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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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You're really resorting to alternative birthrates and other statistics at this point?

Can you source these statistics? Thanks.

It's not too much to ask potential newcomers if they accept women's rights, gay rights, etc. It's not something to overthink and it's not something that most voters will give a second thought.

It actually is, and will do more harm than good, to both the Canadian economy and to any hope of eradicating homophobia and misogyny on this planet.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Can you source these statistics? Thanks.

http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/help/bb/info/religion It's all here, click on the 2011 stats if you like and notice the relative increase in that religion, or check "religion and age groups for population" if you prefer. When released, the 2016 statistics will continue that trend.

It actually is, and will do more harm than good, to both the Canadian economy and to any hope of eradicating homophobia and misogyny on this planet.

That's nonsense and you know it. Most Canadians won't mind, particularly if asking if you're not a raging misogynist is part of just a citizenship test. It's not asking a lot of people to see if they're also accepting of diverse practices and behaviours, some of which may not fit with their religious opinion. Canada would not be the first country to do so.

But for your reaction, there's a gif for that:



Yeah, the last election was all about the inevitable fall of the Liberal minority, and yet we came out with a majority which no one expected.

Those were strange times. Remember when the Parti Quebecois called an election? Liberal majority. BC election? Predicted an Ndp win. Liberal majority. The polls had it wrong a long time ago.
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/help/bb/info/religion It's all here, click on the 2011 stats if you like and notice the relative increase in that religion, or check "religion and age groups for population" if you prefer. When released, the 2016 statistics will continue that trend.

That's very different from what you were saying when you said "there are more of them than us". The Canadian Muslim population is 3%, the global Muslim population is around 15%, I'm not seeing what scenario you're envisioning where they hit 50% and implement Sharia Law on 100% of the population or even that 15%. Their numbers are growing compared to the rest of the population because their numbers were small to begin with.

That's nonsense and you know it. Most Canadians won't mind, particularly if asking if you're not a raging misogynist is part of just a citizenship test. It's not asking a lot.

The test is on immigration, not citizenship. A values test on citizenship would be even worse (from an efficiency point of view), also probably unconstitutional. Weren't you just here a few days ago saying Islamophobia motion was an attack on freedom of thought? This would be a real attack on freedom of thought.


Authorized Fister
Large amounts of private worship can turn into acceptance of legal differentiation, or courts that "take religious beliefs into account", particularly in family law. It's a bit of a thing in the US, and given how we operate and often take US case law into account, it could potentially be in Canada. I don't want to see that.

I'm not enraged, I'm just being realistic. Birth rates and percentage increases every census of that religion in Canada don't lie, and the Middle East isn't exactly progressive. I'm not looking forward to the future.

The reality is that most Canadians may not think like me, but they don't think like you do either, that's for sure.
The religious family courts in Ontario were a thing until muslims wanted their own.Thank your deity that these courts were removed. Ontario still having religious schools is crazy for me.

People calling people in QC racist don't get that pure laine quebecers loathe religions more than anything else. Their thinking is, why should I respect and bend over for people who believe in fairy tales?
Because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, provided they're not harming anyone? Crazy notion, I know.

Edit: though I would add that I'd be all in favour of getting rid of separate, religious-based schools. I thought it was insane when John Tory was proposing that every religion get their own school system (more or less). I believe it's constitutionally enshrined, though, if I'm not mistaken, so at this point it's one of those things that we can't really do anything about.

That's nonsense and you know it. Most Canadians won't mind, particularly if asking if you're not a raging misogynist is part of just a citizenship test. It's not asking a lot of people to see if they're also accepting of diverse practices and behaviours, some of which may not fit with their religious opinion. Canada would not be the first country to do so.

Muslims: devious and tricky enough to be planning a takedown of Western civilization through a decades-long scheme involving gradual immigration and replacement-level birthrates, but apparently also easily foiled by oral exams.

