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Capcom Games Proven To Increase Aneurism Risk In BuddyC


As I'm sitting here, bitching about how hard Megaman Zero 2 is, I came to realize something - almost all of the really hard games, the well made games that require skill to beat, have come from Capcom this generation.

Examples? Sure, I've got 'em.

Megaman Zero
Megaman Zero 2
Megaman & Bass

Megaman Anniversary Collection

Steel Battalion

Viewtiful Joe
Resident Evil (Very Hard mode)

These are the games that you love to hate. They're hard as hell, really hard, and not cheap. If you die, it's because you fucked up, making it even more frustrating.

Capcom, I salute you and the creators of other genuinely difficult titles.


:mad: DMC is amazing. I just recently played it for the first time and was so hooked that I beat it in two days (a major feat for a video game slacker like me), playing for 10 hours straight on the second day. I loved it so much I plan on going through hard mode soon and eventually giving Dante Must Die mode a try. The fights with Nelo Angelo were truly epic.


PNO3 makes me feel Arthritic, but yes i can agree they have really put forth alot of games that are just freaking hard (PN03 not an example) that it hurts.
My hands were crying the first hour or so of DMC. Trying to fire your pistols as fast as you can before hitting the ground does a number on your fingers. I sure was thankful when I got the shotgun (and later, the grenadegun).


I personally found the original Resident Evil alot harder than the GC remake,
especially when you had to fight the against the Snake. Also seemed alot easier in its placement of the Hunters who themselves didn't seem as strong as they were in the original. I found that a shame as I loved how the difficulty varied at points but I guess Capcom makes up for it with the invisible enemies mode so i'll forgive them for that :D

Never got round to playing DMC since I would have to get the PAL version which had a crap conversion and I dont like having to pay for a game which should have been released in a much better state.
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