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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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so much for being a free-thinking ''Libertarian''

watch him reverse his stance on Marijuana too
That tripling included the baby boom (positive birth rates are long a thing in the past).

Yes, that high growth-scenario is mostly on course, but the rate is still slightly lower annually that the figure you're using (which btw, is a consistently positive growth, and any famine or pandemic will tell you that human populations don't behave like that).

We can only support so many human beings on Earth, there is a limit if we don't find other worlds...and even if there weren't a limit, the rate of growth is declining. You're also ignoring economic factors.

You're expecting 83 more years of exponential growth just because it's always been like this in Canada?

Yes, famine seems unlikely in Canada, but food for thought:
it's safe to predict that the Ireland will get an uptick of employers and employees leaving the UK to set up shop inside an EU country like Ireland


Happy Flag Day! Always good to celebrate the best flag in the world



the last time and only time that the 3rd Place party jumped to 2nd, it gave us a Harper majority.

never forget who called for a motion of no-confidence against Paul Martin

Oh lord. Harper won that majority on a HIGHER vote% than the current Liberal majority. Second and third place had nothing to do with him winning his majority. A system where <40% of the popular vote wins you full power did.

Also, the last time 3rd jumped to 2nd is actually this past election in 2015. So... Never mind that 4th jumped to 2nd in 1993 (and then 3rd jumped to 2nd in '97) and it won your precious liberals a decade of outsized majorities. So "only time"? Hardly.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Oh lord. Harper won that majority on a HIGHER vote% than the current Liberal majority. Second and third place had nothing to do with him winning his majority. A system where <40% of the popular vote wins you full power did.

yes it did


60% of canada votes left. only twice in something like the last 50 or 60 years did they not.

you have to stop assuming that because liberals won, that makes conservative acceptable outcome when the majority of country doesn't vote conservative.


the last time and only time that the 3rd Place party jumped to 2nd, it gave us a Harper majority.

never forget who called for a motion of no-confidence against Paul Martin


Did you forget '93? When the Bloc formed the Official Opposition? Who got in power then?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
60% of canada votes left.

Looking at the last election, more like 25-30%.

~40% voted centre

~30% voted centre-right.

It is quite common to consider the Liberals to be very moderate centrists, not centre-left at all. There have been times when they've moved more to the left, but generally there's no point bunching everyone who does not vote centre-right together.

Many people have a set party they vote for, and don't fluctuate from it just because someone decides to label the Liberal platform something it's not in most ways. It's pointless.
the last time and only time that the 3rd Place party jumped to 2nd, it gave us a Harper majority.

never forget who called for a motion of no-confidence against Paul Martin
Right, because that totally had to do with the NDP aiding the Conservatives, not the Liberals running a piss poor campaign. The Conservatives gained 23 Seats, the NDP Gained 67, the Liberals lost 43, and the Bloq lost 45. Blaming the NDP for the Liberals running a shit campaign is stupid.

Also, the NDP was 4th place, not third. But sure, continue to Blame the NDP over your cult of Trudeau.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Looking at the last election, more like 25-30%.

~40% voted centre

~30% voted centre-right.

It is quite common to consider the Liberals to be very moderate centrists, not centre-left at all. There have been times when they've moved more to the left, but generally there's no point bunching everyone who does not vote centre-right together.

Many people have a set party they vote for, and don't fluctuate from it just because someone decides to label the Liberal platform something it's not in most ways. It's pointless.

Liberals are not center, fyi. They are left. Look at their entire platform and where in it screams center? Because they approve of oil? They're almost as progressive as the NDP.
If the election was Harper vs. Ignattieff, it wouldn't even be close. Harper would win in a landslide, at least in Ontario. It would be 2010 Rob Ford vs. George Smitherman all over again. When people are angry at (real or perceived) Liberals, people will vote the anti-Liberal. To think the Liberals would govern until the end of time in an AV or two-party FPTP system is so shortsighted.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Just because the government doesn't want to get rid of the safe majorities of first-past-the-post does not mean the third party (and just recently the second party), should disappear.

44 seats is their second-highest total ever. They're not going anywhere.

Liberals are not center, fyi. They are left. Look at their entire platform and where in it screams center? Because they approve of oil? They're almost as progressive as the NDP.

First of all, you misspelled centre. Secondly, many political scientists position them as centre.


Sometimes they're listed as centre-left, and it fluctuates, but it's not controversial at all to list them as explicitly centre. It's not about oil, and I'm not in any way saying it's bad that they're moderate centrists, how could I?! The platforms, ignoring social issues, is different regarding infrastructure and social programmes. More choice is good, regardless of the Liberals generally being a very solid governing party.

