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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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This is the definition of concern trolling though. Argue from an honest place instead of "what will the hypothetical suburbanites say!?!?!"
Make a nation wide poll about the 10.5M pay out, you would be surprised to learn that the majority of Canadians are against the payout


I mean, we're not dealing with conservative suburbanites in this thread responding to well reasoned arguments with pictures of soldiers funerals. Might as well just try to drown us out with the Canadian anthem

Don't even get me started, I had a close relative today espousing about "all the horrible things Khadr did like dropping bombs" and how "it was such a 'coincidence that this news dropped while Trudeau was out of the country #Khadrgate", among other remarks that are simply beyond explanation.

Make a nation wide poll about the 10.5M pay out, you would be surprised to learn that the majority of Canadians are against the payout

The majority of Canadians also supported the invocation of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. Doesn't mean we don't look back at the latter as a gross restriction of human rights.


Black Canada Mafia
Don't even get me started, I had a close relative today espousing about "all the horrible things Khadr did like dropping bombs" and how "it was such a 'coincidence that this news dropped while Trudeau was out of the country #Khadrgate", among other remarks that are simply beyond explanation.

Khadr literally was blinded when a 'bomb' was dropped on the building he was in. That killed everyone around him. Just remind them of that. That was the only 'action' he ever saw


Make a nation wide poll about the 10.5M pay out, you would be surprised to learn that the majority of Canadians are against the payout

And when someone actually commissions that poll then I'm sure you'll link to it. But it's tedious discussing something with a person who doesn't even stand by their own arguments. Your hypothetical swing voter isn't in this thread and doesn't need you sticking up for them.

You already trotted out all of your Rebel Media comment section-level arguments about this case. I and other posters have countered those arguments pretty well IMO. Switching to "well I don't care but how will this play in Peoria" is disingenuous.
The majority of Canadians also supported the invocation of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis. Doesn't mean we don't look back at the latter as a gross restriction of human rights.
A necessary measure to restore order during a climate of terror.

Pierre Trudeau was right


Stop arguing about Khadr and rejoice that America's hat has beaten his shorts twice today, in the semis of the U19 basketball world championships and in the bronze medal match of the volleyball world league.

Trump's America flopping left and right.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk


That wildrose and Alberta PC unity vote happens in less then two weeks and there are still mixed signals to how both the wildrose and pc's will vote at this point.

Jean and Kenney both feel confident that that deal will be approved by both the wildrose and pc membership on July 22nd.

Kenney also called a professor that works at the university of lethbridge that popped up at a recent unity meeting a communist according to the article.

Some wildrose members also don't feel confident the deal will be approved by wildrose members.


The fact you consider yourself Liberal despite the fact you have no beliefs that align with the Liberal Party -- beyond, possibly, federalism, but even there I have my doubts -- constantly baffles me.

Gutter Trash appears to suffer from some weird mental disorder where he has latched on to believing with every fibre of his being that not having the Liberal Party of Canada in power with a Strong Stable Majority is a huge calamity waiting to happen. As we can see, he doesn't actually seem to care about the actual VALUES of the party, so long as the party is in power.

I'd be very curious to know how he got to this point.


The fact you consider yourself Liberal despite the fact you have no beliefs that align with the Liberal Party -- beyond, possibly, federalism, but even there I have my doubts -- constantly baffles me.

"Mon père votait rouge, mon grand père votait rouge, donc je vote rouge" is a common joke within my family, and it's kinda how I see Gutter_Trash. I'm just speculating tho

("my father voted red, my grandfather voted red, so I vote red")


I think he just has a cult of personality around Pierre Trudeau. Justin is blessed by springing from his loins, but imperfect even so.

Cults of personality are always authoritarian in nature, even if the person they're built around are not themselves particularly authoritarian (though I don't think it's an inaccurate description of pierre personally). So of course gutter's views reflect a certain degree of authoritarianism that's not particularly reflective of modern big-L Liberal ideology.
I'm socio-econimcally Center-Left while being Center-Right on national security.

