Am I making stuff up or are the facial animations a step back from IW?
Am I making stuff up or are the facial animations a step back from IW?
No health regen? I wonder if this applies to multiplayer, that would be a big change to the formula. Altought I don't think it's a particulary good change. I like health regen in COD.
Given how I'm not a fan of the setting I'll wait for Black Ops 4 or whatever Treyarch is working on. I hope they improve the story (didn't even finish 3's campaign) but I always enjoy their multiplayer.
Titanfall 2 will be my "COD-like" shooter for one more year.
Looked pretty meh.
No health regen? I wonder if this applies to multiplayer, that would be a big change to the formula. Altought I don't think it's a particulary good change. I like health regen in COD.
There was never health regen in hardcore mode, no?
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen.
I can name family members that died in this conflict, wept at the pictures and accounts of the dead and maimed that experienced this hell, was taught all the horrors of it from primary school, through my whole life, it's only ever been a symbol of the folly of war, the worst, most black and shameful era of European and American history. I've been to the actual battlefields and mass graves across Europe, held the minutes silence without fail every rememberence day my entire life, for as long as I could understand the meaning of it.
There was no glory in this war. No thrilling action or daring do, no heroes and villains, this was mass murder, a scar on the history of our species, and every single person involved in it was a victim.
This trailer, the entire concept of this game, makes me feel physically sick, and just so fucking angry.
How fucking dare anyone make a game like this about the Second World War.
I don't know what's worse, the sick fucking emotionless, greedy cunts that would seriously exploit this horror of an industrialised massacre, or the ignorant, soulless bastards that will give them money and enjoy it.
Anyone involved in this, or seriously think of buying this, should be ashamed of themselves.
that's nice
beta not available on PC
that's nice
where's that stated?
beta not available on PC
that's nice
There is no way no health regen makes it to multiplayer, and I think IGN stated it was singleplayer only.
There never was health regen in hardcore mode, no?
Am I making stuff up or are the facial animations a step back from IW?
IW had a specialist mode with no regeneration. You needed nano shots, you could also get body parts individually damaged and have the gun shot out of your hands.If it does it will be a bold move, I'll be curious to see how that works.
There wasn't? I never played hardcore but my impression is that you just died much faster but maybe there wasn't health regen there.
If so, then that concerns me. Infinite Warfare is garbage on PC no deds and no anti-cheat. Despite Black ops 3 having both.
Anyone else catch how the map that was briefly shown looks like Outskirts from WaW?
(Taken from this tweet.)
Anyone else catch how the map that was briefly shown looks like Outskirts from WaW?
(Taken from this tweet.)
Well if you look at it that way then the "futuristic setting with jetpacks is saturated" complaints hold no grounds either because we had like how many futuristic games with jetpacks?It's funny, people keep saying how the Normandy Beach-landing has been done a zillion times in games, but how many games (not including MP-only titles like Day of Defeat or BF1942) have actually featured it?
- MOH: Allied Assault
- MOH: Frontline (which was a pseudo-console port of Allied Assault)
- Call of Duty 2 (which focused on the Pointe du Hoc sector)
- Company of Heroes' 1st tutorial level
What else is there? Conker's Bad Fur Day? We've really only done the Omaha/Utah Beach landing like, twice as far as mainstream WW2 shooters go. Yet you'd think it's like the WW2 equivalent of the Hoth level or something the way people talk about how many times its been done.
Because Soviets played the most important part in defeating Nazis. What kind of question is that?
Yay, another World War II story that glorifies American military might...
Edit: They know their audience.
Can you post some links where people said that?Well if you look at it that way then the "futuristic setting with jetpacks is saturated" complaints hold no grounds either because we had like how many futuristic games with jetpacks?
Advanced Warfare
Blops 3
Infinite Warfare
Ghosts was near future but it was quite low tech in setting and felt like a modern warfare game. Blops 2 was near future but it also had half the game in the past, plus it was grounded as well with no jet packs and stuff.
Lots of Soviets died for sure, but a lot of that was down to the weaknesses of the Soviet system.
Lots of Soviets died for sure, but a lot of that was down to the weaknesses of the Soviet system. Stalin incomprehensibly trusted Hitler right up to the eve of Barbarossa and had made a formal alliance with him. Stalin's purges of military leadership in the 30s made the Soviet army incompetent. Also general disregard for individual human life in their tactics ingrained by communist ideology.
It is funny to see how the propaganda works though. In 1945 clear majority of the French thought that the Soviet Union had done the most to beat the Nazis, but by 2004 the opinion had flipped completely and majority thought the USA had done the most.
No co-op in the main story campaign is a big bummer.
WaW co-op was a blast.
There's a whole generation of gamers who haven't played these battles in a billion games already. I've played them before, but I'm twice the age of someone who just turned old enough to buy an M-rated game.What I don't understand is why do they insist on doing the same battles again and again from American pov when there were so many different battles on so many fronts with so many different sides.
I mean haven't we already played these battles in a bazillion games already? If you are going to being back WW2 then atleast offer a theatre not seen before or not done as frequently. Pacific Front gets ignored unless it's a specific game solely focused on Pacific Front.
Ok? What are you trying to say exactly? Soviets get the job done and stopped the Nazis.
It is funny to see how the propaganda works though. In 1945 clear majority of the French thought that the Soviet Union had done the most to beat the Nazis, but by 2004 the opinion had flipped completely and majority thought the USA had done the most.
The Hürtgen Forest level is brand-new to any World War II game and it's actually one of the longest, singular conflicts in U.S. military history.
The Liberation of Paris and pushing into Germany are things that we've never seen before in a game - depending on the conflicts that they choose - but I agree with you, the Normandy invasion has me the most interested so far and my main interest is just to see how many NPC's they can have running around on-screen.
looks a little like Dawnville from CoD1
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen.
I can name family members that died in this conflict, wept at the pictures and accounts of the dead and maimed that experienced this hell, was taught all the horrors of it from primary school, through my whole life, it's only ever been a symbol of the folly of war, the worst, most black and shameful era of European and American history. I've been to the actual battlefields and mass graves across Europe, held the minutes silence without fail every rememberence day my entire life, for as long as I could understand the meaning of it.
There was no glory in this war. No thrilling action or daring do, no heroes and villains, this was mass murder, a scar on the history of our species, and every single person involved in it was a victim.
This trailer, the entire concept of this game, makes me feel physically sick, and just so fucking angry.
How fucking dare anyone make a game like this about the Second World War.
I don't know what's worse, the sick fucking emotionless, greedy cunts that would seriously exploit this horror of an industrialised massacre, or the ignorant, soulless bastards that will give them money and enjoy it.
Anyone involved in this, or seriously think of buying this, should be ashamed of themselves.
That's because Treyarch is the only CoD developer that gives a shit about PC.
Sledgehammer is probably the worst of the three. They were completely silent about the PC version prior to release and actively lied about the dedicated servers question. Advanced Warfare MP had no FoV option, no dedicated servers, no anti-cheat and the default mouse implementation used smoothing with no way to turn it off. Hacked lobbies and public cheats were rampant on the day of release. It's no surprise that it died less than a month later.