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Can we trust publishers that rely on "Official" magazine licenses?


Official Xbox Magazine partnership extended until 2011 .

Future's Chief Executive Greg Ingham said, 'This is the longest and most
extensive magazine deal in the computer games industry. Indeed, we believe it
may well be one of the most extensive international licensing deals of any sort
in the magazine industry. We are delighted and look forward to continuing our
successful partnership with Microsoft.'

2011! Seven freakin' years? No wait...

The new arrangement means that Future has the exclusive, worldwide rights
(excluding Japan) to publish official magazines for Microsoft Xbox products
until 31 December 2011

Seven years, five months and twenty seven days.

If the Xbox 2 is a complete crock you think the supposedly independent Edge, Games Master, Xbox Gamer and Xbox World will tell us straight? Will PC Gamer and PC Format make a few sideswipes at their console cousins? Are PSM 2, PlayStation World and NGC going to stick the knife in?

US OXM is Future Publishings largest circulation games magazine, period. UK OXM is their second most read UK games magazine outside of Official PlayStation Magazine. I'm utterly sceptical about the chances that "the family" of Future Publishing magazines will be critical of Microsoft after the recent scores for percentages "scandal".


To be honest, I semi-trust OXM UK. Their scores are a little too high sometimes but usually they rate games fairly.


Who the fuck cares? Seriously? The only reason to buy official mags, or any mag, is for the demo discs.
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