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Can the moderator have more tools to make the forum better?

For a website that has really strict admission rules, the moderation is poor. I have very little respect for the majority of this community. Shit posts and trolling happen uncontrollably. Could the forum do things like temporary ban and show in the comment the user was temporary banned for certain activity. Or warned and show in the comment they were warned for such activity.

There's already a general gaming forum in gamefaqs. I thought this was the elite gaming forum. It just feels like a pretentious gaming forum to me.


*Checks previous posts*

Thread: How do you judge value to a game?
As long as I enjoyed myself, it was worth it.
What a good response. I really learned something about how other people see the world. I'm so glad I spent the time reading this response and that you decided to post it. It's so indepth. It really makes me see the world in a different way. This comment I'll take to heart.

Perhaps this isn't the right forum for you if you are this easily triggered.
*Checks previous posts*

Thread: How do you judge value to a game?

Perhaps this isn't the right forum for you :-O

Great quote. This quote was really a spark for the thread, but not the first example by far. I honestly had high hopes for this forum and I think considering the entry rules the forum makes itself out to be respectable. But I really don't respect a vast majority of the community and think the forum should have better moderating tools to create a respectable atmosphere.
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