Transmission# 5-17-16. Designate:
Call of Duty: Black Ops to receive backward compatibility support.
Head engineer
and co., Microsoft Redmond campus, will provide support for operation.
to discount price of item. Disc version supported.
1600 hrs GMT,
The Cold War Explodes Again with Call of Duty: Black Ops on Xbox One Backward Compatibility
The game is currently on sale for Gold subscribers for 75% off on the Xbox Marketplace (make sure to check your region)! The sale started on May 17th and lasts until May 23rd. The physical version works as well, and all of the DLC is fully supported.
Use this thread to discuss the game and to find people to play competitive, zombies...etc.
Performance comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FXpIwTDAVQ (improved performance overall over the Xbox 360)
Digital Foundry analysis - https://youtu.be/PLsrYNDLNjo (better performance overall on Xbox One)
Everyone who is affected by the V-sync please vote!
If you are having issues with input delay, try moving the game to the internal drive if it is on an external one.
Stuff I "borrowed"
Game Overview:
Set during the events of the Cold War, the Black Ops campaign will have you participate in a number of secretive covert operations in varying locations across the globe.
The customizable multiplayer experience first pioneered in Call of Duty 4 returns, featuring a revamped Create-A-Class system, rebalanced weapons and perks, and all-new game modes.
Campaign Co-Op
As with Modern Warfare 2, the main campaign will not be playable cooperatively.
The red undead menace will be returning in Black Ops as the main cooperative mode. Those who purchase the Hardened/Prestige edition will also get access to the classic zombie gametypes from World at War.
Two players for online multiplayer, four for local.
Dead Ops
Dead Ops Arcade is a hidden game mode/map in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is the third Zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is unlocked by typing "DOA" into the CIA computer (this just unlocks Dead Ops and nothing else), or by entering "3ARC UNLOCK" (this will unlock "Five" and all campaign levels as well). Upon first entering the game, the Insert Coin achievement is unlocked.
3D Support
Call of Duty: Black Ops still supports 3D on the Xbox One.
PS4, Wii U versions
Set during the events of the Cold War, the Black Ops campaign will have you participate in a number of secretive covert operations in varying locations across the globe.
The customizable multiplayer experience first pioneered in Call of Duty 4 returns, featuring a revamped Create-A-Class system, rebalanced weapons and perks, and all-new game modes.
Campaign Co-Op
As with Modern Warfare 2, the main campaign will not be playable cooperatively.
The red undead menace will be returning in Black Ops as the main cooperative mode. Those who purchase the Hardened/Prestige edition will also get access to the classic zombie gametypes from World at War.
Two players for online multiplayer, four for local.
Dead Ops
Dead Ops Arcade is a hidden game mode/map in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is the third Zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is unlocked by typing "DOA" into the CIA computer (this just unlocks Dead Ops and nothing else), or by entering "3ARC UNLOCK" (this will unlock "Five" and all campaign levels as well). Upon first entering the game, the Insert Coin achievement is unlocked.
3D Support
Call of Duty: Black Ops still supports 3D on the Xbox One.
PS4, Wii U versions
Multiplayer Overview:
The fast-paced, customizable, class-based multiplayer combat that the series is known for returns again. This iteration aims to tone down the air support that overshadowed Modern Warfare 2 and restore emphasis to gunplay and situational combat; in many ways, it aims to be a successor to Call of Duty 4 and World at War as opposed to following in the footsteps of its much-maligned predecessor. This includes a number of fundamental changes to both the basic gameplay as well as the persistence system.
Create-A-Class 2.0
The unlock system for Black Ops has been re-designed from it's predecessors. In addition to earning XP and ranking up from multiplayer matches, you also earn a currency called "COD Points," or CP. This currency is used to unlock everything from weapons and attachments to killstreak rewards and perks. As you rank up, you earn more CP per match and are given the right to purchase more items. In short, your level gives you access to new items, but you have to spend money to add items to your arsenal.
Wager Matches
Alongside CP comes a brand new playlist known as the Wager Match. These are specialized, 6-player free-for-all matches which require you to ante up some of your precious CP in order to participate. The top three players finish "in the money" and will earn back their ante, plus a hefty bonus. The bottom three will lose everything.
