"The Huggiest PM Ever"?
You're going to put that in your website's goddamn banner headline, NP?
I know they like to editorialize a lot, but this is just silly.
That article is actually quite funny, in my opinion, which is the spirit in which it's meant to be taken.
Unrelatedly, it's interesting to consider that, surveying the federal-provincial landscape right now, I'm not sure there's been such a degree of potential ideological synchronicity in living memory (and certainly not during a federal Liberal government). Every PM for a very long time has had to deal with provincial leaders of strongly opposing ideological stripe. Chretien, for instance, had to deal for most of his tenure with powerful PC governments in Ontario and Alberta and the PQ government in Quebec. Trudeau,
pere, had powerful Tories like Bill Davis and Peter Lougheed, combative fellow Liberals like Robert Bourassa, and, of course, his titanic opponent Rene Levesque.
What about Trudeau,
fils? Seven of the ten provinces have or soon will have (in the case of Newfoundland) Liberal governments; some of these are more aligned with the feds (the Atlantic parties, Ontario) than others (Quebec, BC), but nobody is going to mistake Philippe Couillard and Christy Clark for Robert Bourassa and W.A.C. Bennett.
Then there's the Alberta NDP, surely the most potentially friendly Alberta government for a Liberal administration to work with since the days of Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
The Manitoba NDP is probably going to get the shit kicked out of it in a few months, which will mean there will to Tory or Tory-substitute governments in Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the first few years of Trudeau's term. Brad Wall is the only premier who really stands out from the rest, and he's at heart a conservative technocrat.
For a quick second, I thought we were already back to the glorious days of PET.
If Trudeau decides to step out, I'm betting, based on the amount of physical closeness, it will be for a steamy affair with Chrystia Freeland.
I was unsure on this McCallum fellow (because I wasn't familiar with him) but I'm sold. I think he'll make an excellent immigration minister and it's clear that he has a heart. He knows what Canada is.
Anecdote: While standing in line to vote in the first round of balloting at the 2006 Liberal leadership convention, I spent a decent amount of time chatting with an elderly lady who turned out to be John McCallum's mother. I was mildly astonished, which, when you look at his bio, is a bit unnecessary, since he was only 56 at that point, but he's always looked much older than his actual age.