rare crate, common camo, common card, rare gesture. 3 bonus keys. Ridiculous. At least give a heavy key bonus for that.
I know there is not a whole lot of difference between the knife the sword the brass knuckles etc but I am always getting killed by people running around with these. I don't get it.
I wishHaven't seen splash or rise in what feels like a week or more
New maps aren't showing up anymore for me, at least very rarely
My friend just got done spendin 50$ on microtransactions to get that MX garand weapon and he did not get it, that was hilarious what a waste
My friend just got done spendin 50$ on microtransactions to get that MX garand weapon and he did not get it, that was hilarious what a waste
Does anyone else on PC use a controller?
Let him watch past videos of youtubers like tmartn on how many cod points they wasted before they got a dlc weapon. lol
My friend just got done spendin 50$ on microtransactions to get that MX garand weapon and he did not get it, that was hilarious what a waste
I've been getting a lot of these crates lately. 2 common items and 3 bonus keys. So annoying.
My friend just got done spendin 50$ on microtransactions to get that MX garand weapon and he did not get it, that was hilarious what a waste
I see it on reddit a bit too. If they want people to spend money they should give better crates. Not that I would but constantly getting shit would make me nervous to spend the money.
That's what really sucks about this style. You can spend so much but never get what you really want.
I've been playing Call of Duty since Modern Warfare, but I've never prestiged. Last night, I finally took the plunge and did it. This is new territory for me! I used my first permanent unlock on my Man-O-War, because that gun is great.
You never were high enough of a level to prestige or just sat at lvl 55 forever?
When is the DLC coming out for PC/XBO?
Did they fix the Silencer+Varix combo for long shots?
I did not get a single long shot medal while playing on Metro and I was killing people the complete length of the tracks away. I know I was getting them from way shorter distances before.
Yes, they fixed the varix Longshot glitch. Silencer was never part of the equation. Xclusive ace has a new video on the exact distances required now.
They fixed it. They should have adjusted the long shot distances when they did because few maps even have the line of sights necessary to get long shots now. It's pretty stupid.Did they fix the Silencer+Varix combo for long shots?
I did not get a single long shot medal while playing on Metro and I was killing people the complete length of the tracks away. I know I was getting them from way shorter distances before.
They fixed it. They should have adjusted the long shot distances when they did because few maps even have the line of sights necessary to get long shots now. It's pretty stupid.
Do you guys know if Nuketown will be made free anytime soon?
Are you aiming high or at the body?