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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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The CPC Facebook page put up an anti-carbon tax post today, and reading those comments might just be the final straw to get me to join.

At this point even Patrick Brown and the Ontario Progressive Conservatives support a carbon-tax, revenue-neutral of course, but it's really good to see the right finally start taking this seriously.

PS. Is there any label for the notion of not necessarily small government, but simple government?


I'm not exactly fond of giving the CPC any money but at this point, obtaining membership to the Conservative Party of Canada (and soon) might be the only way to prevent a Canadian Trump candidate from happening, especially if the best option for leadership of the party seems to be the only one who believes climate change is real.



So I'm reading the founding principles of the CPC. The ones that people have to check a box to certify they actively support when joining the party. It strikes me that at least a few Conservative politicians seem to have stances that contradict these principles.

A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all.

Certainly I don't think America's first orange President could join the party.
I'm not exactly fond of giving the CPC any money but at this point, obtaining membership to the Conservative Party of Canada (and soon) might be the only way to prevent a Canadian Trump candidate from happening, especially if the best option for leadership of the party seems to be the only one who believes climate change is real.

Personally, and this might sound naive given what's happened down south, I don't think the Conservatives will come anywhere close to winning in 2019. But we should still do something about nipping a Trump in the bud before that cancer spreads. Even if the Conservatives do end up winning, you could at least say they didn't win by being disgusting, lol.
I'm not exactly fond of giving the CPC any money but at this point, obtaining membership to the Conservative Party of Canada (and soon) might be the only way to prevent a Canadian Trump candidate from happening, especially if the best option for leadership of the party seems to be the only one who believes climate change is real.

This is actually not a bad idea at all. Some of these people are batshit insane, Chong seems palatable to me if he ever won.
LOL, Lisa Raitt doesn't have a French tab on her website,
guess she is not going to be leader then.

Chong can be found on youtube speaking on the merits of the Two Official Languages. That's a +

Canada pressing ahead with NATO mission in Latvia following Trump’s election
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has affirmed Canada's commitment to lead one of four NATO forces in eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression.

Trump's election is an opportunity for Trudeau to take on a leadership role as the voice of reason on the international scene.
Joined the CPC to vote for Chong and to keep Leitch out

do we have an option that they don't send crap to our mailbox?

I don't want my mailman to see mail coming from the CPC into my mailbox if decide to sign-up

*edit, ugh, it's asking for my Credit Card but no Paypal options. I don't like giving my CC and the 3 number code on the internt.
Fuck it, I'm not playing


Canadians burned my passport
do we have an option that they don't send crap to our mailbox?

I don't want my mailman to see mail coming from the CPC into my mailbox if decide to sign-up

That's a good question, I don't want that shit either

So do I have to revoke the liberal membership I just entered into to help with this? Lol ��

AFAIK, there's no national membership registry, and parties don't share their member lists so I'm pretty sure you can be a member of every party.
Hey guys, don't mean to drive by post, but what do you all think of the privatization of Ontario hydro ? I've only seen negative opinions, even from my dad who is normally for privatization (but not the Ontario Liberal Party)

The SWIFT thing is interesting ! Millions of dollars for fiber in rural Ontario !

So do I have to revoke the liberal membership I just entered into to help with this? Lol ��

The membership lists are all private, so there's no way for them to know if you're a member of two parties at the same time. As long as you don't donate $20 on top of the membership, -- $20 being the point at which they have to publicly disclose donations -- there's no way for them to even see if you've given money to another political party.

How can I join the conservative party and where do I vote? Does it have to be in person?


They haven't yet announced how voting will take place. Traditionally, it's been in person at a local polling station, but they may try online voting (though when the NDP did it during their last leadership race, it was a disaster, so that may have scared anyone else off from trying it).
Hey guys, don't mean to drive by post, but what do you all think of the privatization of Ontario hydro ? I've only seen negative opinions, even from my dad who is normally for privatization (but not the Ontario Liberal Party)

Honestly I'm OK with it. They're aiming for a one-time windfall of $9 billion, most of which will pay outstanding Hydro-related debt (to help end the debt retirement charge on power bills, probably as pandering to help sell this deal to the public) with the remainder going to transit expansion. I understand the fears some have from this effort but I don't see any political will to raise taxes to cover (much needed) one-time transit infrastructure costs, and this is a viable way to fund it.

So far it's going well with the 2nd chunk being sold at a higher price than the first.

At the end there will still be a 40% share in government hands, which will give them near total control in voting, as well as retaining regulatory control. The biggest risk of that is a future government trying to sell the remaining 40%.


AFAIK, there's no national membership registry, and parties don't share their member lists so I'm pretty sure you can be a member of every party.

