Late Stage Marxist
We need the US Army to protect us? From what? Don't make me laugh!
maharg said:Ah yes, americans love pulling this card out. It just doesn't wash, though. American = USAian to most of the world, and we really don't care if you don't like it.
Good ol' search feature (unless you want to try various permutations without waiting a full minute in between)Hammy said:Don't forget that she's an "excellent researcher" ---Kobunheat
I don't have the exact quote, but Joshua has it.
She does, though. She's a fantastic researcher, which any non-crazy person who reads her books has to admit.
JoshuaJSlone said:*shrug* I figured that as an unnecessary USA monopolization of a term that applies to 2 out of 7 continents it would be those outside of the US who would most be with me on thist. :lol Perhaps I was wrong.
Coulter is a hanger-on of Rush Limbaugh and movement conservatism. Her views are not in the majority for America, but they are in line with what today's GOP currently considers its "base".Justin Bailey said:Coulter's a complete extremist. The only reason you see her on TV all the time is for shock value. Her views are not in the majority just because she happens to be a republican.
Okay, except I'm looking for some examples of that. Al Franken's chapter in his book didn't have much of anything, "lying liar" though she purportedly is.Hitokage said:"Non-crazy people" find poor factchecking and outright dishonest scholarship appalling.![]()
Well, I don't read Daily Howler I'm not going to pass judgement on it. But I will evaluate the evidence as presented to me. So let's run down the list.FoneBone said:And I'd love to see you try to dismiss Daily Howler as "insubstantial."
DH is using the Wash Times as a comparison to disprove the claim that it's indicative of liberal bias, since the Wash Times is obviously conservative. Shit, if you can't understand that much...Inasmuch as Coulter never said they didn't, I'm not seeing where she's wrong.
Uh, I understand very well. I'm sure Coulter would point to the ratio at the Times as evidence of liberal bias there as well.Hitokage said:DH is using the Wash Times as a comparison to disprove the claim that it's indicative of liberal bias, since the Wash Times is obivously conservative. Shit, if you can't understand that much...
Perhaps. If anything, it shows that the use of the phrase "far right wing" is more prevalent -- even in so-called "conservative" papers -- than "far left wing." I take that as support of her argument, not detracting from it.Mandark said:Are you honestly saying that Anne Coulter would call the Washington Times liberally biased?
Mandark said:Are you honestly saying that Anne Coulter would call the Washington Times liberally biased?
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lolKobun Heat said:Perhaps.
DopeyFish said:Someone should remind her which neighbour on this earth beat the US in a war.
And which neighbour burnt down their white house.
Kobun Heat said:Perhaps. If anything, it shows that the use of the phrase "far right wing" is more prevalent -- even in so-called "conservative" papers -- than "far left wing."
kumanoki said:Nevertheless, I'd hit it. Then kill it, after dealing her a passionate beatdown.
Kobun Heat said:I'm not sure what that means, but your avatar is hotness.
trippingmartian said:
He's a genius. He spews complete nonsense on the air and is paid good money to do it. Knowing there exists a population that actually believes what he says is just a bonus for him.Mainline said:Tucker Carson is a fucking retard. I can't type anymore, I have to go dog sledding now.
Kobun Heat said:Canada is lucky to exist on the same continent as the US, because our policies keep the country safe without it having to expend much effort. I'm sure someone could argue the other side, but I hardly think it qualifies as hate speech.
Manics said:Isn't she the same person who also said something to the effect of "we should invade other countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to Christianity"? Does that qualify as hate speech?
Shogmaster said:I have NO fucking idea, why Kobun is so determined to defend this psycho bitch. Seriously, what about her is so damn compelling to you? I'm definitely lost on this one.
I approve of this message.Ferd said:![]()
"Why do we have to ridicule them and be deeply offended if they disagree with us on something?"
"Because they speak French!"
Saturnman said:I remember seeing Ann Coulter on Politically Incorrect a few years ago. She seemed opiniated, but not too wacko. Is it possible she's gone crazier over the years?
Kobun Heat said:And yes, she is a thorough researcher, and yes, she has a valid point.