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Canadians unite. More right wing trash heard on CNN and Fox News

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A) Ann Coulter is a hateful wingnut.

B) As a Canadian you're as American as Vincente Fox, a random Brazilian, or myself. Something stupid sound like USAian might be rough on the tongue, but more accurate.

The Bookerman said:
This movie pisses me off. Comments like this, from Americans, make me think twice about movin there.

You're pissed off? I'm offended you think she represents Americans in general, Bookerman.


:lol at Ann Counter. Canada doesnt need protection, as we dont have any ennemies. I love comments "we allow them to live on the same continent", "we could take them over in a night". "We dont need Canada, they need us"

Those kind of comments and this arrogant 'roman empire'-like attitude is the direct cause of the general worldwide hate of the american gov, policies and general image.

I especially was shocked by the "because they speak french" comment. Why not say shit like "because they're jews!" while at it? Whats with the nazi germany-'esque attitude lately in american media?

I'm an information whore, and I listen and read lots from Canadian, French and British sources, and I dont think I've ever read more hated-filed editorials or debates like that. This sounds exactly like it came from the kind of source the good and great american gov is trying to eliminate: extremist muslims.

It's an shitty attitude like that cause things like 911 and more than 1200 american deaths in Iraq. When is the american people going to wake up?



1) Not all Americans are like that

2) A good few of them are though

3) Majority of the rest don't seem to care.

Funky Papa

I never heard Ann Coulter speaking until now. Being a convinced europeist I guess I can't have an unbiased opinion when talking about the US and it's international issues but I think that Coulter pretty much represents what a large part of the world detests and even thinks of the US (which I don't believe, BTW)

How can she be such a close minded, arrogant individual and at the same time be respected by a significant amount of people? I just can't get it.


It's good to see that arrogant, bigotry isn't just confined to rich white men, but women are getting into the act now too. Ah we've come a long way...


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Almost as annoying as freakjobs like Ann Coulter are people from other countries who think Ann Coulter is the voice of America. Just shutup.....both of you.


demon said:
Almost as annoying as freakjobs like Ann Coulter are people from other countries who think Ann Coulter is the voice of America. Just shutup.....both of you.

I don't think she represents the voice of America, but you have to admit it's disturbing that a major television network in America would give air time to such an extreme racist viewpoint and debate with her as if she represents the conservative viewpoint. Does this lady have a following of zealots that rely on her words?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Manics said:
Does this lady have a following of zealots that rely on her words?
Yes. :( You must realize, though, that a good portion of America has become mentally retarded.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ignatz Mouse said:
The Tucker Carlson thing bothered me even more. Again, what standards allow such a ludicrous person airtime?
It's not about standards. It really isn't. There are no standards. Just ratings.

Oh, cross that......unless there's nipple. Then that's dangerous to America.


JoshuaJSlone said:
B) As a Canadian you're as American as Vincente Fox, a random Brazilian, or myself. Something stupid sound like USAian might be rough on the tongue, but more accurate.

Ah yes, americans love pulling this card out. It just doesn't wash, though. American = USAian to most of the world, and we really don't care if you don't like it. Trying to impose a literal meaning as a common use meaning has never, and will never, work to change the way people use language. Witness the many words english "borrows" from french and german but bastardizes.

Justin Bailey

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If she gets under you skin then mission accomplished. Just think of her like a real-world troll - Ignore it and it will go away.


Setec Astronomer
Justin Bailey said:
If she gets under you skin then mission accomplished. Just think of her like a real-world troll - Ignore it and it will go away.
Unless it ends up controlling your country's political discourse and greatly influencing government.


"When you're allowed to exist on the same continent as the United States of America...."



Not bitter, just unsweetened
Someone should remind her which neighbour on this earth beat the US in a war.

And which neighbour burnt down their white house.


If I were Canadian, comments like those would piss me so way off.

I would have taken Carolyn Parish's rebuttal a step forward and said, "Hmmm...no wonder 3,000 people died there."

Jim Bowie

Ignatz Mouse said:
The Tucker Carlson thing bothered me even more. Again, what standards allow such a ludicrous person airtime?

Eh, Tucker Carlson was just fucking around about dogsledding. Which was pretty funny, because everybody took him so seriously. I mean, the only reason he didn't back down is because he was getting a kick out of everybody going nuts over his dogsledding comment. I swear, if Jon Stewart said the same thing, the exact same way, it would have gone over much better.

About A.C.- even Ripclawe probably doesn't like her.


The problem with Carlson's comment is that he was making fun of the canadian mp in the interview (though it has been cut) for stepping on a g w bush doll on a comedic show, she was claiming that this was a joke, and he was offended by it. Then he turns around and does the same sort of thing.

I think both of them are loonies (parish and carlson), but at least one of them admits it's joking.

Justin Bailey

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Hitokage said:
Unless it ends up controlling your country's political discourse and greatly influencing government.
Coulter's a complete extremist. The only reason you see her on TV all the time is for shock value. Her views are not in the majority just because she happens to be a republican.


