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Canadians: Anyone forced to pay Duty on the MP2:E Demo Disc?


Currently in a bit of a rage.

First, the demo disc shows up at home a day after my brother was home for a weekend (We got to the same university) and thus I won't have it for weeks.

Second...my father is informing me he was forced to pay duty of about $9. Now, is this something all Canadians were forced to do? I understand that duties are levied...but this doesn't make any sense to me. When they offer it as a free reward (And it was also linked from the Canadian site with no mention of this) I'm expecting it to be free. It's a principle issue, more than anything.

Just wondering if any other Canadians have experienced this.
Call NOA. It's a free disc, ergo they have to eat the costs. NOA's number is 1.800.255.3700. NOA has always had great customer relations.


Deku Tree said:
Is this "duty" charged by Nintendo or by Canada?

It is basically a fee for having something shipped from another country. It's not Nintendo charging me...but my Zelda Bonus Disc came free of duties, and this did not, and there was no change in shipping information for Canadians from Nintendo. If I had known I was paying $9 for a short-ass demo and a few videos I can download from the internet, I would have said screw it.


It's really hit or miss. I order a lot of stuff from all over the world (especially the US), and 1/3 of the time I get slammed with duty charges.


Dragona Akehi said:
Call NOA. It's a free disc, ergo they have to eat the costs. NOA's number is 1.800.255.3700. NOA has always had great customer relations.

If I had personally received the package this might be easier...plus I hate phones. I'll give e-mail a try.

So have any Canadians gotten the disc without being hit with duties?
It all depends on how your item was labelled. Customs fees are usually 5 bucks + Tax on the displayed worth of the item. If Nintendo did not list the contents and value on the package, customs probably decided the package was suspicious enough to open up (instantly requiring a customs fee).

The unusual part is that normally Nintendo redirects all products through their BC office, which would eliminate any chance of customs charges.

You can probably bug Nintendo about this; they aim to please.

PROTIP: Labelling everything as 'gift' only works for so long. After that, the government blacklists your address and ANYTHING without a contents and value label gets opened and/or held.


So have any Canadians gotten the disc without being hit with duties?

Yes. You should have ordered your disk through NOC website, not NOA. That is what they told me. I was upset too.

The funny thing (for me) is that I will not pay the 9$ fee because they put the disk directly into my mailbox. They can't prove that I received it, I didn't sign anything.


Kifimbo said:
Yes. You should have ordered your disk through NOC website, not NOA. That is what they told me. I was upset too.

The funny thing (for me) is that I will not pay the 9$ fee because they put the disk directly into my mailbox. They can't prove that I received it, I didn't sign anything.

That would make sense if it was possible; to confirm for the disc, it only offers the American site. Nintendo of Canada is only good for information, not any processes. That's BS.
That's because NOC and NOA are so closely intertwined, NOC is basically a warehouse. :p

You can't order from NOC, all orders go through NOA. Ergo, it's NOA/C's fault and they get to pay the fee. If you have the original packaging, the papers should be on top, this is STANDARD for all imports / exports to and from any country.

I know when I get improper duty charges I bitch. Doesn't matter what country I'm in.


Dragona Akehi said:
That's because NOC and NOA are so closely intertwined, NOC is basically a warehouse. :p

You can't order from NOC, all orders go through NOA. Ergo, it's NOA/C's fault and they get to pay the fee. If you have the original packaging, the papers should be on top, this is STANDARD for all imports / exports to and from any country.

I know when I get improper duty charges I bitch. Doesn't matter what country I'm in.

Of course, the papers are an hour away...I'm not even sure my parents opened it, so it should be intact.

I'm writing them an e-mail now, we'll see how the response comes.
Yeah, I got slapped with the $8.95 fee. I just sent Nintendo an email about it today.

The problem is, they listed it as "Merchandise" and not as a "Gift" or "Commercial Sample" and gave it a value of $19.99 (!).

Sometimes things with a value of $20 will go though fine, sometimes they won't. Lucky us, huh?
ThirstyFly said:
The problem is, they listed it as "Merchandise" and not as a "Gift" or "Commercial Sample" and gave it a value of $19.99 (!).

That would normally be grounds for a complaint with the Canadian Customs agency; merchandise up to $20 CDN can be imported without customs fees.

However, if you buy goods from a Canadian Retailer (Nintendo of Canada), and they ship from the States (Nintendo of America) you get dinged (because NoC would be basically trying to dodge GST otherwise). So what it comes down to is whether the product was listed as coming from NoC or NoA.

More information.


(more a nerd than a geek)
So let me get this straight...

You get charged $5 by the Canadian Postal Service so that they can collect money from you in duties and send it off to the government...

Why is the Postal Service being paid for the postage and a handling fee? They're subsidised by the Canadian government too, aren't they?


15% tax rate?

I feel your pain.


ThirstyFly said:
Yeah, I got slapped with the $8.95 fee. I just sent Nintendo an email about it today.

The problem is, they listed it as "Merchandise" and not as a "Gift" or "Commercial Sample" and gave it a value of $19.99 (!).

Sometimes things with a value of $20 will go though fine, sometimes they won't. Lucky us, huh?

It was $8.77 for me.

I feel like complaining too.
However, if you buy goods from a Canadian Retailer (Nintendo of Canada)

The issue at hand is, nothing was purchased. Nintendo bent us over and made us bite the pillow by listing the value of the package incorrectly.

You get charged $5 by the Canadian Postal Service so that they can collect money from you in duties and send it off to the government...

The $5 is a handling fee, that you only get hit with if they charge you tax. Sometimes they'll rip open whatever you ordered and look at it, then do a shoddy job of taping i back up. Other times they'll just drop it intp a bag with a import form. It's $5 either way.
I feel like complaining too.

You should. There's some threads about this on GameFAQs too, and one person said he called and Nintendo they asked him to send in the proof that he paid the fee and they're sending him a cheque for the $9 or whatever it was he paid. Another person brought it up with the post office and got the charge removed.

Bring it to Nintendo though, so they know we're not happy with what they've done and hopefully it won't happen again in the future. Canada Post can be so totally random with their rules I woudn't even bother with them.


All this bitching is simply going to lead to a few people getting their money and future small print that says, "CANADAIAN RESIDENTS NOTE: We are not responsible for – and will not absorb – any duties, taxes, handling fees, shipping fees, tariffs, or other third-party charges incurred as a result of shipping this package to your house." :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
The demo is hardly worth $9. Should have refused that sucker and give Nintendo hell for 1. charging you for a free demo and 2. putting stupid bonuses on "My Nintendo"
All this bitching is simply going to lead to a few people getting their money and future small print that says, "CANADAIAN RESIDENTS NOTE: We are not responsible for – and will not absorb – any duties, taxes, handling fees, shipping fees, tariffs, or other third-party charges incurred as a result of shipping this package to your house." :p

That, OR them putting the correct information/value on the customs sticker, which should have been done in the first place.


A quick update...got this back.

Thanks for your e-mail. Your concern regarding this issue is understandable. Due to a problem with our shipper, some consumers were charged GST, PST and potentially customs fees for their “free” disc. We would be glad to reimburse you for these costs. Please send us a copy of the paperwork showing what you had to pay to this address:

Mind you, it will be awhile, but I will get my $9, damnit.

Thanks for the assistance in this matter, folks. Everyone one else who was charged, do the same!
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