The zombie storyline always confused me. Last i remember Samantha has dolls of all the characters.
Thanks for the updates. We've come a long way since WAW. How does Treyarch come up with this shit.
Ha, at first, during WAW, they were bullshitting their way through it after Verruckt because fans decided to read too much into it and suddenly they felt like they were expected to put something together after that (on top of pressure to keep making zombie maps). They talked about this during their zombie panel at CODXP years back.
Then by the time Black Ops II came around, another man took over the story with Mob of the Dead and Origins. The story has become a LOT more cohesive after that.
Don't get me wrong, the zombie storyline is completely full of bs, it's overscomplicated, random, and flat out dumb at times. But I think what keeps people coming back are the characters and the aura of mystery surrounding it. The ciphers, radios, etc.
I mean, the zombies community breaks ciphers from the goddamn ENIGMA MACHINE. They could cure fucking cancer if they wanted, but instead are spending time cracking codes (that the director of zombies somehow thinks is okay to throw at us lol) about fictional bits of information. It's incredible and incredibly sad. lol
If I'm fed up with solo mp will I like zombie mode?
Do you have the season pass? If yes, play The Giant. It's a remade map from World at War and by far the easiest to get into since it's just shootin' zombies. The next step up is Der Esiendrache, it's the best one out so far that has the best mix of simplicity and complexity.
I think at this point, the fact of the matter is that zombies has become a pretty hardcore game mode, whether people want to admit it or not. ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ The way I ended up enjoying it a lot more was just playing more solo and learning the mechanics like any other game. Basically, it just comes down to whether or not you want to put the time into it like MP.
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but if you wanted an educated opinion on it, just try it. I'd probably avoid Shadows of Evil for now. Zetsobu No Shima's issue is that it takes a bit just to turn on the power, but after that you're set. So try it out, baybeh.