Watching Rebel Media implode over the past few days has been pure bliss~~~
Hey Tiktaalik, you might want to avoid using SJW like that. At this point, it is mostly used as a derogatory term for anyone remotely progressive. And frankly, I personally have a hard time taking anyone says it seriously.
That's funny I don't really consider that term derogatory at all. I just used that word as a light hearted way to reference that she spends more time talking about social issues than the other candidates. I think most NDP candidates and supporters would happily embrace their SJW status.
I think it's the fact that they're speaking with Bannon that's the disgusting part. Although I'm sure in the 30s or whatever you'd find pictures of Canadian politicans hanging out with Goebbels or some other Nazis. :/And as a sidenote, the NYT article said that Butts told Bannon to raise taxes on the rich as part of a middle-class agenda. That's hardly Pétain leading Vichy France. In fact, if you looked at everything else the Liberals have been doing since Trump's election, you'll notice that they've been making a pretty strong effort to target state governments, and de-emphasizing our country-to-country relationship (see all their lobbying of state governments as part of the lead-up to NAFTA, or the Canadian Government statement after Trump said the US was pulling out of NAFTA). Just because they're not loudly condemning everything the US and Trump does, it doesn't mean that they implicitly support it.
I don't think it matters either way since I don't think they have a chance whatever they do. I'm pretty sure they've lost Toronto for one, short of the Liberals doing something really stupid.Personally, I don't think that means-testing is an inherently bad idea (replacing the Universal Child Benefit with the Canada Child Benefit seems to have worked well, and it's sort of means-tested), but as I said: if the NDP just affirmed their commitment to universality last year at their policy convention, expecting members to reverse that seems a little over-optimistic. (And, of course, I imagine such a proposal would be suicide in a general election.)
I'm glad I'm not the only who doesn't understand the Ashton thing. I think it is great to have a proud feminist in the race, but she just doesn't come across as a good leader. There's something about the way she speaks that bothers me, she's simultaneously passionate and dull, like she is a boring school teacher yelling at me.
I wonder how much of her success is because she branded herself as the Canadian Bernie.
Am I crazy to think Mulcair could potentially be a better leader than all of them? If he didn't try to do this faux-smiley thing in his campaign and instead doubled down on Angry Tom, he could have retained his advantage at the beginning of the campaign.
The whole Rebel Media debacle made me realize how scary the world is. It appears they were receiving huge millions dollars worth of donations from rich American racist think-tanks. I guess rich people truly rule the world and will spend their fortune to spread their hatred.
The Conservative leadership contest had a ton of candidates that were all vaguely the same, pushing the same timid ideas, with a couple of mavericks with zany ideas (Bernier, Chong). The NDP doesnt have anyone that in my view is really sticking their head out, and everyone is suggesting the same left wing, socialist policies that weve seen before. If Singhs step away from universality in old age pensions is the most controversial idea in the contest then that is truly pathetic.
I have a hard time seeing anyone other than Singh or maybe Caron growing the NDP seat count in a federal election.
Rebel media vs hanging out with Bannon.Well, I was wondering when the Liberals were going to try and capitalize on the Rebel blowback.:
Rebel media vs hanging out with Bannon.
Well, NOW I hope the Liberals can completely disavow him right?
Suffice it to say, Andrew Scheer is probably not going duck hunting with The Rebel's Faith Goldy, as he suggested he would when the two sat down for an interview in February.
It was some combination of Goldy's reporting for Rebel Media from the alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Va., and the horrifying attack on counter-demonstrators that precipitated this week's sudden turn against Ezra Levant's outlet.
And that rush to dissociate culminated in Scheer declaring on Wednesday that he would not grant further interviews to The Rebel "as long as the editorial direction of that particular institution remains as it is."
Well, NOW he's no longer in a position of power, so it's no longer a story, assuming that the PM's top advisor talking to the President's top advisor was ever really a story to begin with.