Combat Training
This is really just a fancy term for "bots." You can now play through the entire multiplayer progression, either solo or with friends, against bots. Your progress in combat training does not carry into regular multiplayer, but you can consider this a good place to learn maps, practice with new weapons, or play with friends who are afraid of hopping online and getting their asses kicked.
Theater Mode
It's a feature that fans have been clamoring for, and Treyarch has delivered. You can now replay your recently played matches, build clips and gameplay videos, and upload them to a central file share for all of your friends to see. You can also access your gameplay videos online at http://www.callofduty.com/theater
There will be 15 levels of prestige this time around. The first five will unlock extra class slots, and the remaining prestiges will continue to unlock special bonuses (for example, Gold camo becomes available for purchase at Prestige 14). To compensate for the extra prestiges, the max level has been dropped from 70 to 50; reaching 15 prestiges in Black Ops should take roughly the same amount of time as 10 prestiges in Modern Warfare 2.
Contracts and Challenges
Longtime Call of Duty players are familiar with the game's built-in challenge system, which rewards players with bonus XP for grinding out specific types of kills, or doing something particularly difficult and badass. Black Ops adds a new layer on top of this system with Contracts, which are a special set of tightly focused, time-limited challenges. Players can purchase any number of Contracts with their CP, and will be rewarded with bonus CP and/or XP if they complete the terms of the contract within the set amount of time. These contracts will rotate on a daily/weekly basis, ensuring that there is always something new for the hardcore player to chase.
Visual Customization
In addition to customizing your character from a tactical perspective, you are also given a wealth of new visual customization options to play around with. This includes a custom emblem editor, custom weapon sight reticules, gun camos, face camos, and more.
Interactive Maps
In another first for the series, certain multiplayer maps will feature interactive elements and environmental events. For example, one map has a bomb site placed beneath the engine of a rocket prepped for launch, forcing players to time plants and defuses so that they aren't burned alive when the rocket lifts off. Other maps might have doors which can be opened or closed by the defending team, allowing them to manipulate the flow of traffic through the map. Players will now have to not only learn the geography of each map, but the ways in which they can be manipulated as well.
Maps:The unlock system for Black Ops has been re-designed from it's predecessors. In addition to earning XP and ranking up from multiplayer matches, you also earn a currency called "COD Points," or CP. This currency is used to unlock everything from weapons and attachments to killstreak rewards and perks. As you rank up, you earn more CP per match and are given the right to purchase more items. In short, your level gives you access to new items, but you have to spend money to add items to your arsenal.
Wager Matches
Alongside CP comes a brand new playlist known as the Wager Match. These are specialized, 6-player free-for-all matches which require you to ante up some of your precious CP in order to participate. The top three players finish "in the money" and will earn back their ante, plus a hefty bonus. The bottom three will lose everything.
Combat Training
This is really just a fancy term for "bots." You can now play through the entire multiplayer progression, either solo or with friends, against bots. Your progress in combat training does not carry into regular multiplayer, but you can consider this a good place to learn maps, practice with new weapons, or play with friends who are afraid of hopping online and getting their asses kicked.
Theater Mode
It's a feature that fans have been clamoring for, and Treyarch has delivered. You can now replay your recently played matches, build clips and gameplay videos, and upload them to a central file share for all of your friends to see. You can also access your gameplay videos online at http://www.callofduty.com/theater
There will be 15 levels of prestige this time around. The first five will unlock extra class slots, and the remaining prestiges will continue to unlock special bonuses (for example, Gold camo becomes available for purchase at Prestige 14). To compensate for the extra prestiges, the max level has been dropped from 70 to 50; reaching 15 prestiges in Black Ops should take roughly the same amount of time as 10 prestiges in Modern Warfare 2.
Contracts and Challenges
Longtime Call of Duty players are familiar with the game's built-in challenge system, which rewards players with bonus XP for grinding out specific types of kills, or doing something particularly difficult and badass. Black Ops adds a new layer on top of this system with Contracts, which are a special set of tightly focused, time-limited challenges. Players can purchase any number of Contracts with their CP, and will be rewarded with bonus CP and/or XP if they complete the terms of the contract within the set amount of time. These contracts will rotate on a daily/weekly basis, ensuring that there is always something new for the hardcore player to chase.
