What a difference a year and a setting change makes

Domany developers make games like this anymore?People who say it looks generic; what do you expect it to look like? Do you want them to change the way the settings and outfits look?
Also: is it generic because so many games are copying the style Call of Duty made so popular to begin with?
Did the first 2 COD games have regen health or health packs? I forgot already
You're right. The American education system isn't robust enough to have taught the difference between the Polish, the Soviets, the Heer, and the Nazis. There'd be too much confusion if they went for a nuanced approach that shared complex stories from a unique perspective that wasn't about some kid from Texas and freedom®
lol Right.Infinite Warfare, sort of? It's unclear but his last name is Reyes.
Jonathon Tucker
Transformers (or maybe Revenge of the Fallen) was the turning point of how grandiose action is depicted.Wouldn't it look more like the actual WWII film that he did with Pearl Harbor?
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.People thinking this looks generic need their eyes and brains checked. This is the most inspired this series has looked in years.
Not sure I've only ever played mp on some of the gamesWhen was the last time we played as Latino anyways, MW2?
Pretty sure it was, at least as a main protagonist.Not sure I've only ever played mp on some of the games
still not getting why Polygon published article about this game being racism/white-wash.
btw, nice thread, i can collected something i may missed out during live show.![]()
I preordered from Amazon to get the beta code and then cancel but they sent me a code for content for the Final Fantasy Online game, lol.
Domany developers make games like this anymore?
I feel like it's basically Call of Duty and Battlefield at this point.
People thinking this looks generic need their eyes and brains checked. This is the most inspired this series has looked in years.
still not getting why Polygon published article about this game being racism/white-wash.
btw, nice thread, i can collected something i may missed out during live show.![]()
For now, the tone-deaf manner in which this all-white production checked all the diversity boxes women, an African-American unit and even a child reduced everyone else to a bullet point on the back of a box, yet another feature. Weve got a private multiplayer beta; weve got zombies; weve got black people, weve got women, weve got a Jew.
I had to check to see if you were being serious. What a genuinely bizarre article
Damn I didn't even know they were in the games. Lol. I should've played their campaigns. Last CoD campaign I played was Big Red One. Cool to see them focusing on diversity though, I'll make sure to play the campaign in this game.Pretty sure it was, at least as a main protagonist.
Unless you count Danny Trejo in Black Ops and Raul Menendez in Black Ops II.
I watched the trailer again now on PC, rather than mobile excited because its "new" in terms of style over the past few iterations of COD.
But I cant help to feel like I have done everything that trailer has showed me in previous WWII games. They will really need to introduce some "new" situations in the campaign and multi to really keep long term interest in the title. Otherwise it will feel old and tired fast.
It's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
I watched the trailer again now on PC, rather than mobile excited because its "new" in terms of style over the past few iterations of COD.
But I cant help to feel like I have done everything that trailer has showed me in previous WWII games. They will really need to introduce some "new" situations in the campaign and multi to really keep long term interest in the title. Otherwise it will feel old and tired fast.
I hear you on this one, my first reaction upon seeing this trailer was actually "It'll be interesting to experience a Normandy Beach landing on modern hardware"
Most likely going to be health packs and Im going to be so fucking happy about that.
Or even no health packs like Counter-strike I'd be cool with
Most likely going to be health packs and Im going to be so fucking happy about that.
Or even no health packs like Counter-strike I'd be cool with
What a difference a year and a setting change makes
Hopefully no medkits. Might end up the best Cod SnD mode peroid.
I've posted before.. But man I really hope this comes to switch. Mostly to play it because I'm a huge COD fan on nintendo consoles.. but also to see what the Switch is capable of and how it scales with PS4 and xbone. We've seen snake pass, I am setsuna, dragon quest, lego city undercover.. But this is a AAA game and it looks phenomenal. I wonder how the Switch version would compare if it comes out too.
Thats what you get for listening to the fans
Hopefully no medkits. Might end up the best Cod SnD mode peroid.
Do you mean no medkits at all - only calling for a medic?
What a difference a year and a setting change makes
I mean this wasn't reactionary, which I think people are overlooking this. Sledgehammer was given the go ahead for WWII not long after AW and away before BO3 released.
Having to manage your health was a great feeling in the original cod, less rushing 😉.No healing, straight Counter strike. Not sure it'd work well in other modes, but I honestly couldn't care less about them.
No healing, straight Counter strike. Not sure it'd work well in other modes, but I honestly couldn't care less about them.
Works for Battlefield 😝 (yes I'm aware bf has minor regeneration)Realism would dictate that calling out for a medic is acceptable - what you want sounds like a "Good Luck! mode" lol
How do you have a dark theme? My YouTube is all white.