On National Unity, the Liberals are the Strongest. ++++

= LPC fits the closest to my ideologies (plural) but I am free to disagree when they get blinded


but I am free to disagree when they get blinded



This is disheartening:

Majority of Canadians oppose Omar Khadr settlement, poll suggests (CBC)

More than two-thirds of Canadians feel Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the wrong choice in awarding a $10.5 million settlement to Omar Khadr, according to a new poll by the Angus Reid Institute.

Fully 71 per cent of respondents agreed the government had "done the wrong thing" and should have fought Khadr in court, where he was suing the government for $20 million for breaching his civil rights.

Only 29 per cent believed the government did the right thing, and just 35 per cent believed Trudeau had no choice but to offer the apology and financial compensation.

This disapproval with the government's decision extended to Trudeau's own supporters: 61 per cent of Canadians who said they voted Liberal in 2015 felt that the wrong decision had been made. That increased to 64 per cent among NDP voters.

More at the link.
Make a nation wide poll about the 10.5M pay out, you would be surprised to learn that the majority of Canadians are against the payout

Told you so.

This is a lose for the Liberals and it pisses me off that they didn't see the backlash incoming for settling

This disapproval with the government's decision extended to Trudeau's own supporters: 61 per cent of Canadians who said they voted Liberal in 2015 felt that the wrong decision had been made. That increased to 64 per cent among NDP voters.

6 in 10 Liberal voters disapprove of the settlement. Count me in that 6 out of 10


Wasn't gay marriage under 50% approval when the government passed it? If we did everything by public opinion polls, we'd get absolutely nowhere.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Wasn't gay marriage under 50% approval when the government passed it? If we did everything by public opinion polls, we'd get absolutely nowhere.

Not remotely the same thing, but yes. Even 13 out of 101 Liberals supported a motion to reinstate opposite sex-only marriages in 2006.


What we're talking about here is someone who was alleged to have murdered someone essentially though, literally apples and oranges. This case will always be divisive in public opinion.
Relatives of slain U.S. soldier want urgent freeze on Omar Khadr's assets


Tabitha Speer, left, widow of U.S. Sgt. Christopher Speer, is asking for an immediate freeze on money the Canadian government paid in a settlement to Omar Khadr last week. Khadr was convicted of killing Sgt. Speer in a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan, in which another former U.S. solider, Layne Morris, right, was injured.


I'm not surprised it's an unpopular decision. Legally I believe it was the right call to make, he was tortured and denied his rights. Sgt. Speer's family can proceed with their case against Khadr from here, but the Canadian government can move on from it and cut their losses.


Subete no aware
I'm not surprised it's an unpopular decision. Legally I believe it was the right call to make, he was tortured and denied his rights. Sgt. Speer's family can proceed with their case against Khadar from here, but the Canadian government can move on from it and cut their losses.
It's because the Constitution and Charter rights are like the most boring aspect of law (even though they're the most important, giving us abortion and marriage equality).

I want our Charter to be worth the paper it's written on, because without it, we're pretty much fucked as a society - particularly if someone decides to start making the court partisan down the line like our American friends.


That poll had one hell of a leading question.

The Supreme Court already found that his imprisonment violated the Charter


That poll had one hell of a leading question.

The Supreme Court already found that his imprisonment violated the Charter

I wouldn't be surprised if most people pulled off the street didn't realize that this matter has already been through the courts at least once.
It's very, very obvious the vast majority of people have no idea about the details about the case, specifically the whole child soldier and left to rot in gitmo and tortured for a number of years aspect of the case.

Hopefully Khadr gets his money and the americans get lost. Unlike Khadr, those guys actually volunteered to go there.


It's very, very obvious the vast majority of people have no idea about the details about the case, specifically the whole child soldier and left to rot in gitmo and tortured for a number of years aspect of the case.

Hopefully Khadr gets his money and the americans get lost. Unlike Khadr, those guys actually volunteered to go there.

Not to mention did he even throw the grenade that resulted in the death of the US soldier, or was he unconscious under a pile of rubble when all that was going on, which suggests there is some reasonable doubt about his forced confession under torture.
It's very, very obvious the vast majority of people have no idea about the details about the case, specifically the whole child soldier and left to rot in gitmo and tortured for a number of years aspect of the case.

