No Canadian PM is ever going to say stuff like that when the country's economic wellbeing depends on Trump not rocking the boat too much.
I don't think we're gonna Trudeau ever publicly decry Trump, but he is going to subtweet the shit out of him.
No Canadian PM is ever going to say stuff like that when the country's economic wellbeing depends on Trump not rocking the boat too much.
In the end their desire to beat Trudeau will lead them to support him anyway. Same happened with Trump.
No Canadian PM is ever going to say stuff like that when the country's economic wellbeing depends on Trump not rocking the boat too much.
pointless gif
The G&M reported this a while ago. It's to get the ball rolling (and because they wanted to have the draft tabled before the symbolic date 4/20; the House is in recess then, so it had to be now).So apparently the Liberals are introducing marijuana legalization much earlier than expected and are tabling the bill in the Hoc on Thursday.
Being a neighbour of the US and Denmark has been very pleasant for Canada.
So has been laying low for the most part in international disputes and just doing peacekeeping (or if necessary, military intervention) from time to time. Canada thrives by keeping the rest of the Anglosphere and the European Union close but conducting its own policy quietly when necessary.
Now, you might not like one member of the Anglosphere much (and given your avatar, that's pretty obvious), but it's also pretty irrelevant to my comment. Canada isn't special, we do a lot of things very well, but nothing better than anyone else.
So apparently the Liberals are introducing marijuana legalization much earlier than expected and are tabling the bill in the Hoc on Thursday.
So what you're saying is that loan I took out to buy stocks in marijuana companies will be paying itself off sooner than I thought?*
OTTAWA Conservative leadership hopeful Kellie Leitch says she would look to roll back the Liberal plan to legalize marijuana if she becomes the party's leader and eventually prime minister.
Leitch says marijuana is a "dangerous drug" that should not be legalized due to public health and safety concerns.
She made the remarks during a roundtable interview today with The Canadian Press.
The B.C. election is officially underway! Voters there go to the polls May 9th. I'm guessing...minority government, with the Greens holding the balance of power. Any BCers want to provide their insight?
Even though the legislation is being tabled now, it's probably going to take awhile before it comes into effect. I could see the Conservatives try and jam it up in committee in the hopes they can turn it into a "Won't anyone think of the children?!?!" issue. After that, it'll go to the Senate, where it'll probably be slowed down even more, not least because the Conservatives there are committed to slowing down everything as much as they can. And then, depending on what the framework looks like, the provinces may slow down implementation -- Quebec, in particularly has been pretty vocal about saying that they don't want to be involved.
I know they're apparently aiming for Canada Day 2018 as an end date, but I think late 2019/early 2019 is more likely at this point.
I'd be surprised if the BC Liberals don't increase their seat count TBH. Highest GDP growth rate, lowest unemployment rate, declining home prices (although there might be people who are more angry than happy about that) etc. They have a great record to run on. But I'm terrible at predicting elections.
One minute in, how the fuck does this guy have that job? If you know you're going to have to speak why wouldn't you prepare something, or have your army of writers cobble something together for you so you don't sound like a bumbling idiot.
But does she love TV and movies?
This might be the only issue that could sink a Leitch-led Conservative Party come 2019...which is incredibly sad when you think about it.
You mean aside from having Kellie Leitch as a leader?
But does she love TV and movies?
This might be the only issue that could sink a Leitch-led Conservative Party come 2019...which is incredibly sad when you think about it.
I'm not sure what benefit she or the CPC would actually get from promising to repeal marijuana legalization. I feel like it has quite a significant amount of public support,; saying you're against and planning to repeal something so popular is rather counter-intuitive, is it not? Or am I just overestimating how popular legalization actually is?
Yeah but Trump, Ford, Le Pen, etc. are/were all charistmatic and can easily con the little guy into believing he's getting screwed by whoever and that they're on his side.
