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I wonder how George Lucas feels about modern SW

I think he has mixed feelings.

I bet he thinks Disney Star Wars is bad and uninspired just like we all do.

But I also think he was so sick of his fans by the end there that he feels some schadenfreude that the fans are still upset, but also relief that they're not upset at him anymore.


I have a feeling he might regret stipulating that they have to give it to KK. At least that's the reason I like to think she is still there because I mean...just how badly can they love losing money, I don't get it.


I bet he thinks Disney Star Wars is bad and uninspired just like we all do.
Yea he hates it so much he hate watches it as they make it.



Suffers with mild autism
Yea he hates it so much he hate watches it as they make it.

for what it's worth, Ahsoka seems to have been an intentional "let's try something different and play more homage to Lucas's prequel-verse" moment for Disney. The character, lore, etc is all Lucas's from his Clone Wars, plus bringing back his Anakin and other prequels elements / imagery. Not surprising they invited him to come to the set.


Probably fine with it since he's constantly visiting the sets and aiding people to make the movies/shows.

Most recent example: the director of the Rey movie discussed the movie with him.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
In private he’s probably pissed off but in his multi billion dollar NDA he’s probably forbidden from saying certain things.

Now I don’t go round looking on the internet for every Lucas quote since the sale but suspect he cannot say how he really feels either way.


for what it's worth, Ahsoka seems to have been an intentional "let's try something different and play more homage to Lucas's prequel-verse" moment for Disney. The character, lore, etc is all Lucas's from his Clone Wars, plus bringing back his Anakin and other prequels elements / imagery. Not surprising they invited him to come to the set.
That’s Mando.


Probably fine with it since he's constantly visiting the sets and aiding people to make the movies/shows.

Exactly. It's become pretty clear over the last decade that his problem at the beginning (which sparked the "white slavers" stuff) was with JJ Abrams and what he did with TFA. George was working on Episode VII since 2010 or so (he first told Hamill and Fisher about it over lunch in 2011). He hired the writer of Little Miss Sunshine and Toy Story 3 to write a draft and they did extensive concept art for it (which a lot is included in the Art of TLJ book). JJ Abrams came in and threw 99.9% of that out to remake ANH and try to turn Star Wars into a JJ Abrams/Bad Robot property. Michael Arndt retained a story credit on TFA because the search for Luke came from his script, except that's only like the first act. Then they find him early on and he's become Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now like in TLJ.

Since TFA he's seemed to like whatever JJ Abrams wasn't doing in Star Wars.

Most recent example: the director of the Rey movie discussed the movie with him.

Well, he created the character (she was inspired by his daughters), so it'd make sense.


What is sad is that JJ made the best movie in they ST. It achieved lift off with memberberries in a creatively bankrupt remake and then when it could have gained altitude from there crashed immediately.

I know that these films contain elements of George's ideas but I don't think that necessarily means he loves the final execution. Didn't he finally let some comment slip out that implied some criticism?


Star Wars was a fluke that probably took Lucas by surprise as much as it did everyone else. He struggled with the follow-ups, and arguably the best film in the original trilogy was the one he didn't direct.
The best one is the one with the Ewoks.
Everything he did to reignite the magic post-Star Wars came off as clumsy and ill-advised. The prequels,
The prequels started off strong, with Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans. I would love to see a story about a collaboration between Ewoks and Gungans.


George Lucas cares first and foremost about money. Art is a secondary concern.
This. I don't know if that rumor is true, but he apparently did the Enhanced OT in order not to continue to pay his ex-wife for all the editing she did on the New Hope (which apparently saved the movie, because George's version was an incoherent mess).

For all the terribly rich men it's always about the number in their bank account and getting it higher than their peers.


Suffers with mild autism
What is sad is that JJ made the best movie in they ST. It achieved lift off with memberberries in a creatively bankrupt remake and then when it could have gained altitude from there crashed immediately.
I actually agree that The Force Awakens was the best Star Wars film post-ROTJ.

That's not huge praise, because I find everything after the 80s movies (with the exception of 90s Star Wars computer games) to be a cosplay imitation of the original trilogy at best. And TFA was full of absolutely idiotic ideas, paper thin lead character, etc... but it was an entertaining film that could have set up a great trilogy, if they hadn't wasted all the things it prepared immediately after.

Of course, one major problem here is that TFA was clearly written in the same way that most trash content is written today (eg. Star Trek Discover or Picard, and all other franchises increasingly): they didn't even know where they were going with the plot, they didn't actually know who Rey was yet, all of it was braindead "mystery boxes" they put in with hopes that the audience would be entranced and that the next film might figure out a solution or another mystery to add on top.

I blame Lost, and maybe X-Files before it. The "just add mysteries to keep people going, solve them later" bit has ruined media. It's the most retarded possible way to write.




Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Who knows, he's an elderly billionaire boomer .

If you could go back in time to 1978 and show some of this shit to that George Lucas, he would be horrified.


Who knows, he's an elderly billionaire boomer .

If you could go back in time to 1978 and show some of this shit to that George Lucas, he would be horrified.
I don’t think he’d be horrified at all. If you jump in a Time Machine and show me a billion dollars I’m gonna make from my imagination I’d give you a big hug.

Might shake my head at what would become of my idea, but that pain would be fleeting. Hundreds of thousand of dollars per hour kind of fleeting.
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Gold Member
It must be brutal waking up in your giant mansion every morning shouldering the burden that everything you now own is because you sold your soul to one of the most vile and disgusting megacorps in the world and the thing you created and owned once is now being systematically ravaged to the point that actually revolts people.

But hey, at least you have obscene amounts of money so I guess there's that.


He called Disney the “white slavers”. He was right. I bet he thinks they suck and don’t understand the force.

The White Slavers comment was following what JJ did with TFA. Since then he’s been on the sets of the shows and movies and even directed a scene. All of this is explained in this thread.


He evidently has liked some things and disliked other things but ultimately doesn't care that much.

However, we do know that he backs Disney as a brand, a company and has the owner of the property. He made so clear when he support them in the proxy battle over the board against Nelson Peltz; a guy who basicsllt spewed basic "anti woke" rhetoric in his bid for the takeover.


I think this speaks for itself.
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