Silver Arrows
That's good because he bombed in the last BC election and the BC NDP managed to turn what should have been a sure thing into yet another loss.
It seems more and more like the BC NDP are going to do a fine job screwing up this upcoming election too. BC NDP Leader John Horgan bafflingly raised the notwithstanding clause on some discussion about the TransMountain pipeline. Of course the Charter has nothing to do with this and Horgan just made himself look like an idiot.
The BC NDP platform is actually really good but christ they fuck it up every time. Just like every election the BC Liberals are going to bring up the fact that the NDP spent too much on ferries like 20 years ago and the Libs will roar back into government with another big majority.
(Somehow the fact that the BC Liberals have mismanaged millions on all sorts of other capital projects will never get any traction...)
Exactly. Both sides of government in BC are practically idiots, and I'm surprised that Christy Clark has held on for so long, especially considering that her pretty big controversies like the ethnic votes scandal. But when the NDP gifts you victories time and time again...