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Can we have the politics forum back if we promise to be respectful of each other?

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Gold Member
Mike Myers No GIF

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Politics are a mess, atm. Divisive AF, to say the least. Can we, on GAF have a good discussion of Politics? Possibly, but we'd also have ban-grave yards.
That shit riles up emotions... and I feel over the last 10 years emotions have gotten MFers banned more times than anything... console wars are similar to this shit.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.


I wouldn't mind a sub-forum for discussing political themes in games, but for general politics, no. It will just delvolve into Qanon/Blue-anon conspiracies, there's plenty of platforms online to discuss that.
The only thing that struck me as a “really?” was the lack of threads for the assassination attempt. Not sure if it might have flown and no one tried. Maybe just permit the near death/death threads of public figures. You know, like Jeremy Renner, is Kate OK, and on.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.

Would you reconsider bringing back the Ukraine and Israel threads after the election or whenever?


Arguably now would be the worst time to bring it back given the climate in the US, Europe, Middle East and potential for unrest in Asia with China and Taiwan.

I think debating politics online and on a forum like this where we don't know each others names and faces inevitably leads to toxic outcomes.

We're better of channeling our energy and focus into something else that will benefit our lives, health and wealth.
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The only thing that struck me as a “really?” was the lack of threads for the assassination attempt. Not sure if it might have flown and no one tried. Maybe just permit the near death/death threads of public figures. You know, like Jeremy Renner, is Kate OK, and on.
There was a thread being coy about it but it was closed. Also crazy how we've all just moved on already from that, the news cycle is on breakneck speed right now.


In b4 the lock etc (yes.. this thread WILL be locked, no doubt). I too wish we could have political discussion on this forum, but it's proven time and again (also "just that one last last time really I mean it we will be good..") that there's a large amount of people here who just cannot handle it. It is a shame because a large amount of people here CAN handle it respectfully, and intelligently, but it is always a fairly short amount of time before it completely devolves. Or runs asunder. Whichever you prefer.

Anyway, not a good thing for this forum, it's been proven enough times. It is disappointing, but there's more than enough evidence that this toxicity on the internet just keeps getting worse and ultimately it is a huge, huge breath of fresh air to come to this forum and see people being civil to one another for the most part (whereas in reddit, twitter, FB etc it's just hate, hate, hate of brother VS brother). Let's keep it chill in here and be horrendous bitches elsewhere.
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You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.

The worst part of the politics forum was the fighting, and the insults, and the bad-faith. The best part of it was finding common ground, hearing some of the strongest arguments that could be made on all sides of an issue, and learning things that "your team" was keeping from you.

The other thing that made our political forum so valuable was that it's an actual forum, and not twitter or facebook. The moderation and format here allowed for lengthy discussions with very few viewpoints genuinely not permitted, and you also didn't have to deal with slurs or garbage like that. It had real worth, and it's a loss that we don't have that anymore. I felt a lot of that value again with the Israel thread, as there were points being made there and personal stories and examples that I never would have never heard on any cable news channel. Thanks for allowing us to have that conversation.

Of course, I agree there's also value in not having the politics forum. There are trade-offs and sacrifices for a lot of choices in life, and the politics forum did have a lot of negative aspects, but there was definitely good there as well. I'm sure you know that. I just felt the need to say it.


What time is it?
You know I enjoy discussing politics, on either side of the aisle, as long as people are civil and respectful and thoughtful.

But last time around I had to ban hundreds of people and close the politics forum. The time before that basically set the stage for the destruction of the community.

Politics pits us against each other and brings out the worst in a lot of people. It also attracts the wrong crowd, people who have an ideological agenda on either side who come here to promote their tribe.

I’m looking forward to a nice and relaxed time on here for the 2024 election season where we talk about our common interests, like Olympic beach volleyball, and remain friends instead of being at each other’s throats.


Politics are a religion substitute for today's atheistic American population so I think those discussions will be quite too personal and filled with zealots. I think there's a better atmosphere here if we skip it.


As a European with center left leaning principles who values democracy, freedom of expression and edgy jokes, i'm always a bit flabbergasted that American political chatter is so divisive. I have plenty of center/right leaning friends who I work with have plenty of laughs with.

The polarization seems pretty intense over there and because of the internet it's beginning to spring roots here in Europe. There is a slight extreme right leaning wind blowing over Europe at the moment, (which in practice doesn't really seemed to be the case in countries like France or England), but i'm honestly not that worried about it, because I think it's good that opposing positions should have a chance to fix the current problems in a country, that's democracy baby. And i'm personally not a big fan of the current left parties in my country, as they feel a bit tone deaf in there presentation, eventhough I align with their underlying positions more.

The problem with America and it's current political state is that the republicans are a bit wacky at the moment, ever since 2016. Almost no policy position, the only strategy seems to be is to make Americans unproductively angry and bitter. Going as far as to undermine their own democracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_special_counsel_investigation

Makes me wish for the Mitt Romney days tbh, were both opposition still had respect and where sympathetic to each other.
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Perpetually Offended
I low-key hated the politics forum. Misinformation, disinformation, slur slinging, personal attacks, diet racism, conspiracy theories, actual hate, etc.

I enjoyed some very respectful discussions in the forum but it devolved into everything I just listed and more!


No, it was awful.

I didn't participate but I would lurk and there was barely any good faith discussion, most of the time it would end up in dog piling.


Wow there's a certain irony in the title isn't there? I mean there's probably a thousand sayings of the value of a promise from a politician so the idea of restarting a politics forum because of a promise? Yeah I'm going to go with no.
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