That O'Leary claim of vote-rigging is so ridiculous in so many ways:
1) It shows a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of the mechanics of this leadership race: while it doesn't hurt to sign up members, in a weighted system like this it doesn't help in the same way it would in a delegated system or a 1M1V system, either. The only way it would have a significant impact would be if the Bernier campaign was doing it in dozens and dozens of ridings, which -- unless I'm missing something -- isn't what's being alleged.
2) I don't know how signing people up without their knowledge wins someone any votes, unless O'Leary is going to further claim either a) mail fraud on a pretty huge scale (since the Bernier campaign would have to literally steal blank ballots out of these people's mailboxes), or b) that CPC HQ won't notice if lots and lots of brand new members all have their ballots being mailed to the same place. Neither of those things seems very plausible.
3) Even if there were huge numbers of members being signed up, the party membership lists are shared amongst all leadership campaigns. O'Leary's conspiracy requires that either a) these new members being signed up without knowing won't notice when they suddenly start getting inundated with campaign messages from all the candidates, or b) all of the other leadership candidates are conspiring to hide the fact that a significant number of the new members don't really exist. While I don't think that highly of most of the candidates, I also don't think that they'd all secretly agree to go to those kinds of lengths to screw over Kevin O'Leary.
4) Memberships cost campaigns money. Even if they're signing up members using a fake card, they still have to give the central party $15 for every member they sign up. I know that Bernier has a pretty significant fundraising advantage over all the other candidates, but that seems like a pretty big waste of money. On top of that, leadership campaigns need to file expense reports with Elections Canada, and I think that EC would notice if they were spending thousands of dollars on signing up illegal members.
5) Even if all of those things are true, why would the CPC be rigging the vote in favour of Bernier, of all people? Why wouldn't they try to rig it in favour of someone like Scheer or Raitt or O'Toole, who don't hold beliefs that will sink the party in 2019?
It's just all so nonsensical, and it makes him sound so weak. Frontrunners don't usually come out and say that everyone is conspiring against them. I know that Trump made that work in the US, but their selection system didn't work against him when he made it. In the CPC race, you need second ballot support, and I don't see how this will make anyone like him anymore.
Of course, maybe I should put on my own tinfoil hat and say that maybe
O'Leary is looking at the numbers, realizing he can't win, and plotting an exit strategy. Here are his first-choice numbers:
And here are the people who say he's their last-choice candidate:
From his perspective, it'd be better for his brand to take his ball and go home, screaming that everyone is conspiring against him, than it would be for him to lose outright.