Odnetnin said:
and the fuzzy photo conceals how OLD they all are.
Have I told you guys about my brief retail experience where I carded Princess Leia a few years ago? True story:
I worked part time (whopping 8 hours a week) at Best Buy when I moved to LA to get employee discount on stuff (doesn't work as well as you'd think kids. Don't bother).
One X-Mas season, they had me as cashier, due to shortage of help. So few days before X-mas, I was working. It was especially busy that day cause it was literally like the 23st. I was zapping away and taking people money in a frenzy.
So this one older lady comes up to my station, with a CD player or something. A normal looking middle aged lady, like someone's mom or aunt, paying with her credit card. So without missing a beat, I asked for her driver's license. She had this annoyed look on her face, but handed it to me right away. So I look at the license. It says "Carrie Fisher" on it. In my mind I said "that's funny. It's the same name as Princess Leia". Then I looked at the picture on the license. It sorta looked like an older Princess Leia. At this moment I'm thinking: "Uh oh...." I look up, and sort of avoiding eye contact is *gulp* Princess Leia, looking alot like my old high school librarian.
I mumbled something incoherent back to her in combination of shock and embarrassment and handed back her licesne and credit card. She signed the recipt thingy and she was gone. I turned to the cashier next to me and said "I just carded Princess Leia. I think I just forfeited on my lifetime membership to Sci-fi fanboy geek club".