The thing is that it's so expansive that there's fuckery for everyone.
The time to generics for pharmaceuticals, for example, increases in all the countries under the TPP to be more in line with American rules.
Oh, the corporate tribunal thing is funny too. I only mention it because John Oliver recently did a piece on how tobacco companies are using existing trade deals to sue countries into reversing anti-smoking legislation like the "scary packaging" laws that we have here in Canada:
The higher prices for drugs is a valid concern. Same for ISDS, but it already exists in other trade deals so it's nothing new.
But many of the concerns about the IP provisions are laughable. First, many of the provisions already exists in IP legislation in many countries. The point is also having them in places like Vietnam or Malaysia.
Then, many of the scenarios are completely absurd because they don't take into account the basic rule of risk vs. reward. For example, some people are freaking out because it would be "legal" for a corporation to send malware to brick a device. But the second the news get out that something like this had happened, people would simply buy from a competitor. And there always will be at least one competitor known for "not sending malware" for the good publicity. Think #SonyNoDRM. So there is really no point of doing that aside from wanting to ruin your reputation.
Also, as long as you don't go overboard, you won't get sued for copyright infrigement for stuff you post or download on the Web. Why? Because their lawyer costs more than what they'd get in damages. At least in Canada where courts don't award ridiculous damages for small transgressions. And if they make it a criminal offense, prosecutors won't bother because it's such a waste of judicial resources. "De minimis non curat lex". You can apply the same line of reasoning to most "scenarios" that have come up.
I wouldn't dare post that in the TPP thread because I would get eviscerated and be called a paid shill or something. And I'm not even in favor of the TPP.