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Capconfused? Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online console-exclusive for Xbox - PS2 version canned


Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online Update
By Andrew 'Talon' Wilson @ 04:35 AM :: XBox: General :: 0 Comments

Its been sometime since any sort of update has been issued on Capcom's ever elusive Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online, but this morning it seems a bit of an update's in order. Through an update to developer Game Factory Entertanment Studios' website, which now shows the company as being renamed to Rava Ideologie Inc, a few significant gameplay updates were made. Perhaps most shocking of all updates is that it appears that now, Ghouls 'N Ghosts is no longer in development for the PlayStation 2. While not outright said, a game poster on the developer's site shows only Xbox and PC listed. Platforms aren't the only thing that has changed though, as it seems the multiplayer aspects have been altered; with Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online now supporting online modes in which up to four players can battle or go head-to-head.
Platforms and multiplayer scaling back aside though, this morning also saw a bit of an update on playable characters issued. While it isn’t clear if the list represents the full cast of characters, a bit of an update to the playable character line-up was done. Currently listing 10 types of characters, in addition to customized characters, the following names were listed.

-Prin Prin (Guinevere)
-Red Arremer (Firebrand)
-Boreas (King of the Arctic Mountain)
-Tornado Weasel

Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online makes use of the Terazona engine from developer Zona. Check back with us for more on Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online as it develops.


Source: http://www.gamegossip.com/


force push the doodoo rock
DarkCloud said:

So when do the bad art jokes start?

Wasn't this supposed to be the other GC online game as well?

well, they prolly dont need to start. you saw screen shots of the game didnt you?
nubbe said:
Is there a point to release an online game on a platform which will be gone I a few months?

How said the x box will be gone in a few months. That is the platform you are talking about right? the last time I checked MS new system was not coming until Christmas of 2005 or sometime in 2006. And the X box live will still be going after the release there new system. But it is sad to see the PS2 Ghouls 'N Ghosts online not coming out. Why did Capcom canned it for the ps2.


nubbe said:
Is there a point to release an online game on a platform which will be gone I a few months?

I've been wondering who came up with this Xbox 2=end of Xbox concept? Do people really believe that software companies are going to ignore an installed base that will be over 10 million(in North America) by the time Xbox2 comes out? Xbox will eventually get phased out but it won't be immediately.


Kinda wastes the point of releasing early then.

I doubt MS will want to support Xbox for long when they are busy cutting costs and streamlining for efficeincy. Hopefully with Xbox 2 they see a product that actually is making money.
Xbox 2 will obviously make Xbox 1 phase out, but PSOne still has games released on it and it has been an "obsolete” system for years. There’s still money to be had in the older systems.
ManDudeChild said:
Xbox 2 will obviously make Xbox 1 phase out, but PSOne still has games released on it and it has been an "obsolete” system for years.

Yes, thanks to a little thing called backwards compatibility. :)

Dave Long

What a poor match to a userbase. It's pretty clear that series of games with familiar characters long time console gamers love end up tanking on Xbox. I'm sure someone can read off a list of Sega's bombs on the system for starters. Those gamers are on PS2 and to a lesser extent Gamecube. Why Capcom and other companies like them can't figure this out is beyond me.

The best way to succeed on Xbox is to either be Tecmo or create an all new property for the system. PC properties are always welcome too.


sp0rsk said:
well, they prolly dont need to start. you saw screen shots of the game didnt you?

Wasn't aware there were any screenshots. All I've seen is the concept art with the deformed chibi characters (not even sure it was for this GnG online game: isn't there an MMO and a Fighter in development?)


Dave Long said:
What a poor match to a userbase. It's pretty clear that series of games with familiar characters long time console gamers love end up tanking on Xbox.

Ninja Gaiden did well.


Queen of Denmark
Dave Long said:
What a poor match to a userbase. It's pretty clear that series of games with familiar characters long time console gamers love end up tanking on Xbox. I'm sure someone can read off a list of Sega's bombs on the system for starters. Those gamers are on PS2 and to a lesser extent Gamecube. Why Capcom and other companies like them can't figure this out is beyond me.

The best way to succeed on Xbox is to either be Tecmo or create an all new property for the system. PC properties are always welcome too.

Also, I think people who believe the Xbox will be supported all that much after the Xbox2 are fooling themselves. Microsoft seems to be winding down its own Xbox support and encouraging third parties to make the jump to Xenon as well. You might see an occasional Xbox release in the post-Xenon world, but I don't think it'll be anything to get excited about.
Sounds like the two separate GnG online games have been merged into one. The MMO part of the gig probably didn't work out so well and really, this is a bit late in the game for one to be released on any platform. Personally, this game sounded really iffy from the start and would probably tank regardless of platform. The only reason it's probably going to hit XBOX and not the other consoles is Live's easier online implementation -- heavy lifting done by MS, unlike a PS2 or, heh, GC title online where the publisher & developer is having to handle it including costs.


Obviously Xbox Live is a better service to code for than... whatever the PS2 online thingie is called. Doesn't making a PS2 game online require servers on the developer side as well?


MightyHedgehog said:
The only reason it's probably going to hit XBOX and not the other consoles is Live's easier online implementation -- heavy lifting done by MS, unlike a PS2 or, heh, GC title online where the publisher & developer is having to handle it including costs.
Actually, it's probably because Game Factory can probably handle the relatively simple port from PC to XBox easier. I'm not sure if they've ever developed a PS2 game before.


Jesus, the haters don't relent.

Anyway... this game looked like crap when it was shown initially. It's bound to bomb wherever it's released.


And even i am moderately surprised
i'm gonna make a hot prediction

this game = Monster hunter in a GnG world.
No need for a PS2 version due to monster hunter.

can i have a lolly??

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