Speaking of Rebel Media, headlines and stories like this are appalling: Distancing himself from The Rebel might be a defining moment for Scheer and his party
As someone who thinks Mulcair could have and probably *should have* done better in the last election if the NDP had stuck to being passionate instead of middle-roading, it's definitely too late for him to do any kind of comeback now. Maybe later after the NDP runs through some more leaders.
I don't know that I'd describe her as successful -- she's made a name for herself, to be sure, but outside of a very small number of people, I don't know many who take her seriously.
Taking the exact opposite stance from you, I think some of the criticism she gets is because of her gender, and it's hard to tell where that ends and legitimate complaints begin. I find her to be incredibly grating and kind of shrill...but at the same time, I fully recognize that "shrill" is a pretty gendered insult that's thrown at pretty much every female politician, but never any male ones. It does seem like she's prone to lecturing, and her leadership contest speech at the NDP's last leadership convention was abysmally bad in that and every other regard -- but if I'm being honest, the same could be said about Stephane Dion, and that man is, improbably, one of my all-time favourite politicians (and even the worst other people said about him was that he was a prickly academic). Honest question: are there any male politicians who'd get the same type of criticism as Ashton does?
Speaking of Rebel Media, headlines and stories like this are appalling: Distancing himself from The Rebel might be a defining moment for Scheer and his party
Reminder: when Andrew Scheer sat down with Faith Goldy, it was very shortly after The Rebel had covered themselves in glory with their reporting on the Quebec mosque shootings. That the CBC doesn't even mention that -- and goes on to say that Scheer could be a "calming influence" on Rebel Media -- is pretty sad.
As someone who thinks Mulcair could have and probably *should have* done better in the last election if the NDP had stuck to being passionate instead of middle-roading, it's definitely too late for him to do any kind of comeback now. Maybe later after the NDP runs through some more leaders.
This?EDIT: Apparently Carole MacNeil dragged Andrew Scheer on CBC. Anyone have a link to it?
Everyone needs to listen to this Canadaland episode on the Rebel, because holy shit.
Monthly polling by Campaign Research shows that two thirds of Ontarians believe the government should be changed. Even voters who think the government has done a good job are yearning for a change in power.
But in politics, as in life, the only certainty is uncertainty. Earlier polling by Campaign Research showed Browns Tories with a commanding 50 per cent share of the vote last January, with the Liberals languishing at 28 per cent and the NDP at 15 per cent.
By May, Wynnes Liberals had recovered the lead with 37 per cent, as the Tories tumbled to 34 per cent and the NDP recovered to 22. A summer sounding in July found the PCs at 38 per cent and the Liberals at 30, with the NDP parked at 24.
"Change" being as broad a term as it is could very well mean people like the Ontario Liberals more than the PCs but hate Wynne and thus want a change in Liberal leadership. As mentioned before, that's the only way I see them clinging to a minority, let alone a majority in the next election since I doubt "change" in this context means "let's vote for the party run by the whitest cream of a man that exists".
I can't imagine Wynne winning, but the problem is that Brown comes across as Patrick Batemen's less charismatic brother.
In Ontario that is exactly what change means
just off the radio.
Guy Caron is going to double-down on the Sherbrooke Declaration even further and bring in Quebec identity politics into it on top of the Bill 101 for Federal Institutions crap.
Hey NDP, wake the fuck up and don't chose this man as your next leader.
Judy Foote is resigning from Cabinet and the House of Commons due to cancer issues in her family (her children all have the BRCA2 gene and, I guess, she wants to spend more time with them).
The Liberals need not worry about the eventual by-election, seeing as Foote collected 82% of the vote last time.
I personally would have thought he'd go with Yvonne Jones, who, in addition to being a woman, would add another indigenous person to cabinet.Sad news. It'll be interesting to see the cabinet shuffle this leads to. The rumour I've read is that Seamus O'Regan will replace her as an Atlantic Canadian minister, but that throws the male-female balance out of whack. Maybe they add a new ministry to get another woman in cabinet?