Maybe also susceptible to fleeing in terror when you say "radical Islamic terrorists" three times fast in a mirror during a full moon?


That's nonsense and you know it. Most Canadians won't mind, particularly if asking if you're not a raging misogynist is part of just a citizenship test. It's not asking a lot of people to see if they're also accepting of diverse practices and behaviours, some of which may not fit with their religious opinion. Canada would not be the first country to do so.

Kellie Leitch, is that you?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
People calling people in QC racist don't get that pure laine quebecers loathe religions more than anything else. Their thinking is, why should I respect and bend over for people who believe in fairy tales?

I don't know a whole lot about Quebec, I wasn't saying anything about Quebecers in particular, sorry if it appeared that way. About all I can gleam from Quebec specifically is who tends to win votes, which seems to vary quite a lot.

Because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs? Crazy notion, I know.

I saw your post as this, before your edit. That's not a thing in Canada and you know it.

Kellie Leitch, is that you?


Umm, do look at your avatar before you accuse other people of being fringe.
The religious family courts in Ontario were a thing until muslims wanted their own.Thank your deity that these courts were removed. Ontario still having religious schools is crazy for me.

People calling people in QC racist don't get that pure laine quebecers loathe religions more than anything else. Their thinking is, why should I respect and bend over for people who believe in fairy tales?

You guys do have a problem with loathing other people's religions more than your own though. http://www.journaldequebec.com/2017/02/23/neutralite-de-letat-les-crucifix-des-hopitaux-proteges

Other than that, I agree with you that Ontario has too many weird religious laws/institutions.
I saw your post as this, before your edit. That's not a thing in Canada and you know it.


Charter of Rights and Freedoms said:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.

But if you want to argue that people don't have freedom of religion in Canada, knock yourself out. I know that M-103 will mandate everyone pray towards Mecca a few times a day, and forced baptisms will be tough for some people, but -- wait, I'm sorry, that's as made up as everything you've been arguing.


Authorized Fister

But if you want to argue that people don't have freedom of religion in Canada, knock yourself out. I know that M-103 will mandate everyone pray towards Mecca a few times a day, and forced baptisms will be tough for some people, but -- wait, I'm sorry, that's as made up as everything you've been arguing.
We should have freedom from religion though.


Umm, do look at your avatar before you accuse other people of being fringe.

Do you acknowledge that what you're saying is a few words away from being the exact same phrases uttered by Kellie Leitch?

P.S. Don't try the avatar finger-pointing when yours resembles the alt-right's favorite bone structure. Seriously, what is with these people and skulls?

Yes I know it's a Terminator.
We should have freedom from religion though.

What does that even mean? Is modern-day Quebec falling victim to an epidemic of forced religious conversions that isn't making it into Anglophone media?

Or are you so fragile that the sight of someone wearing a cross or a yarmulke or a hijab sends you into a rage? Because if that's the case, then I don't think "freedom of/from religion" is the term you're looking for.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Do you acknowledge that what you're saying is a few words away from being the exact same phrases uttered by Kellie Leitch?

P.S. Don't try the avatar finger-pointing when yours resembles the alt-right's favorite bone structure. Seriously, what is with these people and skulls?

Yes I know it's a Terminator.

Look, if they were essentially asked if they tolerate other perspectives, religions, sexualities, women, etc. as part of a test, I don't think most people would see the problem. If they actually failed that (which means not only that they don't believe in tolerance of diverse values, but they were also too stupid to lie), that's not a loss to Canada. It's just not something to overthink. The reality is that most Canadians do not care one way or the other and have more pressing concerns.

As for avatars...what on Earth? I like the first two Terminator films, that's all...Are you for real? "It has their favorite (sic) jaw structure"
You've lost touch with reality.
Look, if they were essentially asked if they tolerate other perspectives, religions, sexualities, women, etc. as part of a test, I don't think most people would see the problem. If they actually failed that (which means not only that they don't believe in tolerance of diverse values, but they were also too stupid to lie), that's not a loss to Canada. It's just not something to overthink. The reality is that most Canadians do not care one way or the other and have more pressing concerns.

