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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 IOTI Keep Your Friends Close And Your Danger Closer

Rocco Schiavone

Gold Member
Finished the campagne yesterday. Well that was disappointing.

Why are developers trying to copy the Uncharted 4 car chase level??

They tried It in the Saints Row reboot and with this new Call Of Duty. But in both games the car chases sucked ass.

Jesus and in COD the controls are complete trash. You lean out of the car to shoot.

Okay you have to press the square button to enter and leave the car. But when you lean out you have to go on the roof of the car before you can enter It again. Who designed this shitty controls??

Also the parts where you have to loot to create weapons felt out of place.

I know they tried to implement something fresh but do you really have to copy from the Last of US???

One question remaining to all the people who finished the sp.

Did you also had these strange bugs with the light sources that they even shine through stone??

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Gold Member
Why do people keep jumping around like crazy? I'm starting to see a ton of people running around the map getting into gun fights and just jumping repeatedly
I'd remove the jump button and make diving the main defensive move. You get one, then you're on the ground.


Something really puzzled me today, I watched and confirmed several times that people ran straight over proximity mines without setting them off. How? (and no, the mines were clearly not disabled)
I saw something similar with claymores. People clearly walked over them, but not setting them off. My guess is, that this is part of the SBMM. A really bad player will not set off claymores or mines from time to time, so that he might be able to get a kill.


Only 24 hours? Stingy MFers. Could at least give us a weekend AND include weapon xp. I honestly don't really need couple XP. I'm at level 171 or something and aside fromthe prestige challenges, there is nothing you get from leveling up.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.


Sad Happy Hour GIF


Finished the campagne yesterday. Well that was disappointing.

Why are developers trying to copy the Uncharted 4 car chase level??

They tried It in the Saints Row reboot and with this new Call Of Duty. But in both games the car chases sucked ass.

Jesus and in COD the controls are complete trash. You lean out of the car to shoot.

Okay you have to press the square button to enter and leave the car. But when you lean out you have to go on the roof of the car before you can enter It again. Who designed this shitty controls??

Also the parts where you have to loot to create weapons felt out of place.

I know they tried to implement something fresh but do you really have to copy from the Last of US???

One question remaining to all the people who finished the sp.

Did you also had these strange bugs with the light sources that they even shine through stone??

Campaign was woeful. I deleted it straight after I beat it.

It starts off decent, but its horrible really. Just terrible mechanics ripped off from games like TLOU, paired with a bad AI, linear level design and low ttk this simply doesn't work. Its Call of Duty, just throw me into some set pieces where I have to cut through enemy lines and blow up some radar. But halfway through they start to copy some survival game shit with weak ass mechanics and even a loot and craft system.


I wish they would just go full goofy/sexy with the outfits. And have an option to just show Mil-Sim skins for people who don’t wanna see the goofy skins. I should be allowed to play as a robot or a waifu.
Seriously, what I want is just outfits that clearly show which team you're on. Red vs blue, green vs black, whatever. When everyone is hopping around dressed as custom ninja warriors with pink guns, they're way too hard to tell apart. Sometimes you can't even see the red dot that denotes an enemy if you bump into somebody coming around a corner.


I feel like SBMM or whatever it's called does more than just put you in sweat matches if you're on a streak... also feels like i start getting super dangerous spawn locations as well. When i am doing really well some matches all of a sudden i'm facing a bunch of try hards and the game CONSTANTLY spawns me right in front of an enemy that's already looking in my direction or super close to someone already running towards me. Just a coincidence i'm sure but something i'm noticing more and more lately.


Whoa is this legit? Not harmful or anything and can't get banned?

Reading some reviews this seems favorable... can you auto farm specific games or anything or do you have to set a channel and then let its do its thing. Find another channel when it's done till it's finished, find another channel etc?
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Gold Member
Whoa is this legit? Not harmful or anything and can't get banned?

Reading some reviews this seems favorable... can you auto farm specific games or anything or do you have to set a channel and then let its do its thing. Find another channel when it's done till it's finished, find another channel etc?
I have been using that extension for quite awhile and have never been banned

I have had several tabs open at once and it will auto collect from all of them


Whoa is this legit? Not harmful or anything and can't get banned?

Reading some reviews this seems favorable... can you auto farm specific games or anything or do you have to set a channel and then let its do its thing. Find another channel when it's done till it's finished, find another channel etc?
It's totally legit and has a lot of users. You can have multiple streams in tabs and it will automatically get all drops.


I installed the extension and enabled everything, watching the sea of thieves right now but not sure if i have to do anything with the extension itself to work? Does it just automatically do its thing?

How does it work to do more than one tab/stream at a time? I want to open a COD tab to collect those stream rewards but twitch already says i'm watching the sea of thieves one for rewards..


