Prima facie unconstitutional. The only question is whether Quebec will then resort to the Notwithstanding Clause when the courts strike it down.
Prima facie unconstitutional. The only question is whether Quebec will then resort to the Notwithstanding Clause when the courts strike it down.
if you guys think that's bad... look at CBC article from today about immigration
my first thought when clicking the article was... "how in the holy fuck is there 7000 comments?"
it's like all bots. it's terrifying.
Prima facie unconstitutional. The only question is whether Quebec will then resort to the Notwithstanding Clause when the courts strike it down.
if you guys think that's bad... look at CBC article from today about immigration
my first thought when clicking the article was... "how in the holy fuck is there 7000 comments?"
it's like all bots. it's terrifying.
It appears that a handful of people posted hundreds of comments each.
It appears that a handful of people posted hundreds of comments each.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer abruptly ended a news conference and stopped taking questions from reporters on Monday when asked whether he was aware his campaign manager had worked out of the Rebel office during his leadership run.
Hamish Marshall, Mr. Scheer's former campaign manager, told The Globe and Mail in response to an inquiry that he shared Toronto office space with the right-wing website during the Tory leadership race, which ended on May 27, when Mr. Scheer won by a razor-thin margin over Conservative MP Maxime Bernier.
Mr. Marshall is president of Torch Agency, a company that provides digital and research services.
"I didn't ask Hamish about every client he had," Mr. Scheer told reporters before walking out of his own media availability about the Liberal tax changes in Ottawa. "He has a variety of clients. He's a small-business owner himself, and I asked him to do a job and he helped me out on my campaign."
A Conservative spokesman later clarified that Mr. Scheer was aware the Rebel was one of Mr. Marshall's clients, but not of the specifics of the arrangement.
Although it has been reported that Mr. Marshall was a director of the Rebel and once worked in the same office, it had not previously been disclosed that he did so during Mr. Scheer's leadership campaign.
to be fair, Max had the leadership stolen from him due to the Dairy Cartel.
now glaze beady eyed Sheere has it
The US have apparently officially required that Canada get rid of supply management today. Time to do your magic dairy cartel...
Here's an article that goes into greater detail about The Rebel's ties to Scheer:
Side note: a lot of NDP-types I follow on Twitter who were screeching about how racist Canadian media were for asking Singh about his ties to extremists and suggesting Scheer would never get asked about his ties to white supremacists are being awfully silent about this.
I think you'll only really be able to judge this when you see what follows who into the election.
I'd lay better odds on Singh's baggage than Sheer's following them there, personally.
With the caveat that either or both of them could come up with solid answers that put their respective stories to bed within the next two years...I actually think Scheer's baggage will get more attention in 2019. Based on how they've been treating him so far, painting him as a far-right loon will be a key component of the LPC re-election strategy, plus the whole Trump angle (assuming he isn't dead or impeached by then) will make it irresistable for the media.
Just learned a fellow classmate has turned to the Conservatives and plans to leave Canada after he graduates because Trudeau hasn't fixed the economy yet. My brain hurts.
Side note: a lot of NDP-types I follow on Twitter who were screeching about how racist Canadian media were for asking Singh about his ties to extremists and suggesting Scheer would never get asked about his ties to white supremacists are being awfully silent about this.
I thought he was popular, so I was surprised to see it was close.
Sure sounds like Canada is going to be on the losing end of the NAFTA negotiations.
Sure sounds like Canada is going to be on the losing end of the NAFTA negotiations.
No. The American president can withdraw the USA from any treaty immediately and without any vehicle for redress. Trump could withdraw from the UN and the Geneva Conventions tomorrow and there wouldn't be anything anybody could do about it.Doesn't it need to go through their Congress/Senate to pull out NAFTA?
Sure sounds like Canada is going to be on the losing end of the NAFTA negotiations.
Yes, he can. See above.First of all, Trump can't cancel NAFTA on his own.
Sure sounds like Canada is going to be on the losing end of the NAFTA negotiations.