Visual Customization
In addition to customizing your character from a tactical perspective, you are also given a wealth of new visual customization options to play around with. This includes a custom emblem editor, custom weapon sight reticules, gun camos, face camos, and more.
Interactive Maps
In another first for the series, certain multiplayer maps will feature interactive elements and environmental events. For example, one map has a bomb site placed beneath the engine of a rocket prepped for launch, forcing players to time plants and defuses so that they aren't burned alive when the rocket lifts off. Other maps might have doors which can be opened or closed by the defending team, allowing them to manipulate the flow of traffic through the map. Players will now have to not only learn the geography of each map, but the ways in which they can be manipulated as well.
The full list of maps as shipped. Thanks to GAF member Sethos for the map walkthroughs.
Array | Large | Snow covered landscape. Good medium to long range fighting.
Cracked | Large | Street map. Well balanced for Search & Destroy.
Crisis | Medium | Cuban base. Epic indoor and outdoor battles.
Firing Range | Small | Military practice facility. Hectic Domination games.
Grid | Medium | Russian power grid. Plenty of tactical spots for fighting.
Hanoi | Medium | NVA prison camp. Excellent for Headquarters matches.
Havana | Medium | Cuban city. Filled with tactical street fights.
Jungle | Large | Jungle warfare. Great vertical gameplay.
Launch | Medium | Huge space launch facility. Perfect for any game mode.
Nuketown | Small | Nuclear testing grounds. Fast paced action on a small map.
Radiation | Medium | Fully operating plant. A well balanced map for any play style.
Summit | Medium | Research facility on a snowy mountain. Fight from all angles.
Villa | Medium | Cuban estate. Good corridoors for long range firefights.
WMD | Medium | Soviet base. Intense CTF matches.
Cracked | Large | Street map. Well balanced for Search & Destroy.
Crisis | Medium | Cuban base. Epic indoor and outdoor battles.
Firing Range | Small | Military practice facility. Hectic Domination games.
Grid | Medium | Russian power grid. Plenty of tactical spots for fighting.
Hanoi | Medium | NVA prison camp. Excellent for Headquarters matches.
Havana | Medium | Cuban city. Filled with tactical street fights.
Jungle | Large | Jungle warfare. Great vertical gameplay.
Launch | Medium | Huge space launch facility. Perfect for any game mode.
Nuketown | Small | Nuclear testing grounds. Fast paced action on a small map.
Radiation | Medium | Fully operating plant. A well balanced map for any play style.
Summit | Medium | Research facility on a snowy mountain. Fight from all angles.
Villa | Medium | Cuban estate. Good corridoors for long range firefights.
WMD | Medium | Soviet base. Intense CTF matches.

Weapon Details
For detailed weapon information, such as damage, recoil, ammo count, etc, visit [url="http://denkirson.xanga.com/735016527/black-ops]DenKirson[/url].

Lethal Grenades
- Frag Grenade: Cookable explosive.
- Semtex Grenade: Throwable explosive that sticks to objects and players.
- Tomahawk: Throwable knife that can be retrieved.
Tactical Grenades
- Willy Pete: Smoke grenade; throw to block visibility.
- Nova Gas: Creates a field of gas that slowly damages the enemy.
- Flash Grenade: Temporarily blind and disorient the enemy.
- Concussion Grenade: Temporarily stun and slow the enemy.
- Decoy Grenade: Makes a gunfire noise and creates a dummy dot on the enemy radar.
- Jammer: Deploy to jam enemy radar within a set radius.
- Claymore: Deploy an explosive that automatically detonates when the enemy approaches.
- C4: Two remotely detonated explosives.
- Motion Sensor: Detects nearby enemies and displays their position.
- Camera Spike: Deploy to replace minimap with the view of the camera.
A lot of info in this thread was copied from the original Call of Duty: Black Ops |OT|, so credit goes to divisionbyzorro.
Many thanks also to Flash and Figments.