Also, it's important to note that unlike the two largest parties, the NDP is not completely separate provincially and federally, yet the provincial NDP in Alberta are in favour of oil, which is good economically.
Mulcair fucked up the 2015 election in terms of winning it, but yet it's because he fucked up that Trudeau even stood a chance of winning.

Basically, whenever something goes wrong in Canadian Politics Regarding the Liberals , Gutter Trash is ready to blame the NDP.

Liberals get rightfully criticized for backing away from Electoral Reform?

Liberals lose opposition status by NDP running an amazing campaign under Layton vs the Liberals?


Again, the issues come down to riding factors:

Centre swing voters will either go Conservative or Liberal.

Left swing voters will either go Liberal or NDP.

If only we had an Electoral system that didn't allow for the 60%+ of people that would take a Liberal MP(Over conservatives) get discarded for the 40% who want Conservatives. Not like that's an issue or anything.


European Parliament approves trade deal with Canada

The European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday approved the Canada-EU trade agreement after a noisy and sometimes emotional debate.

Roughly 58 per cent of the members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted to ratify the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), setting the stage for provisional application of nearly 90 per cent of the agreement later this spring.

Not only does it drop or phase out nearly all existing tariffs and grant new market access for a wide range of products including agricultural commodities, but it opens up government procurement to foreign companies.

CETA also brings in common certification for goods and services, recognizes professional credentials and harmonizes labour and environmental standards between the two trading partners.

MEPs also approved an EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) covering non-trade issues such as foreign and security policy, counter-terrorism, fighting organised crime, sustainable development, research and culture. That vote passed by a larger margin, 506-142, with 43 abstentions.

The House of Commons passed C-30, Canada's implementation legislation, at third reading Tuesday.

Both Liberals and Conservatives — who were in power when the deal was negotiated — supported it. The NDP, Bloc Québécois and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May voted against.

Once C-30 clears the Senate, federal laws and regulations will change to bring Canada into compliance.

Similar changes need to be made at the provincial and territorial level as well.

Once Canada finishes this, over 90 per cent of the agreement may come into force provisionally. A release from the EU suggested this could be the case as early as April 1.

Full implementation requires votes in national and regional parliaments across the EU.

The agreement's investor court provisions, which give corporations the ability to sue when government decisions harm business interests, remain controversial.

This part of the agreement was already rewritten once last year to overcome opposition, and further amendments are possible before individual countries' ratification votes proceed.

Trudeau is on his way to Strasbourg now to speak to the European Parliament on Thursday, trying to keep the momentum of this vote going and rally more enthusiasm for the deal's advantages.
Mulcair fucked up the 2015 election in terms of winning it, but yet it's because he fucked up that Trudeau even stood a chance of winning.

Basically, whenever something goes wrong in Canadian Politics Regarding the Liberals , Gutter Trash is ready to blame the NDP.

Liberals get rightfully criticized for backing away from Electoral Reform?

Liberals lose opposition status by NDP running an amazing campaign under Layton vs the Liberals?


Again, the issues come down to riding factors:

Centre swing voters will either go Conservative or Liberal.

Left swing voters will either go Liberal or NDP.

If only we had an Electoral system that didn't allow for the 60%+ of people that would take a Liberal MP(Over conservatives) get discarded for the 40% who want Conservatives. Not like that's an issue or anything.
Mulcair was never a real Social-Democrat and it was weird seeing an establishment provincial Liberal shop around for a Federal Party, get rejected by the CONSERVATIVES then settle for NDP in a bi-election then become party leader after the late charismatic true social-democrat leader passed away


excellent news,
as the US crashes a burns into Kremlin-esque chaos; we Canada will start doing trade with serious partners instead


A reference to M-103 in my Twitter timeline came up. I guess Rebel Media is hosting an anti-rally of sorts.

I made the mistake of following the M103 hastag. It was all "Liberal Agenda" and "thought police."


A reference to M-103 in my Twitter timeline came up. I guess Rebel Media is hosting an anti-rally of sorts.

I made the mistake of following the M103 hastag. It was all "Liberal Agenda" and "thought police."

Rebel Media is the Fox News of Canada if Fox boasted even less journalistic integrity than they normally do.

Also: Kellie Leitch is apparently there to talk to the "severely normal" folks about political correctness and the elites despite the whole "she's been in Parliament since 2011 and was a surgeon prior to politics".


Cool Smoke Luke
The Rebel is ...pretty extreme.. that Gavin guy..if there was a case for all the horrible things the far left throws around him and Leitch..man they own it. Can't listen to more then 10seconds from Gavin

Its to bad tho..because I think there is a real need to be concerned by the explicit inclusion ,while not defining, Islamophobia in this motion. No religious group should have special status in Canada..we already have protection from religious discrimination.