NAFTA negotiations are going to continue until at least 2018 since Trumplestilskin is so desperate for a win to boast about during the midterms and thus far has none to use, not to mention how much political fire he'd be handing Democrats if he did pull out of NAFTA, especially in states where Canada is their largest trading partner that Republicans are running incumbent gubernatorial and senators. They're being protectionist in their neogations (see also: Chapter 19/tribunal discussions which are going nowhere) but the U.S. will ultimately be a loser if they pull out of NAFTA and Canada will not be going along with many of their suggestions, to say nothing of Mexico prior to their federal elections next year which will certainly changes the topics of discussion and how they're discussed. I will reiterate this as many times as possible: The original NAFTA took years to negotiate with people who were competent throughout the negotiations (for the most part). Trump may be very, very, very stupid, but Republicans across the U.S. know that sinking NAFTA would be political suicide so it's better to keep up his (weak) bluster on "Murica Furzt!".
EDIT: Well that didn't last very long, did it? Conservatives name former Rebel Media director as 2019 campaign chair
Yes, he can. See above.
The Senate's approval is only needed to ratify a treaty, not to withdraw from one.
After Trump canceled NAFTA, border tariffs, etc. for Canadian and Mexican goods would revert to whatever the default is for countries with which the US doesnt have a trade deal.I tought it was more complicated than that?
I know that the president has the power to terminate any treaties like Kimmy carter once did, but it's also in the constitution that Congress is the one in charge of dealing with tax,tarrif and whatever else.
Would it not fall on the supreme court to decide who has power over it?
EDIT: Well that didn't last very long, did it? Conservatives name former Rebel Media director as 2019 campaign chair
Yes, he can. See above.
The Senate's approval is only needed to ratify a treaty, not to withdraw from one.
There is a process in NAFTA that would allow the United States to get out of the deal. But whether Mr. Trump has the power to pull out unilaterally or whether he would have to get Congress to agree is a major legal grey area.
If NAFTA falls apart, it'd be terrible for Canada, for sure. But I don't think he fully understands just how much damage that would do to the US as well.
Canada should stall on NAFTA
Allow Mueller enough time to wrap up his Russia investigation
His style worked with Bombardier so far. After all the tariffs (300%) he dropped on their C-Series they had to make a deal with Airbus. Airbus became the major shareholder of the C-series and will use their factory to build the planes in one of their factory in the US. So instead of being built in Canada it will be built in the states to evade the tariffs. Protectionism just like Trump wanted.
]So let's say the US does pull out of NAFTA. Unlikely[/B], as said he needs congress to agree on it, but let's say it happens. Regardless of what it does to the US, Canada would be hurt seriously.
edit: He doesn't need congress? Then it's certain he's pulling out. Congress pleading no will just incite him further to do it.
Ehh, I'm not sure if that was an actual Trump win. That was more of a Boeing misstep than a push by the Trump admin, IIRC.
And about the C-Series, the facility in Canada will be maintained, with some additional assembly/manufacturing lines in the states.
Quebec has officially passed Bill 62, the law that would require Muslim women to uncover their faces when receiving any public service, such as riding the bus.
I wish I could say I am surprised.
Don Macpherson‏ @DMacpGaz
(FR) Minister confirms new "religious neutrality" law also forbids bus passengers from wearing sunglasses. #bill62 #qcpoli #polqc
this will be fun in winter time
Yeah, but not exactly for the right reasons.The hilarious thing is that all of the other parties voted against bill 62.
The two main opposition parties, the Parti Québécois and Coalition Avenir Québec, have argued the legislation doesn't go far enough, while civil rights advocates argue it discriminates against religious minorities.
Support for separation is at an all time low yeah, but nationalism is still strong.Part of me thinks that the nationalist spree will die when baby boomers go away... but I guess that's just wishful thinking and there will be others to pick up the torch.
Part of me thinks that the nationalist spree will die when baby boomers go away... but I guess that's just wishful thinking and there will be others to pick up the torch.
Support for separation is at an all time low yeah, but nationalism is still strong.
Look at the Alt-Right, it's majorly composed of Millennials who are busy on social media.
and the Alt-Right is not exclusive to the US. Canada and Quebec have seen some of it on the internets and in stupid Facebook Groups
The alt-right's millennial support is primarily elsewhere in the world. When you look at groups like La Meute marching, it's mostly people in their 40s or older. Proud Boys have a near-glacial growth in Canada and are probably the most likely to inherit any small number of millennial supporters because of how they try to couch their approach as "reasonable" and "not racist" (despite any number of actions to the contrary).