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Canadians unite. More right wing trash heard on CNN and Fox News

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Kon Tiki

Hey Ann,


Why would they let some back alley semen dock on TV?* Does that station not have values? Tell that skank the bus for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour is about to leave.

*No idea who she is, however she can not be more important to society than a whore.
maharg said:
Ah yes, americans love pulling this card out. It just doesn't wash, though. American = USAian to most of the world, and we really don't care if you don't like it.

*shrug* I figured that as an unnecessary USA monopolization of a term that applies to 2 out of 7 continents it would be those outside of the US who would most be with me on thist. :lol Perhaps I was wrong.

Hammy said:
Don't forget that she's an "excellent researcher" ---Kobunheat

I don't have the exact quote, but Joshua has it.
Good ol' search feature (unless you want to try various permutations without waiting a full minute in between)

Kobun Heat
(07-27-2004, 10:44 AM) :
She does, though. She's a fantastic researcher, which any non-crazy person who reads her books has to admit.

Though a bit superfluous now that he's just said she's a "thorough researcher."

To expound further on my part C from the top of the thread, what kind of career path does a guy go through to become a small-time-political-commentator/small-time-voice-actor ?


Honorary Canadian.
I don't know if that's the one with Tucker carlson in it, too... but you guys know he was being VERY facetious, right?
As I have said, I know he;s being facietious. Doesn't mean he's airworthy, or not an ass, or even funny.

Hey, maybe we should have Andrew Dice Clay give commentaty from now on.


Honorary Canadian.
have you ever seen his work on PBS? CNN just uses carlson to be a sensationalist prick so they can compete in the afternoon with Fox, but if you ever actually watch carlson's independent work, he's obviously conservative, but he's very, VERY respectful to opposing points of view, and he's very nice to people as well. I was floored when I first saw him outside of CNN, but yeah... he's really not a wanker and is probably close to political intelligence to Carville.


Rest assured, fellow citizens of the world, there are many of us here in the USA who think AC is a complete waste of human genetic material.
While others specifically run to their TV sets just to behold her awesomeness, and if that makes you cry into your pillow then so be it.


JoshuaJSlone said:
*shrug* I figured that as an unnecessary USA monopolization of a term that applies to 2 out of 7 continents it would be those outside of the US who would most be with me on thist. :lol Perhaps I was wrong.

Those of us who are most likely to be lumped in when someone says "Americans are stupid/prudes/whatever" and means specifically USAians are most likely to disagree with the broadening of the term.

You guys took it over in the 1800s and you can keep it.


Ann Coulter is a transvestite.


If the Adam's apple isn't a big enough clue for you, check out this page:

http://www.straponvets.com/ :lol

That's the first time I've ever seen an Icelandic web site, by the way. I actually found myself understanding a great deal of what it says. Pretty cool.


Setec Astronomer
"Non-crazy people" find poor factchecking and outright dishonest scholarship appalling. :p

Justin Bailey said:
Coulter's a complete extremist. The only reason you see her on TV all the time is for shock value. Her views are not in the majority just because she happens to be a republican.
Coulter is a hanger-on of Rush Limbaugh and movement conservatism. Her views are not in the majority for America, but they are in line with what today's GOP currently considers its "base".



I don't know what is more frightening; lunatic political extremists, or the people who believe them.
Hitokage said:
"Non-crazy people" find poor factchecking and outright dishonest scholarship appalling. :p
Okay, except I'm looking for some examples of that. Al Franken's chapter in his book didn't have much of anything, "lying liar" though she purportedly is.

And yes, I realize I've had this discussion before with somebody else who brought up a web page called "Slannder" which seemed, as well, to have little of substance.

Buggy Loop

My god, i would expect something like that from a parody in south park, but foxnews? Well im not too surprised actually. Peoples like this give a bad image to the US, not just from canada's point of view but pretty much everywhere around the world, even though its only a minority that represent that type of mentality, mostly living in jesusland, its still a bad image you send about americans in general, positive and rational peoples will never get any attention, its not a reason to allow that bitch to even have a job thats remotely close to a reporter.



"Why do we have to ridicule them and be deeply offended if they disagree with us on something?"


"Because they speak French!"
FoneBone said:
And I'd love to see you try to dismiss Daily Howler as "insubstantial."
Well, I don't read Daily Howler I'm not going to pass judgement on it. But I will evaluate the evidence as presented to me. So let's run down the list.

1. The Washington Times uses the phrases "far right wing" and "far left wing" in the same ratio as the New York Times.

Inasmuch as Coulter never said they didn't, I'm not seeing where she's wrong.

2. One of the uses of "far right wing" was to describe a basketball game.

Okay, so subtract it from the list and whoops, they still use the phrase more often than its counterpart.

3. The Dale Earnhardt thing.

Factual error indeed. Corrected shortly after publication (you can no longer buy a new copy of Slander with the text in question) and a piece of one of Coulter's weekly columns rectified the error, reproduced in her latest book.

4. The guy who wrote the Earnhardt story on the 21st actually likes Southerners.

Coulter got a different impression. Regardless, the text as quoted is accurate.

5. Coulter makes "sweeping assertions" about liberals.

Indeed she does. They are called her opinions, and I'm sure there are quite a few people who do not agree. They are not "lies."

6. Katie Couric "berated" Arlen Specter about Anita Hill ten years after the hearings.

In that the Daily Howler printed the text of the interview, I'd say this is true. They disagree with Coulter's word choice. Is this a lie?

That's the first five pages. Do I seriously need to go on?

