I'm 51 and I can only answer for myself of course. But, I still find life to be absolutely magic. I listen to the voice inside - to my heart, and I let it guide me, and life is incredibly exciting and engaging for me.
Doesn't mean there are no problems of course, but I think in the world we live in today we have things backwards. We live, generally speaking, from the mind. But the true compass for passion and a meaningful life has always been, and will always be, the heart. You have to look deep within and really find what's there and then throw caution to the wind. Sadly in the world as it exists currently, many are completely unaware that there's anything in there at all - living to survive, while never coming to *life*. The mind is a great tool for survival, but it must bow the proverbial knee to the heart when it comes to meaning. Find that fire and then follow it.