What up, CanadaGAF?
Brief preamble: this is my second post. I've been browsing this topic for a good long while but was unable to contribute because I didn't have an account. Or so I thought! I've actually had one since 2009 but forgot entirely about it. So now I can post, and as such, I want to thank you guys for the links to deals and such. The tsilon stuff has fueled my gaming for the last year. Not paying more than $40 for anything is a goddammed lifesaver. Thank you.
Now, this is weird to say, cause I used to work there, but I miss when Blockbuster did trade-ins (or even existed). Basically all of the time the trade-in value of things was far higher than EB, and as an employee, I can tell you that we were (or at least I was) given free reign to lower the price of used games at POS if the customer just asked for it. Because, yeah, it's basically profit for nothing, so if they make slightly less profit, why not?
Though they aren't around anymore up here in Canuckland, so that probably says something there.
Is anyone else afraid of ordering The Last of Us online? Futureshop is sketchy with getting things to me day of and it comes out on a Friday. I'm torn, cause I have that $20 off code...