Hopefully Khadr gets his money and the americans get lost. Unlike Khadr, those guys actually volunteered to go there.

posts like these are horrible,

9/11 happened,
Article 5 was invoked.
al-Quada was stationed in Afhanistan,
Egyptian born Papa Khadr was a financier for Bin Laden,
US and NATO forces interveened in Afghanistan to crush al-Quada.

al-Quada were the badguys, never forget that


Wasn't gay marriage under 50% approval when the government passed it? If we did everything by public opinion polls, we'd get absolutely nowhere.

As a Canadian who is not White I am VERY FUCKING GRATEFUL that my rights were not decided by a popular vote or opinion polls!


The Chinese Head Tax, the Komagatamaru, the residential schools, Ukrainian and Japanese internment, and many more things were also popular during their respective times with Canadians but that doesn't make them right.

Anyway the $10 million is nothing compared to what Harper paid in legal fees and what Khadr would win in the actual lawsuit.


Subete no aware
posts like these are horrible,

9/11 happened,
Article 5 was invoked.
al-Quada was stationed in Afhanistan,
Egyptian born Papa Khadr was a financier for Bin Laden,
US and NATO forces interveened in Afghanistan to crush al-Quada.

al-Quada were the badguys, never forget that
If we violate the charter rights of specific citizens because of a terrorist attack, then aren't we as bad as America?

Hell, I already think the secret tribunals/trials and indefinite detention is pretty fucked up, but with Khadr you have a clear violation of his rights as a Canadian.
posts like these are horrible,

9/11 happened,
Article 5 was invoked.
al-Quada was stationed in Afhanistan,
Egyptian born Papa Khadr was a financier for Bin Laden,
US and NATO forces interveened in Afghanistan to crush al-Quada.

al-Quada were the badguys, never forget that

...and every single one of these things is irrelevant to whether or not Khadr was a child soldier whose Charter rights were violated (as ruled by the Supreme Court of Canada three times).

It'd be nice if you made even the smallest token of effort to argue anything in good faith. Like, just once.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Can you think that someone's rights have been violated and they deserve compensation without agreeing that said compensation should be millions of dollars, or...?


Meanwhile Raif Badawi is still rotting in jail for 5 years straight for the crime of free speech. Justin was pimping this case before being elected but not so much anymore eh. Gotta sell those weapons to Saudi Arabia.

I think the Khadr settlement was the right choice but it will probably be a costly decision for the government. We had Layne Morris and Tabitha Speer openly attacking the PM about this and polls seems to indicate the majority was against this.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Meanwhile Raif Badawi is still rotting in jail for 5 years straight for the crime of free speech. Justin was pimping this case before being elected but not so much anymore eh. Gotta sell those weapons to Saudi Arabia.

I think the Khadr settlement was the right choice but it will probably be a costly decision for the government. We had Layne Morris and Tabitha Speer openly attacking the PM about this and polls seems to indicate the majority was against this.
When the right thing to do is balanced against the hysteria of an uneducated, hate spewing group of people, I hope our government chooses to do the right thing every single time. Bowing to public pressure when it is the wrong thing, isn't something worth political power. Plus, if they're too stupid to know that the matter was already decided by the Supreme Court, I don't really care how much they huff and puff, the case is closed.
You'd rather he pay for his father's crimes?

Sins of the father sure is a cool concept. Any dirt in your family's past, gutter?

Should've asked if he feels the sins of a father can be transferred to a child. He knows it's wrong but will spin in a way similar to that of a trump supporter. Gutter has not argued the point at all.


Meanwhile Raif Badawi is still rotting in jail for 5 years straight for the crime of free speech. Justin was pimping this case before being elected but not so much anymore eh. Gotta sell those weapons to Saudi Arabia.

I wouldn't say they do nothing.
They bring the matter to the Saudi often enough that they are sick of it.


Problem is that we don't have much leverage to enforce anything on the issue.
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