You'd have to watch and see whether the party starts to agree with him more or resist his extremism.
Otherwise we might have our very own Canadian version of Redumblicans.
Frankly, I don't see how the CPC hasn't followed the McCain Model i.e. "I don't agree with ___'s position but i'm still going to vote along party lines" for some time now outside of a few exceptions i.e. Chong stepping down from Harper's cabinet. The question now is whether Scheer can keep the social conservative portion of the party in check or if they'll dominate the image of the post-Harper CPC. Given how the surprising amount of support there was for Trost and how much support of Trost went to Scheer, i'm skeptical of whether he'll keep them as quiet as Harper did, especially with Scheer previously espousing the garbage that he has about "traditional marriage".