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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 IOTI Keep Your Friends Close And Your Danger Closer


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
All your weapons from the main gamne are secured weapons. Only weapons from DMZ can be lost (forever).

I don't have the main game though, any difference between the weapons there and dmz?
Does that mean that the BP dmz weapons doesn't work in dmz?
Have you guys played other games like DMZ? Hunt Showdown, Tarkov, Marauders, etc?
Reason I ask is because while I really like that type of game but DMZ is just not hitting the same itch for me. I have only played a couple matches but good loot seems far too abundant to make the risk of dying have any real impact.
I played a ton of Hunt Showdown. While I love the concept I didn't like the guns and subsequent gunplay.


I asked Reddit about the progression screen bugs and many people have it, but according to one person PS5 doesn't have this issue. Only Xbox and PC.

Whatever it is, it is fucking annoying.


According to Swagg this is the best gun in WZ2:


I'll be testing now.
Will there be a Rebirth-like mode for this game?
Because I really have had enough of Warzone for a lifetime and the new one does not bring that much novelties to keep me playing.
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I feel there's no skillgap in WZ. You can't feel if you're up against a good player or a bad player. It's all about who's aiming first and got the best ping. probably why there's so many campers. Feels like a totally opposite game of Apex Legends, which is in my opinion a far better BR overall.

Fix: Scale down the TTK by 100%
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Gold Member
I feel there's no skillgap in WZ. You can't feel if you're up against a good player or a bad player. It's all about who's aiming first and got the best ping. probably why there's so many campers. Feels like a totally opposite game of Apex Legends, which is in my opinion a far better BR overall.
Even MP feels that way with how fast the TTK is

This game is catering even more to someone sitting in a corner pre aiming a door and there is nothing you can do about it once you walk into that room

Its also another reason I havent been too concerned about picking up that gun as I havent lost fights because of a better weapon, if I get the drop on them they die


Even MP feels that way with how fast the TTK is

This game is catering even more to someone sitting in a corner pre aiming a door and there is nothing you can do about it once you walk into that room

Its also another reason I havent been too concerned about picking up that gun as I havent lost fights because of a better weapon, if I get the drop on them they die
And ping is king. Sadly there's no server in Denmark, so all the british, swedish and german players (which is the large majority of players) I go up against have an edge.

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Gold Member
And ping is king. Sadly there's no server in Denmark, so all the british, swedish and german players (which is the large majority of players) I go up against have an edge.

My main gaming time is when I am home in Jupiter FL which is about an hours drive from that Miami server and my ping is amazing.

Back in Indiana my ping is somewhat higher but I am kind of in the middle of St Louis, Chicago and that Columbus servers


Gold Member
I feel there's no skillgap in WZ. You can't feel if you're up against a good player or a bad player. It's all about who's aiming first and got the best ping. probably why there's so many campers. Feels like a totally opposite game of Apex Legends, which is in my opinion a far better BR overall.

Fix: Scale down the TTK by 100%
I dont know how much of the first Warzone you played but honestly this new one feels too clunky for me, I just don't find myself wanting to play

Kind of been feeling the same about the MP already especially with how the SBMM is.

I know if I go off a few rounds (Have had 1 nuke) I know my ass is going to get destroyed the next hour or so


I dont know how much of the first Warzone you played but honestly this new one feels too clunky for me, I just don't find myself wanting to play

Kind of been feeling the same about the MP already especially with how the SBMM is.

I know if I go off a few rounds (Have had 1 nuke) I know my ass is going to get destroyed the next hour or so
Not much. I've been playing Apex for almost 4 years nonstop and really hoped WZ2 would bring something new to the table, but I guess not :/

DMZ and raids will probably be my goto co-op modes with friends tho.
My favorite is the AK74U silenced

But like I said above a lot of guns are strong because this game is all about getting the drop on someone with how low the TTK is
Does silencer reduce the damage too much or just enough to justify using it? Just started playing and haven’t unlocked them on any of the guns yet. At least I’m not getting 360’Ed no scoped like in MW2 Xbox360 days 😄


Gold Member
Something I found out this evening much like how dropping the M13 works for team mates to pick up so does any gun

So if someone has all the guns unlocked and say you have a friend start with the Christmas rush you can presently drop some high level gun you have unlocked and they will then have it.


Something I found out this evening much like how dropping the M13 works for team mates to pick up so does any gun

So if someone has all the guns unlocked and say you have a friend start with the Christmas rush you can presently drop some high level gun you have unlocked and they will then have it.

Hmm, interesting. Is the level the same?

EDIT: Never mind you did specify high level, crazy.
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Gold Member
Nice win loss record. Always like to see people trying to win. Too many play every mode like death match in objectives.

Yeah, it's sometimes ridiculous. Even kill confirmed, many seem to be completely uninterested in picking up tags right in front of them.. I guess some of it could be blamed on people focused on doing challenges and unlocking stuff.


Kind of been feeling the same about the MP already especially with how the SBMM is.