6.8 said:
The problem with Carlson's comment is that he was making fun of the canadian mp in the interview (though it has been cut) for stepping on a g w bush doll on a comedic show, she was claiming that this was a joke, and he was offended by it. Then he turns around and does the same sort of thing.

I think both of them are loonies (parish and carlson), but at least one of them admits it's joking.

Parish is no loonie; she's harshly anti-Bush. It's her right to be so. Her criticism of the man was personal; unethical maybe, but she isn't crazy. The doll thing was THH22M doing its thing, and was taken out of proportion. I mean, really, if Bush hadn't been coming to Canada she would still be a member of the Liberal caucus.

She was entirely right in that interview; she should not have been there. They should have been taking to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who would actually have something to say that would be perfectly relevant...but Coulter would have been pissed to see Pettigrew on American TV.


I think she didn't behave as I would expect from a MP (joke or no joke), and got what she deserved. It's her right to do it, obviously, I never said otherwise, but she didn't have any tact whatsoever, and acted immaturely, and was thrown out of the caucus for it.

But she behaved quite well on CNN, I was thoroughly impressed with her. I wonder why she isn't so diplomatic when things are kept to the national level. I would've certainly considered her more seriously if she had.

And I was using the term loonie a bit loosely. ;)
Justin Bailey said:
Coulter's a complete extremist. The only reason you see her on TV all the time is for shock value. Her views are not in the majority just because she happens to be a republican.

Don't forget that she's an "excellent researcher" ---Kobunheat

I don't have the exact quote, but Joshua has it.


Justin Bailey said:
Coulter's a complete extremist. The only reason you see her on TV all the time is for shock value. Her views are not in the majority just because she happens to be a republican.
I would think she hurts the republican side if anything..
Jim Bowie said:
Eh, Tucker Carlson was just fucking around about dogsledding. Which was pretty funny, because everybody took him so seriously. I mean, the only reason he didn't back down is because he was getting a kick out of everybody going nuts over his dogsledding comment. I swear, if Jon Stewart said the same thing, the exact same way, it would have gone over much better.

About A.C.- even Ripclawe probably doesn't like her.

I understand Carlon was joking-- it was the spirit of the joking, and the fact that he WAS joking that made me wonder why he was getting airtime.
Take over Canada, that is hilarious.

I can't wait to see the reaction from the english speaking world as tanks cross the border into what is generally understood as the nicest country in the world, destroying modern buildings, killing people in the streets who look pretty well identical to Americans, and hearing the screams and cries of people in a language that, for once, the majority can understand. Yeah, that'll play good on CNN.


Warm Machine said:
Take over Canada, that is hilarious.

I can't wait to see the reaction from the english speaking world as tanks cross the border into what is generally understood as the nicest country in the world, destroying modern buildings, killing people in the streets who look pretty well identical to Americans, and hearing the screams and cries of people in a language that, for once, the majority can understand. Yeah, that'll play good on CNN.

Who says they'll play it on the news? ;)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Warm Machine said:
I can't wait to see the reaction from the english speaking world as tanks cross the border into what is generally understood as the nicest country in the world, destroying modern buildings, killing people in the streets who look pretty well identical to Americans, and hearing the screams and cries of people in a language that, for once, the majority can understand. Yeah, that'll play good on CNN.



Warm Machine said:
...hearing the screams and cries of people in a language that, for once, the majority can understand.

They'll show newfies and quebecers being invaded. Language plan THWARTED.


Jim Bowie said:
Eh, Tucker Carlson was just fucking around about dogsledding. Which was pretty funny, because everybody took him so seriously. I mean, the only reason he didn't back down is because he was getting a kick out of everybody going nuts over his dogsledding comment. I swear, if Jon Stewart said the same thing, the exact same way, it would have gone over much better.
No. I saw the video. He just has a terrible sense of humour. And not b/c 'that wasn't funny' (well, it wasn't), but in how he delivered it. If you're going to take a lame tongue-in-cheek comment like that, you have to do more. He wasn't even deadpan to the point where you can figure the person's taking the piss.

Anyway, that's my contribution for this thread.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Socreges said:
No. I saw the video. He just has a terrible sense of humour. And not b/c 'that wasn't funny' (well, it wasn't), but in how he delivered it. If you're going to take a lame tongue-in-cheek comment like that, you have to do more. He wasn't even deadpan to the point where you can figure the person's taking the piss.

Anyway, that's my contribution for this thread.
Terrible sense of humour? Have you not noticed that he wears a bowtie?

I rest my case.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
If she didn't come off as such a moron, I would honestly lean toward Coulter's entire persona being satire.
And this, my friends is one of the many reasons I don't watch TV. Television journalists (BBC and CBC aside) make IGN look like pulitzer prize material.
I didn't watch the clip, but is this her most recent Hannity and Colmes appearance? If so, I saw it on TV when it aired. And yes, she is a thorough researcher, and yes, she has a valid point. IIRC Colmes and the guest liberal were arguing that the US needs Canada, to which Coulter replied that it was entirely the other way around -- Canada is lucky to exist on the same continent as the US, because our policies keep the country safe without it having to expend much effort. I'm sure someone could argue the other side, but I hardly think it qualifies as hate speech.
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