Scheer being described as "Harper with a smile" is so dumb on so many levels.
For one thing, Harper didn't start off being dour and glowering all the time. As opposition leader, he was wooden, but he also made an effort to humanize himself and soften his image. He even told jokes at the Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner! Scheer has never had reason to be too angry, since he was in government within two years of becoming an MP, and he was Speaker for the four years of Harper's majority, meaning he was basically required to be friendly. (Sidenote: this didn't stop him from being a hardcore partisan, since he allowed the Harper government's worst abuses of Parliament to go unchecked.)
For another, Scheer is way, way more socially conservative than Harper. Harper was a so-con, but it wasn't ​his driving motivation. Scheer, by contrast, is deeply religious, and he's never tried to hide his opposition to gay/trans rights and a woman's right to choose. The fact that Trost and Lemieux supporters went to him, and that the Campaign Life Coalition is celebrating his victory, should say a lot about who Scheer is and what he wants to do.
It's early, but so far the coverage of Scheer reminds me of how the media covered Jim Flaherty: when Flaherty was Finance Minister, they were willing to overlook the fact that was implementing wildly regressive policies just because they liked his smile. I wouldn't be surprised if they treat Scheer the same way.