Not only has Leitch zero charistma, but she's awkward as hell and even annoying. There's no way she can sell her campaign against "the elites" without sounding like a big phony.
If Canada goes the way of the US, it's gonna be through O'Leary. A Leitch-led CPC would have trouble cracking 30 %. Actually, all of you who got CPC membership should vote for her if you want them to lose in 2019.
I'm not sure what benefit she or the CPC would actually get from promising to repeal marijuana legalization. I feel like it has quite a significant amount of public support,; saying you're against and planning to repeal something so popular is rather counter-intuitive, is it not? Or am I just overestimating how popular legalization actually is?
Last august it was around 70%, however now it's polling at 51%.
Outside of hardcore minority opposed to legalization, i'm not entirely sure since it seems even conservatives are in favor of a softer approach to marijuana laws. It certainly won't win them the support of young voters they seem to desperately want but won't ever receive.
Trump has a vulgarian charisma, which is why he's been a media celebrity for 30 years, and why he was a hit on reality TV.Can we please put this myth to bed? Trump has the charisma of a wet sponge and is utterly devoid of any personality, not unless one counts . He has never been a charming figure, neither before nor after he entered politics.
The B.C. election is officially underway! Voters there go to the polls May 9th. I'm guessing...minority government, with the Greens holding the balance of power. Any BCers want to provide their insight?
To people with brain cells, indeed. But a significant majority of people are, well, idiots and painfully ignorant, so his vulgar, low-vocabulary, brutish personality does appeal to these people. As well we saw.Can we please put this myth to bed? Trump has the charisma of a wet sponge and is utterly devoid of any personality, not unless one counts.
Can current out of province people like myself vote via absentee ballot? I know federal but not provincial.
I don't think progressive and centrist voters will vote for the BC Liberals this time. Whoever wins the election may win it with a minority.
Yeah but Trump, Ford, Le Pen, etc. are/were all charistmatic and can easily con the little guy into believing he's getting screwed by whoever and that they're on his side.
Not only has Leitch zero charistma, but she's awkward as hell and even annoying. There's no way she can sell her campaign against "the elites" without sounding like a big phony.
Le Pen, who has 10 times the charistma and political savy of Leitch, can barely crack 30% in France, a country with much bigger immigration and identity issues than Canada.
If Canada goes the way of the US, it's gonna be through O'Leary. A Leitch-led CPC would have trouble cracking 30 %. Actually, all of you who got CPC membership should vote for her if you want them to lose in 2019.
Chong is asking for voter intent. It makes me wonder if there's some kind of backroom deals happening.
I said I'd do O'Toole and Bernier after him, mostly because I have no idea who else I would even bother voting for.
I honestly don't know anything about any of the other candidates, and he's like the least worst of the ones I do know. lolWhy is Bernier in there? He may not be as overtly awful as O'Leary/Leitch, but he still combines their ideas with big doses of misogyny and libertarianism.
I honestly don't know anything about any of the other candidates, and he's like the least worst of the ones I do know. lol
The proposed Cannabis Act would create a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis in Canada. Following Royal Assent, the proposed legislation would allow adults to legally possess and use cannabis. This would mean that possession of small amounts of cannabis would no longer be a criminal offence and would prevent profits from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs. The Bill would also, for the first time, make it a specific criminal offence to sell cannabis to a minor and create significant penalties for those who engage young Canadians in cannabis-related offences.
In addition to legalizing and strictly regulating cannabis, the Government is toughening laws around alcohol- and drug-impaired driving. Under the Governments proposed legislation, new offences would be added to the Criminal Code to enforce a zero tolerance approach for those driving under the influence of cannabis and other drugs. Additionally, the proposed legislation would authorize new tools for police to better detect drivers who have drugs in their body.
Subject to Parliamentary approval and Royal Assent, the Government of Canada intends to provide regulated and restricted access to cannabis no later than July 2018.