Jordan Petersons " Is this a picture of Mohamed" really is a compelling question.


Rebel Media is the Fox News of Canada if Fox boasted even less journalistic integrity than they normally do.

Also: Kellie Leitch is apparently there to talk to the "severely normal" folks about political correctness and the elites despite the whole "she's been in Parliament since 2011 and was a surgeon prior to politics".

I've actually met Leitch in real life because she was the surgeon for me when I broke my leg. She was okay, but I had issues with how she dealt with me, so I've never really particularly liked her. Her whole "screening for Canadian values thing just makes me dislike her even more.


Cool Smoke Luke
Why would they laugh because he was a bus driver? Thats boggling.
Most people have had multiple jobs in our careers..that's a couple douchebags for sure.


The Rebel is ...pretty extreme.. that Gavin guy..if there was a case for all the horrible things the far left throws around him and Leitch..man they own it. Can't listen to more then 10seconds from Gavin

Its to bad tho..because I think there is a real need to be concerned by the explicit inclusion ,while not defining, Islamophobia in this motion. No religious group should have special status in Canada..we already have protection from religious discrimination.

Jordan Petersons " Is this a picture of Mohamed" really is a compelling question.

If you're fearing that the defining of Islamophobia in the motion will infringe on "muh freederm o' speech!" (I presume that's a concern of yours given the linked video), I wouldn't worry about that. As several MPs pointed out, we already have legislated special protection for various religions, this is just the latest effort in combatting the (disheartening) rise of hatred towards Muslims in Canada that was proposed after the mosque shooting in Quebec. It doesn't prevent you from levying criticisms against Islam or any other religion for that matter.


Its to bad tho..because I think there is a real need to be concerned by the explicit inclusion ,while not defining, Islamophobia in this motion. No religious group should have special status in Canada..we already have protection from religious discrimination.

First and foremost, M103 is a motion. Not a law. Not a constitutional amendment. It has no force of law. It just requests the government study some things related to violence against a certain group of people who have been recently targeted with violence.

Second, even if it *were* a law, we live in a common law system. In common law the specificity of the law is generally fairly limited and courts are there to define the reasonable limits and intents of vague terms. This is not something new or unique to M103, and our system is equipped to deal with it just fine.

Third, governments study specific issues for specific demographics all the time. Do you think the fact that we have explicit laws against discrimination on the basis of sex/gender means we shouldn't have a Minister for the Status of Women? Women are overwhelmingly targets of certain kinds of violence and abuse, and recognising that fact and studying the specific impact of things on women does not diminish the general principle of gender equality. It is not "special status" for women. It is recognising that a certain demographic experiences a specific kind of negative thing that is relatively unique to them.

This is no different. The character of discrimination against Islamic people is different from that faced by other minorities, and this is just a recognition of that.


First and foremost, M103 is a motion. Not a law. Not a constitutional amendment. It has no force of law. It just requests the government study some things related to violence against a certain group of people who have been recently targeted with violence.

Well said in total, but I cut this part because it speaks specifically to what bothers me most about the anti rally contingent: someone makes a claim, based on a misunderstanding of the reality; the contingent becomes riled up and repeats while adding claims of freedoms being suppressed and the xenophobic "We are losing what makes Canada special"; and Leitch and Brad Trost show up to fan the flames while everyone yells "You're fake news" at established news organizations.


Conservatives are the party of the White Common Person who looks at jobs and refuses them for being below their perceived value.

Which is odd because being a bus driver in a major metropolitan city is actually a really good job in Canada. Great wages and benefits thanks to their unions. It really encompasses the whole "blue collar middle class" job they keep taking about.
our Prime Minister has been conducting himself exceptionally well on the world stage

he trolled Trump without insulting him by propping up Canada as a positive force in the world

today, he speaks at EU parliament saying that ''the world is better off with a strong and unifed European Union.

he is acting like the leader of the free world where Trump is completely failing.

I am so proud of our Prime Minister
Will CETA impact canada's dairy prices?

Probably not too much. If I remember correctly, the amount carved out for European dairy into Canada is pretty small.

Well said in total, but I cut this part because it speaks specifically to what bothers me most about the anti rally contingent: someone makes a claim, based on a misunderstanding of the reality; the contingent becomes riled up and repeats while adding claims of freedoms being suppressed and the xenophobic "We are losing what makes Canada special"; and Leitch and Brad Trost show up to fan the flames while everyone yells "You're fake news" at established news organizations.

