Oh my God, I absolutely hate being the host. I've done pretty well with USAS ever since I unlocked the range (got the damage too) but every time I'm having a match where 2-3 shots in the face isn't enough to drop someone I'm the damn host practically every time. I just don't understand how the fuck IW can't do anything to fix that.
Anyways, any recommendations for a sniper rifle & setup? I'm not that good as a sniper and can't quickscope or anything but decided to level up one of the sniper rifles as my next challenge.
I'll share mine, remember though that I use it primarily to patrol areas, not run about.
I use the MSR myself with a silencer, meaning I have to go for the headshot for the kill. The G18 is my secondary, for reasons that become clearer later. Claymore as my Lethal (to cover my rear) and Portable Radar as my Tactical (added cover in case someone tries to flank me).
I have Sleight of Hand as my first perk, mainly because the Pro allows me to switch to my G18 as fast as I could if I had a pistol as my secondary, but the G18 is of course fully automatic and that element could win numerous CQC fights.
Second slot is harder really, if you're not a quickscoper (I'm not either) then you should probably avoid Quickdraw. Assassin Pro is ideal as it allows you to stay hidden from other snipers who will likely have Marksman equipped, but Blast Shield is surprisingly good too because if you're dug in to a spot, they will flush you out with flashbang or concussion grenades and the Pro version eliminates their effect.
Marksman is easily the choice for the third slot, identifying targets at distance is handy as hell and the ability to hold your breath longer when you level that up is even better.
As for Deathstreaks, I'd go for Revenge, finding the person who just took you out just got a bit easier and still works whilst you're scoped in.