The membership lists are all private, so there's no way for them to know if you're a member of two parties at the same time. As long as you don't donate $20 on top of the membership, -- $20 being the point at which they have to publicly disclose donations -- there's no way for them to even see if you've given money to another political party.

Excellent. I will join in then to help stop the rise of a Canadian Trump. ✌️️


Canadians burned my passport
Hold up, Im confused. What did Trudeau do that suddenly everyone on this page is going Conservative?

Nothing. The Conservatives are having an election early next year to determine who their leader will be for the next few years including the next federal election. We're joining the party temporarily so that we can vote for the most moderate candidate in order to prevent the batshit crazy Trump-fan candidate from taking over the party.


How do you test for anti-Canadian values anyways? Wouldn't people with bad intentions just lie?

(Far) right ideas don't have to actually work or stand up to scrutiny, they just have to sound like something that might work when combined with demonizing and scapegoating of the other.

We laugh at how ridiculous and clearly faulty it is, but some others nod their heads and agree with it. Enough nodding heads from a collection of things like it, and suddenly your president is Trump.


Hold up, Im confused. What did Trudeau do that suddenly everyone on this page is going Conservative?

Pretty Boy Justin Trudeau is crippling the economy with unfair carbon taxes and touring everywhere instead of focusing on domestic policies. Taking influence from filthy Commie father (check out Charter and past), he's partying in Cuba with demon Fidel Castro on hardworking middle class' taxpayer dollars. Sad!

See Divvy's answer for a serious, non-joke response. Short version: We won't stand idly by and let a Canadian Trump ever happen.

How do you test for anti-Canadian values anyways? Wouldn't people with bad intentions just lie?

Do you support screening anyone visiting Canada, be they refugees, immigrants or otherwise, for anti-Canadian values? If so, congratulations, that's an incredibly anti-Canadian value to have (minus the historical context of how Canada's immigration system favored [and largely still does favor] white Europeans and Americans but we don't talk about that or the awful reforms Harper put in place)!


Neo Member
Thank Christ.

We don't need Trump-lite up here in the North.


People should not underestimate the opposition. Trump lost support from a huge Republican base, and he just passed it off as "the insiders are afraid". No one should ignore this person until after the leadership election is over


Frankly, I don't think Leich is really much like Trump. Maybe she is in terms of policy, but Trump is an actually charismatic demagogue and we only have people who have pieces of that. When we get our Trump I don't think you'll be able to miss it, and I doubt stuffing the leadership ballots will do much. For one thing, they'll be able to make a viable path to a third party run here that isn't possible in the US (even without electoral reform).


Neo Member
Frankly, I don't think Leich is really much like Trump. Maybe she is in terms of policy, but Trump is an actually charismatic demagogue and we only have people who have pieces of that. When we get our Trump I don't think you'll be able to miss it, and I doubt stuffing the leadership ballots will do much. For one thing, they'll be able to make a viable path to a third party run here that isn't possible in the US (even without electoral reform).

Could we just call Leitch our "Marine Le Pen" then? All I'm saying is be careful with the populist that puts into question people's alignment to "Canadian values". That can resonate with people if we don't talk to them.


Could we just call Leitch our "Marine Le Pen" then? All I'm saying is be careful with the populist that puts into question people's alignment to "Canadian values". That can resonate with people if we don't talk to them.

I absolutely agree we need to be on guard, and I said "when" not "if" very much intentionally. I just don't think she's it and I'm not sure she's worth this much energy. The problem is we need to be on guard for it even after trump starts feeling "normal" and this isn't so fresh in our minds.
What is interesting to me is while I was in a hospital today in Bruce County(conservative strong hold, my vote is dead, always) there was a fellow spouting in a loud voice how Trump was doing good and NAFTA was sending all our jobs to Mexico and China.

Strangers, mostly because older people were looking around at each other rolling their eyes at this man's ideas and thoughts. Gave me hope that a Trump extreme would not be viable in Canada. Also possible I happened to find the other four liberals in my area.

Also, a lot of the staff kept making passive comments to each other vacationing down there while mocking what is happening south of the border.

Bonus note: Said gentleman was doing this at 6:50am when half of the surgical waiting room was children getting tubes put in their ears.

Don't relax, push voting reform and keep being vocal but... I feel better today.
What is interesting to me is while I was in a hospital today in Bruce County(conservative strong hold, my vote is dead, always) there was a fellow spouting in a loud voice how Trump was doing good and NAFTA was sending all our jobs to Mexico and China.

I remember when Mulroney was campaigning for NAFTA. An uncle was asking at a Christmas party if someone could explain to him what the benefits of free trade with a poor country like Mexico were.

China is a different story. I try really hard not to buy any food coming from China, like frozen or canned vegetables. It defies logic.
Hey guys, don't mean to drive by post, but what do you all think of the privatization of Ontario hydro ? I've only seen negative opinions, even from my dad who is normally for privatization (but not the Ontario Liberal Party)

The SWIFT thing is interesting ! Millions of dollars for fiber in rural Ontario !