I understand that you guys really, really hate Ann Coulter. That's great. I know I'm not changing anyone's mind. But "I don't like her style" does not automatically lead to "she lies."
"2. One of the uses of "far right wing" was to describe a basketball game.

Okay, so subtract it from the list and whoops, they still use the phrase more often than its counterpart."

What fantastic, thorough research!


Setec Astronomer
Inasmuch as Coulter never said they didn't, I'm not seeing where she's wrong.
DH is using the Wash Times as a comparison to disprove the claim that it's indicative of liberal bias, since the Wash Times is obviously conservative. Shit, if you can't understand that much...
Hitokage said:
DH is using the Wash Times as a comparison to disprove the claim that it's indicative of liberal bias, since the Wash Times is obivously conservative. Shit, if you can't understand that much...
Uh, I understand very well. I'm sure Coulter would point to the ratio at the Times as evidence of liberal bias there as well.
Mandark said:
Are you honestly saying that Anne Coulter would call the Washington Times liberally biased?
Perhaps. If anything, it shows that the use of the phrase "far right wing" is more prevalent -- even in so-called "conservative" papers -- than "far left wing." I take that as support of her argument, not detracting from it.

I'm not saying that Slander is the Brittanica or anything. I just disagree with the notion that she invents things or doesn't do her research. You can go back and read what she uses to draw her conclusions.


o_O @_@ O_o
Kobun Heat said:
Perhaps. If anything, it shows that the use of the phrase "far right wing" is more prevalent -- even in so-called "conservative" papers -- than "far left wing."

Rightfully so, as the mere concept of a strong far-left wing of politics in the US is akin to a tragic comedy. Honestly, the first image that came to mind when reading that sentence was:



I disagree with all of Ann Coulter's opinions, her political stance, and everything she says.

Nevertheless, I'd hit it.

All she needs is a good deep ----ing from a pissed-off Libertarian and she'll be fine.


o_O @_@ O_o
Kobun Heat said:
I'm not sure what that means, but your avatar is hotness.

As is yours, but to clarify I was referring to the fact that calling any major political party in the US "far-left", as the term is understood in the rest of the world (read: Canada/much of Europe) is ridiculous. In fact, it is so ridiculous, it makes me sad. Thus, tragic comedy/sad clowns.

If it's still not clear, too bad, I'm exhausted, and it's bedtime for me anyways.


"This is not aboot diplomacy! This is aboot dignity! This is aboot respect! This is aboot realizing...... "


"You guys are dicks!"


Mainline said:
Tucker Carson is a fucking retard. I can't type anymore, I have to go dog sledding now.
He's a genius. He spews complete nonsense on the air and is paid good money to do it. Knowing there exists a population that actually believes what he says is just a bonus for him.


Kobun Heat said:
Canada is lucky to exist on the same continent as the US, because our policies keep the country safe without it having to expend much effort. I'm sure someone could argue the other side, but I hardly think it qualifies as hate speech.

Isn't she the same person who also said something to the effect of "we should invade other countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to Christianity"? Does that qualify as hate speech?


Manics said:
Isn't she the same person who also said something to the effect of "we should invade other countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to Christianity"? Does that qualify as hate speech?

Could be, but it's well researched.
I have NO fucking idea, why Kobun is so determined to defend this psycho bitch. Seriously, what about her is so damn compelling to you? I'm definitely lost on this one.


Shogmaster said:
I have NO fucking idea, why Kobun is so determined to defend this psycho bitch. Seriously, what about her is so damn compelling to you? I'm definitely lost on this one.

I'd like to hear Kobun's thoughts on why Coulter should be listened to. I knew very little about this woman but after a little bit of research on the net, including some interviews she's done, I find she makes fairly broad and outrageous remarks that are based in ignorance and hatred.


I remember seeing Ann Coulter on Politically Incorrect a few years ago. She seemed opiniated, but not too wacko. Is it possible she's gone crazier over the years?


Saturnman said:
I remember seeing Ann Coulter on Politically Incorrect a few years ago. She seemed opiniated, but not too wacko. Is it possible she's gone crazier over the years?

The comment she made about "killing all the leaders.." was originally made back on Sept 13, 2001. Now I can understand emotions were high right after 9/11 and something might have been said in the heat of the moment, so I could overlook that on that excuse. But then I see an interview done with her recently in which she backs up her original statement and stands by it! WTF?


Kobun Heat said:
And yes, she is a thorough researcher, and yes, she has a valid point.

Pffft. Any idiot could use "research" and "facts'" to prove their point.

"Everyone knows facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true."

The point is she's a hateful and incompetent journalist. It's sad that she's even associated with Americans and particularly women in professional positions everywhere, because she resorts to slanderous and unsubstantiated comments to express her opinion, and perpetuates the stereotype that women in power are all overbearing shrews that thrust their opinions on everyone else and if anyone should disagree with them, they're all dumb-dumbs or likely speak French.

(I can speak French ~ un peux :) ~ and if she has a problem with it, BRING IT ON!)



Now if you'll excuse me I need to get the dogs ready to head home after work.

[edit]should of read the thread before making my comment. The dog sled joke was already used a few times. FORGIVENESS! >_>
What is it about that statement that bugs you? Last time I checked, "invading their countries and killing their leaders" was precisely what we've been doing. Is it the Christianity comment?

I like Coulter precisely because she is over-the-top. I'm not suggesting otherwise. If you're liberal, I'd bet dollars to donuts that you find absolutely hilarious and wonderful any liberal pundit whose style matches hers.
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