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Captain Toad $39.99 @ Newegg, appears to be msrp


We still don't know enough about the game to be able to judge whether or not that's a reasonable price. Remember, they charged the same amount for Game & Wario.


We still don't know enough about the game to be able to judge whether or not that's a reasonable price. Remember, they charged the same amount for Game & Wario.

True, Wii Sports Club also was this price, but they were both mini game collections. This seems to be a full game as far as we know, was expecting similar price to DKTF so for now I think its priced good.


$40 seems like the only price. It's basically an expansion pack to 3d world, right?

Uh, no. This is a fully fledged game based on the Captain Toad stages. I mean a full featured title.

It's just hard to do a lot of those puzzles without getting stale quick, and puzzle games rarely are $60 games.

I am actually hopeful that Amiibo, already announced to work, adds some neat some stuff, and they have DLC levels and bonus stuff
$40 seems like the only price. It's basically an expansion pack to 3d world, right?

From what I've seen of it, it seem to be recycling an awful lot. I'm not saying the levels aren't all new, and they've done some graphical tweaks thanks in part to the restricted scope, but the gears and assets of 3D World seem to be heavily reused.


Membero Americo

So in Canada, probably $55 then?

Sweet, will get it for $32 thanks to best buy. Can't wait to play this, Captain Toad is my favorite thing about Super Mario 3D World
That's pretty much what I expected it to be. Doesn't seem like the typical full price Nintendo release. Cheaper would be even better.


Would've preferred $29.99, same price as Luigi U, but if there's enough content I'll totally bite at $39.99.
I've been planning on getting this at launch regardless of price.


Would pay full price because it's probably packed with content, but I must say that it should be released on 3DS too the perspective stuff is perfect for 3D, well it goes for the next year list because my wallet can't get more empty this year with Wii U and 3DS releases.


From what I've seen of it, it seem to be recycling an awful lot. I'm not saying the levels aren't all new, and they've done some graphical tweaks thanks in part to the restricted scope, but the gears and assets of 3D World seem to be heavily reused.

Luigi U was pretty much all recycled assets but it's fine because a) the price was reasonable, and b) the amount of new content was comparable to a new game.

Nothing they've said or shown assures me that the same will be true of Captain Toad, and that's what bothers me. I know it's Nintendo and they don't ever tell you about anything until a week before release, but still, they need to start talking.


My most anticipated game. Glad to know it will be at that price. Just hoping for a release date this holiday and I'm all set!



I knew I should have put E3 order in Amazon instead of Futureshop :(
Guess I'll just take comfort in the fact that it'll probably be a great game and that it's the only game (other than maybe Splatoon) that I ordered which probably won't get a lower price.
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