Well you get a situation like in Nevada and Florida where corporations use lobbyists to make solar panels obsolete and put those companies out of business.


Frankly, I don't think Leich is really much like Trump. Maybe she is in terms of policy, but Trump is an actually charismatic demagogue and we only have people who have pieces of that. When we get our Trump I don't think you'll be able to miss it, and I doubt stuffing the leadership ballots will do much. For one thing, they'll be able to make a viable path to a third party run here that isn't possible in the US (even without electoral reform).

I don't think a far-right candidate even really has to win to do a lot of damage.

And a lot of people are focused on preventing Leitch, but Trost also said he doesn't think climate change is a real threat. The Overton window on climate change would be in a much better place if the CPC elected someone who takes climate change seriously.


I absolutely agree we need to be on guard, and I said "when" not "if" very much intentionally. I just don't think she's it and I'm not sure she's worth this much energy. The problem is we need to be on guard for it even after trump starts feeling "normal" and this isn't so fresh in our minds.

The "starts feeling normal" thing is what worries me. Until this year, a bunch of stuff Trump has said or done would have sunk the campaign of any candidate. Breitbart makes Fox News look fair and balanced. Crazy views seems to get more mainstream. Everyone is mad at the media, yet they turn to facebook memes and alternative crap for information. It's maddening.


They haven't yet announced how voting will take place. Traditionally, it's been in person at a local polling station, but they may try online voting (though when the NDP did it during their last leadership race, it was a disaster, so that may have scared anyone else off from trying it).


So the leadership election will be organized by your local EDA, and how exactly the voting is conducted is up to them. Probably in person will be available, but also/or maybe by mail. It's not mentioned in the linked comment, but I saw other comments talking about how some might try online voting.

Each riding has 100 votes, and the votes for a riding are allocated based on the percentage of support for a candidate in a riding. So if 80% of people in your riding vote for A, and 20% for B, your riding contributes 80 votes to A and 20 votes to B. It is a ranked ballot and a candidate has to get a majority of the votes to win.

And it is 100 votes per riding regardless of how many members are in your riding, so if you're somewhere where there wouldn't be many members of the CPC your vote will actually be pretty significant.
And it is 100 votes per riding regardless of how many members are in your riding, so if you're somewhere where there wouldn't be many members of the CPC your vote will actually be pretty significant.

Paging Gutter.

My riding was a surprise Liberal win in the last election. I may still go for this but there are likely still a lot of Conservatives here.


Paging Gutter.

My riding was a surprise Liberal win in the last election. I may still go for this but there are likely still a lot of Conservatives here.

Maybe. I would imagine that the number of people who are members of political parties is really small though, even if it's the one that dominates the riding. It doesn't seem unlikely that in some places a single voter might control multiple votes by themselves, and there are only 33800 in total. (A candidate needing 16901 to win)

If you ever wanted to really feel like your vote mattered, this would be it.
Maybe. I would imagine that the number of people who are members of political parties is really small though, even if it's the one that dominates the riding. It doesn't seem unlikely that in some places a single voter might control multiple votes by themselves, and there are only 33800 in total. (A candidate needing 16901 to win)

If you ever wanted to really feel like your vote mattered, this would be it.

Honestly I've supported the Conservatives in the past but could never vote for them cause I could never get past Harper. Also watching them drift from a center-right coalition that the PC & Alliance merged into towards a right-wing party with little place for centrists while my beliefs have drifted leftward with age.

I wouldn't be past voting for them if like... they could change a lot of their policies. Especially economic (the debt fear mongering...) and environment, and also stop pretending like they can reverse gay marriage or abortion rights to appease extremists.

I'd love to see an opposition party that can oppose at a policy implementation level rather than just stake out opposite positions for the sake of opposing. For example, if they really believe that a carbon tax is a "tax on everything," put forward your own plan for tackling emissions. One where you don't just take credit for the work of provincial governments, preferably.


Subete no aware
the US has Food safety standards.

China contaminated milk for babies with melamine
Well, if the issue is that it's absurd to waste so much money to have off-seasonal foods in supermarkets here, it doesn't matter if it comes from America or Africa or Asia.

Also, I feel dumb, but I just realized that the Clinton thing is basically the American version of Dion/Iggy. Basically mostly uncontested leadership contests that were essentially coronations put bad people in charge of a party where they assumed that they would win by default.

I suppose Trudeau was the same, although the death of the NDP and Harper-apathy probably helped him avoid a similar fate.

(Martin was crowned too, actually. And so was Gordon Brown, come to think of it. I guess you shouldn't just hand off leadership to someone just because "they deserve it" because that seems to bite you in the ass).
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