What does it matter if most Canadians care or not? You keep saying that like it means something. Also, it is a loss to the employer who can't hire the best person for the job anymore and fill skill shortages, that's a loss to the Canadian economy and ultimately, a loss to Canada. If they come here and they're not harming anyone, that's what Canadians ought not to care about.

Edit: also a loss to humanity as a whole as said supposed misogynist/homophobic people won't get to experience living in a liberal democracy that would challenge their views and also give their female/LGBT children a chance to grow in an accepting society.


Look, if they were essentially asked if they tolerate other perspectives, religions, sexualities, women, etc. as part of a test, I don't think most people would see the problem. If they actually failed that (which means not only that they don't believe in tolerance of diverse values, but they were also too stupid to lie), that's not a loss to Canada. It's just not something to overthink. The reality is that most Canadians do not care one way or the other and have more pressing concerns.

So what you're saying is that it's a common sense policy? Sure, Kellie.

As for avatars...what on Earth? I like the first two Terminator films, that's all...Are you for real? "It has their favorite (sic) jaw structure"

You were the one who brought up the avatar to begin with by quoting mine in order to make some nonsensical point about fringe views when yours posts here have, as mentioned prior, an uncanny resemblance to policies proposed by Kellie Leitch along with other alt-right dog whistles. Don't go yelling the kettle's not black when I can see its color quite clearly.

You've lost touch with reality.

Are you familiar with the term projecting?


Because education is under provincial jurisdiction, not federal.

The provinces guard their autonomy and it's not going anywhere.
Sort of, but it's a separate subsection of the Constitution Act 1867 i.e. (93(2)), which specifically says Ontario has to have Catholic schools too. This in included in the general allocation of education to the provinces, but that provision is specific to Ontario as part of this country's founding compromise.

Adler v Ontario is an interesting case which settled parts of this question if anyone is curious for further reading.


^yeah, really. Let's not ignore each other guys...there are only what, ten of us in here? Lol.

- Manitoba is so bad that their own premier flees the province for six weeks in the winter, and doesn't leave a forwarding address
- Alberta is about to become a one-party state again, and it's home to a bunch of Conservative academics who pine for the politics of a place like Texas
This is accurate. Hilariously so for Manitoba. Depressingly so for Alberta. I would really love for Jason Kenny to find a passion for something unrelated to politics and to pursue it. The cult of personality around him makes me question what anyone sees in him. Brian Jean on the other hand is right wing Tom Mulcair, willing to be anything and everything he thinks people want. Sadly he has none of Mulcair's wit, he's just a spineless populist. It would have been something to see NDP govern here when the province actually had a nickel and a dime to rub together.

Religion has no place in schools
Is this the first time we've agreed? I'm going to mark this date in my calendar.


We should go back to the only thing that really unites us: bitching about conservatives.

It's one thing I admire about them, they can always come together in their hatred of libtards/lieberals/marxists/cucks/etc. while liberals/moderates are always in a contest witch each other to show who's the most progressive, tolerant, lucid, etc.
This is accurate. Hilariously so for Manitoba. Depressingly so for Alberta. I would really love for Jason Kenny to find a passion for something unrelated to politics and to pursue it. The cult of personality around him makes me question what anyone sees in him. Brian Jean on the other hand is right wing Tom Mulcair, willing to be anything and everything he thinks people want. Sadly he has none of Mulcair's wit, he's just a spineless populist. It would have been something to see NDP govern here when the province actually had a nickel and a dime to rub together.

He's a 48-year-old lifelong bachelor who's been in politics, either as a lobbyist or an elected official, for almost literally his entire adult life. I don't think he's capable of doing anything else.

We should go back to the only thing that really unites us: bitching about conservatives.