I know if I go off a few rounds (Have had 1 nuke) I know my ass is going to get destroyed the next hour or so

There's a lot of variation in COD matches, and I would think it isn't easy to disentangle the reasons. I don't have the complication of being skilled, I know I suck, and I personally think a lot of that variation is random or internet-related. Some games, even coming at each other, I see everyone before they see me. Other games in the same situation, I'm dead before I squeeze the trigger, and never had a chance. Some games, everyone is sweaty as hell, other games I get obvious newbies. The SBMM seems to get blamed for a lot, but I can't see that it's doing much.

I wanted to unlock a skin, so I leveled up the STB 556 to level 20, then the HCR to level 13, two weapons I hate, especially LMG‘s, only to find out the double kills challenges are glitched, ended up getting like 6-7 of them and none of them counted.

On a positive note, I spent a bunch of time playing DMZ this past weekend with my nephew and I had a blast, the mode needs work but it’s really fun. I keep reading about people stumbling across other players and they’re often friendly, not even once in my experience. The moment I see other players they attack without hesitation.
As a true lover of BR...

+ Proxy chat is great. Hope this becomes a genre standard.
+ I appreciate the low TTK. Leave that skill gap @#$% to arena shooters. BR should be about positioning.
+ 3rd person mode feels better for BR.

- Feels incredibly basic. This should be from 2018, not 2022.
- Feels kinda janky. Vehicles in particular feel cheap and glitchy.
- Loot is boring.
- Map is boring. 99% of my kills and deaths are mid or close range traditional CoD engagements.

In Fortnite when you get air striked, you know you have a few seconds to get out of there. In Warzone when you get air striked you know the coders made dilapidated shacks invincible.

This may end up being my 2nd favorite BR but it can barely see the King up in the distance. Hoping we see some major updates.
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Well I have kinda hopped into MW2 casually since the launch. Been having some internet issues that have made things dreadful while attempting to play the game online. It basically feels near impossible to win engagements when my local internet is down bad(lots of reasons and too much explanation for this). Not a fault of the game since it is a local connection issue(just something to be pointed out as there is always that ONE guy). Just killed my drive for the MP. Now when my internet wants to behave. I can actually really enjoy the experience. Not sure about what guns have been called to be meta and etc but I really do not like the current perk system. UAV/Counter seems so incredibly strong compared to previous titles. My friends say that they likely made this change for Warzone but even then... that annoys me that they are still doing these kind of things like MW19 where they do balance for WZ that also affects MP.


I am not a huge fan of free to play or Call of Duty games, but I did enjoy playing with friends in Warzone 2.0. Spent all days at an in-person LAN playing it. Played a few rounds of 3 person battle royal and the rest of the time playing DMZ. It worked well for a LAN game. I'm not sure if I will play much without friends.


I tell you what, the 3rd person mode is awesome, I keep going back to that all the time. If you get the battle rage going listen to what your operator says after they inhale, Conor is my favorite so far, he yells the most stupid stuff.


DMZ can be very good.

I joined a good squad, and we spawned close to the weapons cache. We infiltrated, geared up and managed to defeat the Juggernaut. Then we snatched the cache and booted it for the exfil. Ofcourse, a Helo and human players were on our ass, but I had a scoped LMG and picked them off from range while they were trying to loot off one of my teammates body. Somehow we got out alive, even with AI, a heli and humans on our ass. I got Caution Tape.

I think they do need to tone down the AI, they can tank and they aimbot you.
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uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
DMZ can be very good.

I joined a good squad, and we spawned close to the weapons cache. We infiltrated, geared up and managed to defeat the Juggernaut. Then we snatched the cache and booted it for the exfil. Ofcourse, a Helo and human players were on our ass, but I had a scoped LMG and picked them off from range while they were trying to loot off one of my teammates body. Somehow we got out alive, even with AI, a heli and humans on our ass.

I think they do need to tone down the AI, they can tank and they aimbot you.
Working with a a squad can be great fun trying to do any main thing like a weapon case or the chemist solo while full squads are also going for the same objective is a death sentence
The last CoD I put any meaningful time into online was Black Ops 4, have generally been a fan of the Battlefield series but 2042 is a fucking abortion of a game, so MW2 will have to do... and I'm loving it. The pace and TTK of the game feels spot on, and the MP maps are a lot of fun and allow you to attack different strategies without worrying too much about snipers and campers. I still dont like the idea of kill streak bonuses but it is what it is.
I've played DMZ four times and it crashed to desktop twice. I do enjoy it when it works. Regular MP still feels like whoever sees the other person first wins.


Today's update broke the game for me. Crashing a lot in Warzone, which was fine before the patch. Buying weapons from buy station is giving me a random weapon. Loadouts are also giving random weapons.

Having a lot of fun on the game but it's probably the worst launch in recent history from a technical standpoint.


Today's update broke the game for me on XSX ... at first it wouldn't load the update and i had to reboot the game several times to get that to go through, now the player stats or something won't load. Can't even get to the main screen right now. Sigh.

*Nevermind, rebooted the game a few more times and it actually went through to the menu screen finally. What a pain!
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