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Can that shot give my dog autism? Anti-vax movement spreads from children to pets.

Brooklynites are refusing to vaccinate their pets against virulent and potentially deadly illnesses as a result of a growing crusade against the life-saving inoculations, according to borough vets.

“We do see a higher number of clients who don’t want to vaccinate their animals,” said Dr. Amy Ford of the Veterinarian Wellness Center of Boerum Hill. “This may be stemming from the anti-vaccine movement, which people are now applying to their pets.”

A Clinton Hill–based veterinarian, however, said she has heard clients suggest the inoculations could give their pups autism, echoing the argument of those who oppose vaccinating kids. But even if pooches were susceptible to the condition, their owners probably wouldn’t notice, according to the doctor.

“I had a client concerned about an autistic child who didn’t want to vaccinate the dog for the same reason,” said Dr. Stephanie Liff of Clinton Hill’s Pure Paws Veterinary Care. “We’ve never diagnosed autism in a dog. I don’t think you could.”

There was a recent uptick in canine vaccinations after an outbreak of the bacterial disease Leptospirosis, which infected several people in the Bronx earlier this year and is lethal to dogs, according to Liff, who said it’s not unusual for trends in human medicine to trickle down to animal health care.



Help control the pet population. Don't get your pet vaccinated so they die early.
Doesn't sound as good as the original.


My dog's daycare keeps screwing up the vaccination reminders for our dog, and yesterday said she needed the canine influenza vaccine. I jokingly said to my wife while trying to find her records "do you think there are dog anti-vaxxers who think their dog will get autism?" Spooky.



Fantastic. Let's spread the infection of completely preventable diseases in pets because it might cause fucking *autism*.

We had a cat of ours die when I was a kid after just 2 years because he was exposed to feline leukemia before he was able to be vaccinated. Let me tell you something, even if that vaccine had a 90% chance of causing autism, I'd take it. Having an alive cat with autism beats a dead cat who dies of cancer at age 2.
I'd like to be in the room when the lightbulb went off for anti-vaxxers that humans aren't the only animals that receive vaccines.


to be fair I don't vaccinate my cats due to fears of them developing cancer from it.

but that isnt just my paranoia. I lost one cat to cancer that developed in the exact area he got a shot shortly after his shot, and my vets have all moved from giving cats shots in the neck area to the leg area as there is a risk and cats tend to survive much better missing a leg then they do missing a neck.

that, and my cats don't go outside at all nor do they interact with any other pets so it's not like they are high risk to get anything.. They got their kitten shots just not anything after.

not vaccinating to avoid dog autism though.... should be grounds for someone not to own a pet.
My dog is autistic.

She has all these characterisitcs::


My dog is terrified of everything and is overly affectionate if she isn't terrified of you. I have no idea how she would up this way as we adopted her at like 8 weeks from the animal shelter. We certainly didn't do anything to her (ok accept maybe spoil and baby her but I mean when she is scared and has that look how can you not?). Hmm...


This probably stems in part for the overuse of the rabies vaccine. I'm not saying it isn't needed, but what most vets don't tell you is that the shot is good for up to three years but they encourage people to get one every year because it makes them more money.

That and also because anti-vaxxers are idiots. Probably more so the idiots part.
Any mother fucker dumb enough to ask this question doesn't know what Autism is (or, probably the diseases they're being vaccinated against).


Yes they can. Especially Parvo vaccine. Whatever you do don't get your pet vaccinated for Parvovirus. It'll only cost you about 2500 dollars to have round the clock observation if your dog gets it with a high chance of infecting other dogs in the clinic that also haven't been vaccinated like puppies.

It's a small price to pay to keep your dog from becoming obsessed with sonic the hedgehog.
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