Good point. So here's something to remind us that Kellie Leitch is a truly appalling human being:

And I think that baseball writer Jonah Keri came up with the only reasonable response:



I know...it's just a dismal situation that's all. Joe Ceci needs to find money in the budget to send Kenny to rural USA where he can maybe move them to the left a little lol.

And holy shit at that tweet and it's response lol


Good point. So here's something to remind us that Kellie Leitch is a truly appalling human being:

Fuuuuuuuuuck. I WISH I could be a fly on the wall when she's tweeting this mental excrement just to see what kind of mood and mindset she/her campaign team are in when doing it. I just imagine she's either giddy or fuming


The Alberta NDP will be fine.There's a good chance they win another election depending on how idelogically right the united right wing party is


Hopefully they're more wild rose than PC.

All the centrists have left both the PCs and the Wild Rose. The NDP will definitely be in government again...

To reiterate from my previous posts, all the interim polling post-Klein failed to predict elections -- most indicated massive Wildrose majorities.

There is a very, very large silent centrist vote in Alberta. Unfortunately, politicians of all stripes ignore them until election time.


Here are the wildcards in Alberta to me:
- The NDP lead in Edmonton gives them a pretty nice 'safe' bloc that no left party in Alberta has had in a long long time.
- While Kenney is doing a pretty good job of tearing down the PC party, I actually don't think he'll be successful in destroying it. When it becomes clear that it's the WRP that's going to be running things in the new third party they'll have to form, there'll be old-guard PCs fighting to keep the party around. My understanding is that actually dissolving it will be quite difficult.
- Just this week we had a bozo eruption completely unprompted from a WRP youth arm (technically, apparently, not officially affiliated with the WRP itself) at the UofC. I'm skeptical they'll be able to keep this under control in a writ while trying to wrangle two coalitions that have spent the last decade hating each other together. Neither party is currently as 'dead' as the PCs were when they got absorbed federally by Reform, and that's going to be hard to manage.

I don't think anything's a foregone conclusion, but I don't think the NDP are dead either.


Here are the wildcards in Alberta to me:
- The NDP lead in Edmonton gives them a pretty nice 'safe' bloc that no left party in Alberta has had in a long long time.
- While Kenney is doing a pretty good job of tearing down the PC party, I actually don't think he'll be successful in destroying it. When it becomes clear that it's the WRP that's going to be running things in the new third party they'll have to form, there'll be old-guard PCs fighting to keep the party around. My understanding is that actually dissolving it will be quite difficult.
- Just this week we had a bozo eruption completely unprompted from a WRP youth arm (technically, apparently, not officially affiliated with the WRP itself) at the UofC. I'm skeptical they'll be able to keep this under control in a writ while trying to wrangle two coalitions that have spent the last decade hating each other together. Neither party is currently as 'dead' as the PCs were when they got absorbed federally by Reform, and that's going to be hard to manage.

I don't think anything's a foregone conclusion, but I don't think the NDP are dead either.

There's also the problem with the party coffers, as they can't transfer them to the new party. A few people have noted that they can use the funds to campaign for whatever new party sprouts up, but I'm not too sure on the legality of that.

That, and don't all candidates have to put down some sort of deposit or something to get on the ballot? Or am I confusing that with the party nomination?


The religious family courts in Ontario were a thing until muslims wanted their own.Thank your deity that these courts were removed. Ontario still having religious schools is crazy for me.

People calling people in QC racist don't get that pure laine quebecers loathe religions more than anything else. Their thinking is, why should I respect and bend over for people who believe in fairy tales?

They loathe religion. Well congratu-fucking-lations to them.

That doesn't make their racist Pure Laine shit stink any less.


I'm pretty sure Mcinnes' tweet is ironic (they edgy like that).

Ezra sent her a nice fairwell tweet.