"Misunderstanding." There's no misunderstanding going on, it's a willful distortion of facts, designed to rile up people like this:

The Rebel is ...pretty extreme.. that Gavin guy..if there was a case for all the horrible things the far left throws around him and Leitch..man they own it. Can't listen to more then 10seconds from Gavin

Its to bad tho..because I think there is a real need to be concerned by the explicit inclusion ,while not defining, Islamophobia in this motion. No religious group should have special status in Canada..we already have protection from religious discrimination.

Jordan Petersons " Is this a picture of Mohamed" really is a compelling question.
*link removed for nonsense*

Who are just asking questions, you know? All this is missing is an "All Lives Matter, guys!", and it'd hit the right-wing garbage talking points jackpot.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
our Prime Minister has been conducting himself exceptionally well on the world stage

he trolled Trump without insulting him by propping up Canada as a positive force in the world

today, he speaks at EU parliament saying that ''the world is better off with a strong and unifed European Union.

he is acting like the leader of the free world where Trump is completely failing.

I am so proud of our Prime Minister

Purely wishful thinking here but if we manage to play by the right cards, I think this country might legit become the new leader of the free world in the next decade n a half.

But again that's a ginormous 'if'. And not to mention "leader" doesn't mean "perfect" country by any means.


Purely wishful thinking here but if we manage to play by the right cards, I think this country might legit become the new leader of the free world in the next decade in a half.

But again that's a ginormous 'if'. And not to mention "leader" doesn't mean "perfect" country by any means.

If we don't fall prey to the same bullshit down south. All I am saying is, watch out for any sudden shifts in the stance on Crimea.


If we don't fall prey to the same bullshit down south. All I am saying is, watch out for any sudden shifts in the stance on Crimea.

Canada's IC is about as anti-Russia as the UK. Trudeau is probably very disliked by the Kremlin.


If we don't fall prey to the same bullshit down south. All I am saying is, watch out for any sudden shifts in the stance on Crimea.

We're not changing our stance in Crimea, even if a conservative gets into power, we have a huge Ukrainian population.


Naming Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign Affairs just 6 weeks ago is a pretty good sign that the government isn't about to buddy up with Russia.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Sorry guys but for me personally, I cannot forgive NDP and Jack Layton for giving us 10 years of Harper. As much as I like some of their policies, we were in the dark ages for 10 years because of them :(

Now seeing what's going on down south, we need to basically hold on the Liberal party with our dear lives so the conservatives don't pull the same stunt here. Ideally I'd like NDP to be the official opposition party but that's not likely.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Sorry guys but for me personally, I cannot forgive NDP and Jack Layton for giving us 10 years of Harper. As much as I like some of their policies, we were in the dark ages for 10 years because of them :(
Rubbish. This happened because people voted for the CPC over and over. Blame the right people, FFS. The Liberals themselves absolutely fucked up during that time, too.
Sorry guys but for me personally, I cannot forgive NDP and Jack Layton for giving us 10 years of Harper. As much as I like some of their policies, we were in the dark ages for 10 years because of them :(

Now seeing what's going on down south, we need to basically hold on the Liberal party with our dear lives so the conservatives don't pull the same stunt here. Ideally I'd like NDP to be the official opposition party but that's not likely.

Again, the issue in 2011 seemed to be less that the NDP stole the Liberal's base and more that the Liberal/Bloq base went either Conservative or NDP(except for 30-40 ridings). No NDP voters swung Liberal in 2011(Unlike 2015) in large qualities, but the Conservatives made in roads in Liberal/Bloq ridings.

This is why a ranked ballot, even with all the fuckery it creates, would make sense. Justin backing away from Electoral Reform in any form means that sooner or later, Conservatives will get another Majority government despite most ridings being against them.
Sorry guys but for me personally, I cannot forgive NDP and Jack Layton for giving us 10 years of Harper. As much as I like some of their policies, we were in the dark ages for 10 years because of them :(

Now seeing what's going on down south, we need to basically hold on the Liberal party with our dear lives so the conservatives don't pull the same stunt here. Ideally I'd like NDP to be the official opposition party but that's not likely.

as bad as the vote of no-confidence was,
the Liberals did need to get punishment for the Sponsorship Scandal handling

re-electing the Liberals DURING and AFTER the Sponsorship Scandal would have emboldened the Separatists, the Bloc and support for Sovereignty

Support for Sovereignty plummeted like a rock as soon as the Liberals were sent to the Penalty Box.

Stephen Harper had almost no history with them; the Bloc was completely unable to gain any traction against Harper..

I am a Liberal but they did need a REHABILITATION phase to clean up their party image.

I'm a Federalist 1st, Liberal 2nd
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