I missed that he was cleared of all charges. lolSo...Mike Duffy is back in the news for events i'm surprised he didn't partake in sooner because Mike Duffy is the leftover scum from the Harper mold in Canada's shower that has yet to be cleaned:
I kinda want people to say the government should settle.I missed that he was cleared of all charges. lol
I expect the Trudeau government is more than happy to have Duffy sue the government for Canada since they can just bring up that he's a Conservative any time anyone brings it up.
I personally would have thought he'd go with Yvonne Jones, who, in addition to being a woman, would add another indigenous person to cabinet.
I missed that he was cleared of all charges. lol
I expect the Trudeau government is more than happy to have Duffy sue the government for Canada since they can just bring up that he's a Conservative any time anyone brings it up.
In a statement, the P.E.I. senator said Conservatives are still in control of the Senate's powerful internal economy committee which deals with budget and other personnel matters and they have proven they are "not interested in correcting the unjustified actions taken against me by the Senate."
"The Harper Conservatives have left me with no choice but to go back to the courts for justice," Duffy said.
I'm amazed how things like this are legal in Quebec. It seems like a direct violation of section 15 Charter rights.***Bill 101 prohibits non-Anglophones from having access to English Elementry and Secondary schools.
Quebec parents want improved access to English schools for their kids:
60% of Quebec parents want to see a softening of Bill 101's restrictions so they could have more access to English schools (elemetnry and secondary).
53 % of Quebec parents want to see a breech in the French Language Charter for it to be more flexible.
***Bill 101 prohibits non-Anglophones from having access to English Elementry and Secondary schools. Many Francophone parents want their kids to have better quality of learning English***
I'm amazed how things like this are legal in Quebec. It seems like a direct violation of section 15 Charter rights.
Quebec school boards were Religious Based in the past.. Catholic, ProtestantIt's because allophones usually send their kids to English school otherwise, resulting in newer generations of non-French speakers. It honestly makes sense considering the status of the French language.
The solution is just to improve education of English as a second language. It's always been kind of shit unless you go in immersion classes.
Also: fuck la CAQ sérieux
Federal poll for the Province:
Trudeau has dropped 6 points due to his handling of the migrant "crisis" while Sheer improved over Ambrose's number.
LPC: 43%
NDP: 19 %
Bloc: 16 %
CPC: 15%
NDP leadership poll in the province:
most important number: 58% = I don't know LOL
For the fourth day in a row, NDP leadership contender Jagmeet Singh declined to share his views on Bill 62 or Quebec's right to legislate efforts at secularism in the public service. His campaign said he had an "absolutely crazy travel schedule" and promised to make him available soon.
It's political suicide for them.So why won't the Liberal party repeal Bill 101 if it's so problematic? The appeal of such laws must be waning.
Pierre Trudeau's biggest failure was the inclusion of the "Non-Whistanding Clause" in the Constitution.
The White Paper and usage of the War Measures Act in 1970 say hi.
It's political suicide for them.
Quebec politics = nationalism pissing contest
"je suis plus Nationalist que toé" and so on
What's saving Couillard is a strong economy and low unemployment
From my personal experience this is not accurate. I am an Anglophone from southern Ontario and my two children attend English schools in the Outaouais. One is starting CEGEP and the other grade 7. My oldest is fluently bilingual while my youngest is well on her way. The Quebec education system does know how to teach French. I do agree that my children do and always will self identify as Anglophones - which may well be what you are saying (and I added nothing to the conversation). Carry on.It's because allophones usually send their kids to English school otherwise, resulting in newer generations of non-French speakers. It honestly makes sense considering the status of the French language.
Well I'm
Mixed on the BC NDP making good one their promise to nerf the tolls on the Port Mann bridge. Good because it will save my wife $130 a month in tolls.
Bad because I'm sure it will increase traffic so she'll spend even more time away from home. Plus I'm wondering how it's gonna be paid for. I think tolls are fair, just a lower rate.