She probably realised she can make more money doing her wannabe Ann Coulter act if she's not contractually linked to Ezra. Also, LOL at her book being 90 pages long.


I'm pretty sure Mcinnes' tweet is ironic (they edgy like that).

Ezra sent her a nice fairwell tweet.

She probably realised she can make more money doing her wannabe Ann Coulter act if she's not contractually linked to Ezra. Also, LOL at her book being 90 pages long.

He deleted soon afterwards.
Right wing demagogue MP Gérard Deltelll throws his support for Ma... Erin O'toole


Looks like Max isn't social conservative enough for Deltell



Sounds like a scaremongering article that Russia will try and undermine Canada like they did the US.

Wouldn't surprise me if they try at some point.

If true, then they would lose a considerable chunk of their voting block: Ukrainian-Canadians.

We can be critical of Harper all we want, at least he was on the side of Western Democracies and against Russia.

Any Nationalist who embraces Russia and expouses anti-Europe, anti-Western garbage are traitors


He deleted soon afterwards.

Oh. Looks like the Rebel crew is in Israel right now. Maybe she declined to go and things unraveled.

Ezra Levant ����‏Verified account @ezralevant 6h6 hours ago
I'm here in Bethlehem. Where Jesus was born. In Manger Square. And I can't hear anything over the massive Muslim mosque's call to prayer.

There are three subjects about which Ezra and co. seem completely out of sync with their alt-right fan boys: drugs, Russia and Israel. We can see that by the amount of downvotes their videos on theses subjects get.


DAMN, might have been the trigger:

Obvious "comments will give you cancer" warning.


In other news, it appears that both Ontario and Quebec have now reached their own respective health accords with the federal government. So much for provincial solidarity. :p


In other news, it appears that both Ontario and Quebec have now reached their own respective health accords with the federal government. So much for provincial solidarity. :p

I mean, we knew this would happen, haha. The provinces were just too proud to accept the deal the feds proposed.

The sobering part about all this is that the federal government, technically, doesn't even have to negotiate a deal with the provinces. They can simply impose the financial terms on them.
Healthcare is the one ministry that should be taken over by the Federal and adopt the best Province's system.

it is so stupid that Ontario's is so much superior to Quebec's.. for what? bloated bureaucracy
There's also the problem with the party coffers, as they can't transfer them to the new party. A few people have noted that they can use the funds to campaign for whatever new party sprouts up, but I'm not too sure on the legality of that.

That, and don't all candidates have to put down some sort of deposit or something to get on the ballot? Or am I confusing that with the party nomination?

Are you sure about the bolded? Looking at various electoral laws, it seems pretty murky. Neither the Alberta Election Act nor the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosures Act says what happens in the event of two parties merging. If the Alberta Chief Electoral Officer uses his discretion and rules the way you're suggesting, I could see the new party fighting it by using other jurisdictions' electoral laws. The Canada Elections Act says that merging parties need to notify the Chief Electoral Officer, and satisfy him or her that "the merging parties have discharged their obligations under this Act, including their obligations to report on their financial transactions and their election expenses and to maintain valid and up-to-date information concerning their registration." The s.240(7) of the Saskatchewan Election Act -- which seems like it'd be the most relevant legislation, since it was in place when the Saskatchewan Party formed (the current Canada Elections Act wasn't in place for the PC-Reform merger, and besides that the PC Party was broke when Reform took it over) -- seems to allow federal political parties to make donations to provincial parties, provided they give the relevant personal details.

Are there any other relevant statutes out there? This is all me just making assumptions, but I feel like it would backfire on the NDP/Elections Alberta if they tried block the merger from happening on those grounds. Maybe the new party would be forced to offer refunds on donations, but I have a hard time imagining it going further than that.


Sounds like a scaremongering article that Russia will try and undermine Canada like they did the US.

Wouldn't surprise me if they try at some point.

