Upon thinking about it, I'm actually pretty happy with Ralph as Public Safety Minister.
I like the look of his cabinet. Reading the backgrounds on a lot of people, a lot are in positions that they have strong backgrounds in. It's also ethnically diverse and gender balanced. I like it.
So you like that a lot of people are in positions that they have strong backgrounds in, but *also* are happy that a career politician with, as far as I can tell, zero background with security matters, is public safety minister?![]()
Dion on foreign affairs, wuttttttttttttttttt
She's not a bad choice, as Aboriginal Affairs has two major issues being health and the status of women, and both are her strengths.
Carolyn is also a seriously empathetic person, which is something that the post needs.
Why is that a problem?
So you like that a lot of people are in positions that they have strong backgrounds in, but *also* are happy that a career politician with, as far as I can tell, zero background with security matters, is public safety minister?![]()
Love that the title says Minister of Environment and Climate Change
This strikes me as saying a male gyno would make a good Minister for the Status of Women. I mean, sure, it's entirely possible they'd be empathetic, but I doubt it would go uncommented. This is "not a bad choice" in that it's a very status quo kind of decision, but it's still disappointing after days now of discussion over how important it is to have a cabinet that is representative in more ways than just regionally.
Dion on foreign affairs, wuttttttttttttttttt
Why is everyone hating on Dion.
I completely understand your hesitancy and concern about this appointment,
I think the point is that the aboriginal cabinet members like Jody Wilson-Raybould and Hunter Tootoo aren't relegated to being Minister of Aboriginal Affairs just because they're aboriginal, and healing the rift between their communities and the rest of Canada by starting a dialogue with an open-minded urban minister.
Minister of Justice is an Aboriginal woman, this is a fantastic cabinet imo.
Jody Wilson-Raybould - Justice.
Harjit Sajjan - National Defence.
Carla Qualtrough - Sport, and Persons with Disabilities.
Those ads were very effective.
Minister of Justice is an Aboriginal woman, this is a fantastic cabinet imo.
Where would I find a list of the appointments?
I don't really buy this, either. It would still be better for it to be a person who represents at least one half of what that portfolio is about. Someone from the 'north' (which can be considered loosely anything over the band of urban areas near the US border if there aren't enough to draw on in the actual north), or someone indigenous.
I think there have been plenty of attempts to 'heal the rifts' by putting urban people in power to 'dialog' with. A much better way to heal rifts would be to put indigenous people in control of their own destiny as much as possible, including by putting them in positions of power over their own file. I don't think that's 'relegation' at all, and I think framing it that way implies that women on the status of women file are also being 'relegated' (particularly back when there weren't as many women in government). No, putting them there was empowering them in cabinet to work on improving their own lot. The same would be true of an indigenous minister for aboriginal affairs.
So you like that a lot of people are in positions that they have strong backgrounds in, but *also* are happy that a career politician with, as far as I can tell, zero background with security matters, is public safety minister?![]()
Politicians who claim experience in security matters usually tend to be much more cavalier about things like civil rights and appeal to their own experience as justification.
It won't be hard to step up from Blaney and especially Vic Toews
I think this is 100% confirmation that we'll finally get that public inquiry into missing/murdered aboriginal women.
Previous page.
I still find it weird that garneau got transportation and not one of the science posts
I still find it weird that garneau got transportation and not one of the science posts
Seems like a very impressive bunch of people overall.
One I'm not too crazy about is Morneau. He's your classic super rich Toronton businessman.
Dion as FM most likely means Israel will have to find a new BFF. Canada will also be a lot less hawkish. It was predictable with the Liberals in charge but even more true now with Dion.
Is this something he's stated in the past?
I believe he will oversee airlines as well as space stuff in that post, though I could be wrong.
The only thing i can quickly find is that he was against cutting aid to Palestine.
I just don't see why he would be a blind supporter like his predecessors.
The Bombardier bailout will probably be the first problem he will have to address.
Lots of righties are complaining about Quebec bailing out Bombardier but the aerospace industry in the region are dependent on Bombardier's existence.
If Bombardier goes, so does many others in the industry.
I can pick out at least four of five people I could see as PM one day. The Conservatives can't claim the same. Maybe McKay, but he's an idiot.