Finished the campaign, played a bit of mp, enjoyed wz, really enjoyed dmz, then fell off hard cause it got super tedious due to mission structure and ai having hacks.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Im gonna stop playing this fucking piece of a shit game, worst game ever released and im not even joking. They gave lots of shit to other devs for there broken games like recently released Calisto but completely ignore this piece of shit. It crashed 4 to 6 times every hour and the fucking game is a joke.

My lobbies are always fucking try hard pussies with riot shields and most op guns. My kd was like 1.5 (not amazing but also not bad) and now after 20 games its just 1 because im in those retarded lobbies with all those fucking campers with riot shields and one shot guns. I cannot even level up my other guns because they kill me in nano seconds with there op guns and with the broken TTK in this game. The SBMM is fucking cancer of this game and doesn't even work properly. 1 game im in a decent lobby i get 30+ kills and 2 to 3kd and the next 8 games im in those fucking riot shield pussy lobbies where im 0.6 to 1.5. Also the movement is soo trash in this game that it literally pushes players to camp or pre aim all the fucking time while all those pussies are camping constantly with there riot shields. Im getting lobbies with all the players having riot shield expect me. Im done with this piece of shit game and WZ2 which is just a fucking beta at this point. They made everything good about MW19 and WZ shit.



Got our first W of Warzone 2 the other day on Duos with a mate.

Got about 11 kills between us, we played more aggressively than we usually would but seemed to work out well.
Managed a 5th place finish with some random dude on Duos the day after as well, no mic, just communicating by pings, very fun actually.


Im gonna stop playing this fucking piece of a shit game, worst game ever released and im not even joking. They gave lots of shit to other devs for there broken games like recently released Calisto but completely ignore this piece of shit. It crashed 4 to 6 times every hour and the fucking game is a joke.

My lobbies are always fucking try hard pussies with riot shields and most op guns. My kd was like 1.5 (not amazing but also not bad) and now after 20 games its just 1 because im in those retarded lobbies with all those fucking campers with riot shields and one shot guns. I cannot even level up my other guns because they kill me in nano seconds with there op guns and with the broken TTK in this game. The SBMM is fucking cancer of this game and doesn't even work properly. 1 game im in a decent lobby i get 30+ kills and 2 to 3kd and the next 8 games im in those fucking riot shield pussy lobbies where im 0.6 to 1.5. Also the movement is soo trash in this game that it literally pushes players to camp or pre aim all the fucking time while all those pussies are camping constantly with there riot shields. Im getting lobbies with all the players having riot shield expect me. Im done with this piece of shit game and WZ2 which is just a fucking beta at this point. They made everything good about MW19 and WZ shit.
I feel you. I wish they would just use the lobby system of the old cods. Keep players together for multiple matches and mix top players and noobs. I really don't care about winning or loosing in call of duty, but what I really really don't like is the predictablility of the SBMM. You know that you will get sweater lobbies after you did well for 1 or 2 rounds. I do it the following way: I play normal for like 7 to 10 matches (I usually land at a 1.3 KD or something, nothing special) and then I reverse boost for like 2 or 3 rounds. That means I kill no one and only stack up deaths. That more or less evens out my performance and I can play with people that are not corner jumping sweaters.


For the later quests I agree. The early stuff is also doable solo or with randoms.

An ingame search function for specific quests would be godlike. With this you could tackle specific quest with randoms who need to do the same quest(s).
True I solo'ed up to tier 3 and then hit a brickwall. Would be awesome with quest-matchmaking!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Does the on-demand texture streaming effect single player too or is it only for the Warzone shit ?


My brother helped me get the assault rifle from DMZ in like 5 mins? Spawned, he dropped the gun, we highlighted exfil, ran to river jumped in a boat, sped up river zero enemies, got out next to a stronghold still no enemies. We called exfil waited jumped in the chopper and boom. I think we killed 4 or 5 enemies the whole time. I was worried it was gonna be a lot harder than this from how everyone was talking about it.
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I put a pause on this to mess around in fortnite again for a while since i stopped playing that 3+ seasons ago... now new destiny 2 season is out and the dungeon armor is western themed. The hunter looks bad ass! I went from just playing one game again for a while to being pulled in all sorts of directions again.


A wholesome vid from Thunder? It's a Christmas miracle!

Also, I just realized, is there no White Ass Phosphorous any more? Damn, the end of an era!
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Completed the raid - and, it's not a Destiny raid lol - more like a Destiny strike. No difference from Spec-Ops.

Looking forward to try veteran mode tho


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
Completed the raid - and, it's not a Destiny raid lol - more like a Destiny strike. No difference from Spec-Ops.

Looking forward to try veteran mode tho
have looked into any of it yet are the puzzles super vague like in zombies sometimes


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Valeria skin when? There are mofos who will pay $20 just for that.

Also lol i missed most of the double xp weekend cuz my ps5 controller was broken after 2 years of heavy use.
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