In this case, "at some point" = already doing it, thanks to the useful idiots at Postmedia:

Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator – so much for Russian disinformation

Though they at least gave some space to a counterpoint argument:
The paradox at the heart of all this is that the whole point of what happened in the headlines was to make Chrystia Freeland look dirty, and it had to fall to Freeland, herself a former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times, a Ukrainian-Canadian whose personal credibility was suddenly on the line, to try to warn us all that this is the sort of thing we should come to expect.

If you think Canada’s political institutions can’t be picked off just as easily as we’ve seen them sabotaged in Trump’s America, then there’s nothing I can do for you. Enjoy your lurid gossip. Have a nice dystopia.


Are you sure about the bolded? Looking at various electoral laws, it seems pretty murky. Neither the Alberta Election Act nor the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosures Act says what happens in the event of two parties merging. If the Alberta Chief Electoral Officer uses his discretion and rules the way you're suggesting, I could see the new party fighting it by using other jurisdictions' electoral laws. The Canada Elections Act says that merging parties need to notify the Chief Electoral Officer, and satisfy him or her that "the merging parties have discharged their obligations under this Act, including their obligations to report on their financial transactions and their election expenses and to maintain valid and up-to-date information concerning their registration." The s.240(7) of the Saskatchewan Election Act -- which seems like it'd be the most relevant legislation, since it was in place when the Saskatchewan Party formed (the current Canada Elections Act wasn't in place for the PC-Reform merger, and besides that the PC Party was broke when Reform took it over) -- seems to allow federal political parties to make donations to provincial parties, provided they give the relevant personal details.

Are there any other relevant statutes out there? This is all me just making assumptions, but I feel like it would backfire on the NDP/Elections Alberta if they tried block the merger from happening on those grounds. Maybe the new party would be forced to offer refunds on donations, but I have a hard time imagining it going further than that.

From most of the stories I read, they aren't going to be doing a merger but rather winding down the existing PC party and creating a new party in its stead.

edit: There's also this story from a while ago, discussing the merger and fund transfer scenario. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-unite-the-right-pc-leadership-kenney-1.3952520 edit2: scroll down a bit for a quote from the Alberta Chief Electoral Officer.

edit3: this too: http://calgaryherald.com/news/polit...-right-party-mergers-in-alberta-arent-so-easy, http://globalnews.ca/news/3224724/e...and-wildrose-decide-to-merge-it-wont-be-easy/
Did you guys read this? The President of the Cora restaurants chain, and son of the foundress Cora Tsouflidou, was kidnapped wednesday night by two guys. He was found alive with minor injuries in a ditch at around 6 a.m. the following morning.

So weird. I wonder what was their motive. Money? Or maybe it was personal?
From most of the stories I read, they aren't going to be doing a merger but rather winding down the existing PC party and creating a new party in its stead.

Gotcha. I was going to question why they'd do that, then I looked at their financials. As far as I can tell, the final 2016 report isn't out yet, but the PCs ended 2015 more than $1m in the hole, and last year they only raised half a million dollars. Wildrose, meanwhile, finished 2015 with a modest surplus, and then raised $2m last year.

So Kenney really is relying on Wildrose being good faith partners in any merger, and not just letting the PC Association of Alberta (or its successor) go bankrupt.

EDIT: Just saw your edits -- I'm eager to read what people more knowledgeable on this than me have to say!

EDIT2: So if I'm understanding that correctly, the PCs are basically relying on Jason Kenney raising so much money for his leadership campaign that they can afford to pay off their outstanding debt, then they close up shop. I don't get what Wildrose gets out of a merger (or whatever you want to call both parties winding down to start a brand new party), though, since they almost definitely have no outstanding debt, and they'd have to turn over all their excess millions to Elections Alberta. It'd be 100% premised around the rockstar allure of Jason Kenney which is a...questionable notion, to put it mildly.


For now, they don't have much to play with. I'll start being concerned if a party leader suddenly changes his/her stance on Russia.
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