The Star reported on it beforeWhere was the rumor about selling airports coming from? I think the same thing happened last year also. The opposition freaked out for a week or two and then nothing happened.
The budget is a farce. Nothing concrete for public transit, VIA Rail, Canadian Infrastructure Bank...
Some European countries have something equivalent to a values test in many ways, just as part of a citizenship process rather than immigration, so it's not exactly something new. The thinking of the vast majority of those survey takers, and possibly a rather large portion of Canadians, is that if you were to somehow fail that test, you likely have very strong feelings against some socially liberal value that most Canadians hold, which gives the idea of that sort of test much broader appeal across ethnic and age groups than you may expect if you didn't bother to ask Canadians.
I find it hard to believe the number is anywhere near 74 percent but as we all know you only need 35-40 percent of voters to win a general election.
Via Rail will get around $860 million
I don't like the idea of marijuana taxes being tied to inflation. Sin taxes are generally pretty high to begin with and controlling the tax rate is what's going to keep it cheaper than what you can get on the street.
Over many years... From my comprehension that's the normal operating subsidy.Via Rail will get around $860 million
So the budget massively inflates the deficit with no plan on how to eventually balance the books.
This galvanizes the opposition and the benefits to their base don't seem that clear.
Uhhh good luck next election dudes.
This will never happen either. They will say it's too complicated and some bullshit about pressure from the USA making it too difficult.At this point they are just placing all their bets on Marijuana Legalization .
This will never happen either. They will say it's too complicated and some bullshit about pressure from the USA making it too difficult.
Either way it won't be legalized
Agreed, for all their carbon tax bullshit they should be encouraging people to take transit not removing incentiveI really hate it that they removed the transit credit. Dammit.
RE TruDOOMED 2019: As I mentioned before, a lot of the resurging interest in the Conservative Party stems from Ontario, and that interest comes more from hatred of the provincial government than any mistake on the Trudeau government outside of maybe answering a question in French when said question was in English. etc...
Federal candidates should stick to Federal issuesKevin O'Leary can't stop attacking rachel notley.
Kevin O'Leary can't stop attacking women.
Especially when there isn't even the pretense of cooperation. "Do what I ask, because I'm not actually asking and will force you to do what I ask".Federal candidates should stick to Federal issues
a lot of it probably comes from bots or people who aren't even Canadian
Just wanted to say how disheartening it was to see the hyperbole and racism being thrown around in the #M103 tag on Twitter. I know it's too be expected on on social media, and a lot of it probably comes from bots or people who aren't even Canadian, but there's a significant amount more hatred than you normally see in these kinds of tags. Just felt I had to vent about that.
On the topic of M-103, as an Ontarian, I feel like I should apologize for our MP who abstained from the vote.
I don't see how that's likely. Canadian politics is really only interesting or relevant to Canadians, it's not those of a superpower. People in other countries aren't going to care or understand what a motion in Canadian parliament is, and it's not like it was trending worldwide.
Nah, it's Canadians... and bots.
12% approval rating for Wynne. Lmao.
it's time for the Party replace her with new leadership. Lessen the damage
There's certainly legitimate nativism alive and well in Canada, but at the same there are those looking to whip up such sentiments into a frenzy because of our strategic proximity. Ya'll need to wake up to the terrifying digital future we live in.
And yet, the Angus Reid poll finds that three in 10 of those surveyed believed Khalid's motion is, in fact, ”a threat to Canadians' freedom of speech."
Angus Reid found male survey respondents strongly disapproved of M-103 while female survey respondents were split. Among men, 50 per cent would vote down M-103 while 27 per cent would vote in favour. Among women, 34 per cent would vote to reject, 31 per cent would vote in favour and 36 per cent were unsure or would abstain.
The pollster ran the online survey from March 13 to March 17. A margin of error could not be calculated because the survey participants were not drawn from a random sample. That said, a random sample of 1,511 Canadian adults would produce a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
You mean Russia?
I guess that's possible but it just looked like real people and the usual bots to me. Doubt very many foreigners heard about it, and let's be honest, they don't need to do much to change people's opinions.
Going from a classic Liberal playbook marijuana legalization is probably being held up to be the big promise to dangle in front of millenials for the 2019 election. I'd be surprised if it happens before then.
In this budget the Liberals got spooked away from reducing tax expenditures on the rich because of Trump. What are the odds that they'll go ahead with something even more ambitious like marijuana legalization?
You mean Russia?
I guess that's possible but it just looked like real people and the usual bots to me. Doubt very many foreigners heard about it, and let's be honest, they don't need to do much to change people's opinions.
The motion may have just helped the Tories, in fact.
Just bit the bullet and got my membership in for the CPC race. Luckily, I'm in that part of the country O'Leary hates - no, the other one - so my voice will mean a bit more.
I agree that she needs to go, I can't imagine a scenario where the Liberals form government after next election anyways, but might as well try and keep the PCs at a minority.
It's more than possible. The existence of professional "troll" outlets under the employ of the Kremlin has been reported on in the press for some time now. They're active all over the western world (particularly those with national elections and radical candidates to back), and I would suspect the world over.
At this point, it's more likely that the NDP will form a government courtesy of the PCs screwing up (again) than it is for Wynne to do so. She needs to step down or she will end up handing the PCs a majority.
Speaking of elections, isn't there supposed to be a provincial one in B.C. this May? How are things shaping up for that one?
The BC NDP the last time I checked was in the lead by a few points in polls.
Speaking of elections, isn't there supposed to be a provincial one in B.C. this May? How are things shaping up for that one?