The B.C. election is officially underway! Voters there go to the polls May 9th. I'm guessing...minority government, with the Greens holding the balance of power. Any BCers want to provide their insight?
If it keeps American milk out, i'll pay the extra gladly.Trump attacks Canada's dairy supply management as unfair to U.S.
So, basically, you're either standing with the system that keeps dairy prices artificially high, or you're standing with Trump.
It's times like this I'm especially glad to be vegan.
If it keeps American milk out, i'll pay the extra gladly.
If it keeps American milk out, i'll pay the extra gladly.
I dont trust the federal government to drop the one and enforce the other at the same time, or have a plan in the works to do so once supply side is gone.You can have both. We can do away with Supply Management while telling American companies that if they don't fit our health requirements, regulations and packaging requirements they can STFO until they do.
I dont trust the federal government to drop the one and enforce the other at the same time, or have a plan in the works to do so once supply side is gone.
I don't know if it's an example of Drumpf's cowardliness, so much as it's an example of him being easily distracted by the last thing he read: there was a story about Wisconsin dairy farmers being unhappy with Canadian milk in the Washington Post yesterday, so he decided to talk about it on the spur of the moment. It apparently wasn't in his prepared remarks (according to the Star's Daniel Dale), so this was probably another example of him setting a new policy based on a whim.
Anyway, Canada's response:
I was very pleased when I saw that you stole one of my best lines by denouncing supply management as an unfair thing. I have been making this same point since the beginning of my campaign a year ago.
I agree with you that this protectionist system is unfair for the farmers in Wisconsin and other states, who cannot make a better living by selling their products to their Canadian neighbours. But you will excuse me if I say I am mostly sorry for a much larger group: the 35 million Canadians who are paying on average twice as much as they should for their eggs, chicken and dairy products.
For subscribers: Trump takes aim at Canadas 'very unfair' dairy industry
Canadian families, especially low-income ones with children, suffer because of the hundreds of dollars in extra cost they need to pay each year to support this system. Isnt it unfair?
Im also sorry for the Canadian producers protected from competition by this cartel. Its actually very unfair for some of them, too.
Facts are detained at the borderIt's a sad day when one government has to tell another that they're not following facts and feel it necessary to point them out.
Also, I thought Cuomo was one of the better ones...
American protectionism spills milk on both sides of the aileIt's a sad day when one government has to tell another that they're not following facts and feel it necessary to point them out.
Also, I thought Cuomo was one of the better ones...
”Let's not pretend we're in a global free market when it comes to agriculture," Trudeau said Thursday in a question-and-answer session with Bloomberg television that preceded Trump's latest trade invective.
”Every country protects, for good reason, its agricultural industries. And we have a supply management system that works very well here in Canada.... The Americans and other countries chose to subsidize to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, their agriculture industries, including their dairy."
He said the U.S. currently enjoys a $400-million dairy surplus with Canada.
”So it's not Canada that is a challenge here."
”We can't let Canada or anybody else take advantage and do what they did to our workers and to our farmers," Trump said in the Oval Office.
”Included in there is lumber, timber and energy. We're going to have to get to the negotiating table with Canada very, very quickly."
It's unclear what specifics he was referring to. On energy, the current NAFTA guarantees the U.S. a fixed rate of Canada's oil production without any import fees. On lumber, cheaper Canadian wood has reduced the cost of U.S. homes but also caused recurring legal spats with the U.S. industry that alleges product-dumping.
He was a bit clearer on dairy. Trump made it obvious his complaints from earlier this week in Wisconsin were specifically about recent rule changes on milk classification, not on the longer-term issue of Canada's supply-management system.
This is going to turn into a shitshow very soon...
edit: To add onto this, NAFTA is the reason why the US enjoys low oil prices: their domestic oil production pales in comparison to what they import on a daily basis and the cost of bringing domestic production up is astronomical. The instant Trump signs an executive order on foreign oil is when the American people will pay through the nose.